Sunday, Mar 09th

How do you Perceive Diversity and Inclusion in Scarsdale? Give Your Input

surveyThe Ad Hoc Council to Combat Racism and Bias (CCRB), formed by resolution of the Village Board on July 20, 2020, is interested in learning about your viewpoints on diversity and inclusion in Scarsdale, including the incidence of discrimination and bias within the community.

To that end, the CCRB has been conducting listening sessions over the past several months with various segments of our community and is now expanding outreach to solicit insights and experiences from all residents, as well as others who visit, work, and have other occasion to be in Scarsdale. While such sessions have been focused on gaining insights from target Scarsdale population to-date, the next listening session, being held on Wednesday, January 27, at 8:00 PM by ZOOM, is to hear from all Scarsdale residents wishing to express their viewpoint or relate a specific experience. To participate, please send an email to the CCRB using and a confirmation will be provided, including the information needed to join the listening session. Please note that the CCRB listening sessions are not public meetings; only persons wishing to convey their relevant viewpoints and experience(s) are invited to participate and there will not be opportunity for Q&A or other form of public comment.

To facilitate broad public participation in this effort, including persons unable to attend a CCRB listening session, the CCRB has launched a Community Experience Questionnaire.

Every Scarsdale resident is requested to complete the online questionnaire, indicating whether they have experienced racism, bias, or discrimination in Scarsdale, and if so, to share such experiences with the Council. In addition, please provide ideas focused on how Scarsdale can be a more inclusive community. Non-residents are encouraged to complete the questionnaire, as well. Hard copies are available in the Village Hall lobby and may also be requested by emailing Feedback received will help to inform future public meetings on this topic and help to shape the findings and recommendations report that will be prepared and presented to the Village Board. Please take time to complete the Community Experience Questionnaire today.