Missing Safe, Pedestrian Struck and an Uninvited Guest
- Wednesday, 19 May 2010 11:30
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 May 2010 17:20
- Published: Wednesday, 19 May 2010 11:30
- Hits: 64192
Burglary: a safe containing important documents, gold coins, and a $50,000 fountain pen collection was stolen from a Lebanon Road home, sometime between 6:30 pm on 5/14 and 9:30 pm on May 15th. The safe had been in a second floor office, covered by clothing. The safe was heavy and would have required two people to carry it. There were no signs of forced entry into the house and cash, jewelry and electronics placed in the same area as the safe were left untouched.
Damage: The glass storm door was damaged and the front door was found ajar at a Black Birch Road home at 4 pm on 5/12. Kristina Posey returned home to find the broken glass. Police determined that the glass panel had not been properly secured and bumped against the front door when it fell.
A Birch Lane home was egged at 10:30 on Friday night 5/14. The resident heard shouting and a car driving way.
Just minutes later, at 10:40 on Friday night, a rock was thrown through the bedroom window of a Cayuga Road home.
A Fairview Road woman reported that someone stuck a stick through their rear screen door and created a hole sometime during the weekend of May 14th
A Heathcote Road woman reported that someone had spray painted a sign she keeps on her front lawn to slow traffic when her children are outside playing. The incident was reported on 5/12.
Fights: Police responded to a 911 call to a Continental Road home on the afternoon of 5/12. A mother and son had gotten into an argument and following the spat the son took the car keys and drove away.
An altercation broke out between Robert Rosenberg of Kent Road and Paul Cintra of Greenkeepers Tree Company. Mr. Rosenberg was walking across the Post Road at Olmstead Road in the crosswalk on the morning of 5/13 when he claimed that Mr. Cintra, who was driving, came close to hitting him. Cintra was making a left onto Tompkins Road from the Post Road.
Missing: A Middle School girl failed to attend classes at the school after she was dropped off there on the morning of May 10. The school notified the student’s father, who called the police. Patrol searched the school and found the student in the downstairs bathroom. She was turned over to her school guidance counselor for follow up.
Strange Missive: A Zachys employee reported that he received a strange letter including newspaper clippings, political commentary, rantings and ravings on May 11. He wanted to record the incident.
Power Tool: A Sage Terrace man came to police headquarters on May 2 to report that someone was using a power saw at 9:30 am at his neighbor’s home in violation of the village code. Since police did not witness the incident they could not issue a summons. The man then took the incident, which he documented on video, to the Village Attorney who was also unable to take action and referred the incident back to the police.
Solicitor: A Hillview Road resident reported that a man was going door-to-door, claiming to be soliciting for a construction company on the afternoon of May 11. Police found the man who was an employee of Urban Development Solutions of Michigan City, Indiana. He was actually selling magazine subscriptions and was issued a Village Code Summons for soliciting without a permit.
Fraud: A Black Birch Road man reported fraud on his Yahoo account on May 12. Karl Maramorosch responded to a fraudulent email requesting his date of birth and Yahoo password. With that information, someone changed his password, locked him out of his account and sent emails to his contact list. The emails requested $1,940 to assist Maramorosch, claiming that his “hotel in Wales was razed by fire and he needed $1,940 to relocate.” Upon learning about the fraudulent emails from a friend, the resident contacted Yahoo to block his old account and establish a new one.
Uninvited Guest: Warren Cole of Manhattan entered an Innes Road home without ringing the bell on the evening of May 12th. He had come to Scarsdale to attend a Shiva but found out he had the wrong address. The surprised resident let him know that the family he was looking for no longer lived there.
Found: Andrew Weisfeld of Heathcote Road found a brown Labrador retriever on Heathcote Road on the morning of 5/13. He attempted to return the dog to the owner but no one was home so he placed the dog in a dog pen in his own backyard. When the owner came home, the dog was returned.
Man with a Camera: On the afternoon of 5-14 a caller reported a man with a camera on the grounds of Scarsdale High School. Police searched the area but were unable to locate him.
A large group of students were reported to be hanging out at Hyatt Field on Friday night May 14 at 9 pm. Police arrived and saw several kids leaving the area.
Central Taxi picked up two boys at 65 Saxon Woods Road at 1:49 am on May 15th. He drove them to Grove Street in White Plains and they ran out of the taxi without paying.
Followed: On Saturday morning 5/15 Sherrian Grant said that she was followed by a dark car with tinted windows as she walked on Fenimore Road in Mamaroneck. She flagged down another car and was driven to East Parkway in Scarsdale where she reported the incident.
Barry Tucker of Manhattan claimed that his EZ Pass was stolen from his car when it was transported from Palm Beach Florida to the Quaker Ridge Golf Club in April. Though there was an EZ Pass in the car, he later determined that it was not his and it had been placed in his car to replace his EZ Pass. Over two hundred dollars in unauthorized charges were made on his account. The incident was reported on 5/15.
Beer Cans: A Foxhall Place resident found empty beer bottles in his bushes on the morning of 5/15. Police agreed to take extra ride-bys to check the property in the future.
Ground Hog Day: White Birch Lane residents found a sick animal in their yard on Sunday afternoon 5/16. Police arrived and identified it as a sick ground hog. They received permission to kill it and fired two rounds at the ground hog and then removed it from the yard.
Car Accidents:
A Scarsdale resident, driving a 2008 Cadillac was making a left turn onto Popham Road from Garth Road when he struck a pedestrian in the crosswalk at noon on Wednesday May 12th. The pedestrian, Samuel Cohen of Lynwood Road, Scarsdale, complained of pain in his leg and was taken to Westchester Medical Center by SVAC.
Dean David Mendelowitz’s 2007 Honda was parked in the staff lot at SHS on May 11th when it was hit by another car driven by a student.
On the morning of 5/15 two cars collided at the intersection of Mamaroneck Road and the southbound exit ramp of the Hutchinson River Parkway. The collision caused a 1999 Chevy Van to spin around, leave the roadway and ram into a stonewall owned by the Saxon Wood Golf Course. No injuries were reported.
Jean Eisenstein, a 97 year-old White Plains driver ran into a car driven by Cole Ilana Yaverbaum of Larchmont on Popham Road on Friday morning 5/14. Yaverbaum was travelling west on Popham Road when Eisenstein turned left from Lockwood onto Popham and caused the collision.
Lucas Remedios of Hartsdale was the victim of a hit and run accident when a pick up truck hit his car on Fenimore Road and sped away without stopping. The incident occurred at 4 pm on 5/13.
Two 78-year old drivers ran into each other on Sprague Road, when one driver attempted to go around the other. The driver thought the car she was passing was parked.
From the Greenburgh Police Blotter:
Impaled Deer: On Monday night May 10 around 10 pm a large deer was found impaled on the fence of Mount Hope Cemetery. Two stakes from the fence had impaled the deer in the chest and lungs and the animal was struggling to breathe. Police shot one .40 caliber round, killed the deer and removed it from the fence. Notification was made to the Town Highway Department to remove the carcass and Mt. Hope Cemetery was also contacted to advise them of the incident.
While shopping at the Christmas Tree Shop on the afternoon of 5/12, Anita Cozza, age 63 of Armonk had her bag stolen while it was sitting in her shopping cart. She was looking at items on shelves when she noticed her bag was missing. Though the video surveillance was on at the store it did not record the incident.
Nadin Abraham of Chicago came into the Chase Bank on East Hartsdale Avenue on the afternoon of 5/12 and attempted to withdrawal $3,900.00 from an account. The account was flagged for possible fraudulent activity by the Chase security department. Abraham did have a driver’s license with the correct name but when the bank called the fraud department she fled the bank and left the license.
An employee of Urban Development Solutions was found going door to door on Tanglewood Road in Scarsdale on the afternoon of May 15. He was advised of the town code that prevents solicitation without a permit and he was taken to Central Avenue by police where he was picked up.
A Nissan Pathfinder, parked on Dromore Road on Monday morning 5/17 was vandalized. Someone broke the rear drivers side window of the car and stole a purse from the backseat. The purse contained a blackberry, several credit cards, a NYS driver’s license and $50 in cash.