SHS PTA Voices Support for the Proposed 2020-21 School Budget
- Wednesday, 20 May 2020 14:09
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 20 May 2020 14:09
- Published: Wednesday, 20 May 2020 14:09
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1566
Dear Scarsdale Board of Education,
The Scarsdale High School PTA Executive Committee supports the proposed 2020-2021 school budget as adopted by the Scarsdale Board of Education on May 13th.
We extend our gratitude and appreciation to the Board of Education, and the District and School Administrations for all their hard work in developing the proposed School Budget for 2020-2021. This is a challenging process under the best of circumstances and the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 health crisis has made this year's budget process significantly more difficult. We feel that the Board and the District Administration have created a budget that not only provides the financial support to maintain the educational excellence of our schools and to preserve the property values of our homes, but also, with only a 1.19% increase over this year’s budget, responds to the real concerns of our taxpayers in these uncertain economic times.
In addition, we applaud the Board's decision to use $700,000 from Debt Service, that was earmarked in the 2014 School Bond for repairs and renovations to the high school auditorium, to complete several updates to the auditorium that are critical to the safety and education of our students. This use of funds accomplishes these much needed repairs with zero increase to the total budget.
We commend the Board of Education, the District and High School Administrations for their commitment to the education of our students and thank them for their time, expertise and responsiveness during this budget process.
The Scarsdale High PTA Executive Committee
Deb Morel, President
Leanne Freda, President-Elect
Rokaya Hassaballa, VP Membership & Events
Jennifer Rossano, VP Programming & Volunteers
Seema Jaggi, Treasurer
Beth Cukier, Recording Secretary
Dana Matsushita, Corresponding Secretary