Sunday, Mar 09th

Apply Now for a Freightway Garage Parking Permit

freightwayThe application period for Freightway Garage Semi-Annual permits is now open. Permits will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis, so apply today!

Permit applications will only be accepted by mail or via the drop box marked Parking Permits, located at the Village Hall front entrance. Please be advised that having a permit does not guarantee a parking space.

Important Information to Remember:

1. There are no automatic renewals – existing permit holders must reapply and are not guaranteed a permit; apply as early as possible to increase your chance of success.

2. Permits, which are issued electronically by license plate number, will be valid from April 01, 2021, through September 30, 2021.

3. Semi-annual permits for residents and Scarsdale Village Center merchants (and their employees) are $605.00; the fee for non-residents is $880.00. All payments must be by check or money order, payable to the Village of Scarsdale.

4. All permit applicants must supply a copy of their valid driver’s license, vehicle registration(s) for up to two cars per permit, and both home and work telephone numbers. Applicants requesting a resident permit must also provide a copy of their most recent utility bill. Employees of Scarsdale Village Center merchants seeking a permit must provide a note from their employer on business stationery, as well as a copy of their most recent paycheck stub.

No person with an unpaid parking ticket is eligible to apply for or receive a permit until the ticket is paid in full. The permit application and terms and conditions are available online