Sunday, Mar 09th

Attention Smokers: You Could Be Fined $100 for Smoking in Town

no smoking design template 4fbd3088a360e2d8021e81ae33f193da screenAt the same time that Scarsdale Village Trustees voted to ban the sale of cannabis and smoking lounges in the Village, they also enacted a new law that bans smoking – of any substance – on public property in Scarsdale. The new smoking ban goes into effect on January 1, 2022, and if you light up in a public place you can be fined up to $100. However in order to adjust to the new law, for the first 60 days of the new year, violators will only be given a warning.

Here is an announcement of the new law from the Village of Scarsdale:

Smoking Law Enforcement Takes Effect January 01, 2022

Starting January 01, 2022, enforcement of the new local law regarding Chapter 252 of the Village Code prohibiting the smoking of tobacco and cannabis on public property will commence (final draft of the law available here). This new law prohibits the burning of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or vape system containing tobacco or cannabis at Village facilities, recreation spaces including fields, parks and playgrounds, and municipal parking lots, as well as on public streets and sidewalks within the Village Center and any business districts or buffer parking zones.

To help the public adjust to this new law, the Village is providing a sixty (60) day transition period, during which time the Scarsdale Police Department will only issue warnings for violations of this local law. Thereafter, violations will be subject to the issuance of fines.

Thank you for your cooperation in implementation of this legislation.