Sunday, Mar 09th

2020 Procedure Committee Invites Residents to Run for CNC

HandsUpThe Procedure Committee invites Scarsdale residents to run for a position on the nonpartisan Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC). As one of 30 volunteers on the CNC you will interview, evaluate and select candidates running in the March 16, 2021 village-wide election on the nonpartisan slate for positions on the village board, including a new mayor and trustees.

A candidate for membership on the CNC must be a qualified voter (U.S. citizen and 18 years of age or older), and a resident of Scarsdale for at least two years. The filing deadline for two simple CNC application forms is Wednesday, September 30. The CNC election will be held by mail-in ballot (unless otherwise feasible at Village Hall on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 from 7 AM to 9 PM).

The CNC meets 5 or 6 times on weekday evenings beginning at the end of November. CNC meeting dates for 2020-2021 are: Monday, November 30, 2020 (Organization Meeting); Monday, December 7, 2020; Wednesday, December 16, 2020; Wednesday, January 6, 2021; Monday, January 11, 2021; and if necessary, Wednesday, January 20, 2021. If in person meetings are not feasible, the CNC will meet virtually on the Zoom platform instead.

For more information contact the Chair of the Procedure Committee, Sarit Kessel Fuchs, Quaker Ridge, at or Vice Chair Becky Bach, Edgewood, at The members of the 2020-2021 Procedure Committee, the nonpartisan group of Scarsdale volunteers who administer the nonpartisan election of a new group of 10 members of the CNC annually, are: Becky Bach – Vice Chair, Heedan Chung-Goh, Susan Duncan, Madelaine Eppenstein, Sarit Kessel Fuchs – Chair, Dan Gerardi, Sal Jain, Jon Leslie, Barry Meiselman, Michelle Lichtenberg, BK Munguia, Jeannie Rosenthal, Andrew Sereysky, Adie Shore, Greg Soldatenko, Peter Tesler, Gabrielle Wise, and Bob Wolloch.