Saturday, Oct 05th

taxgrievanceDo you have questions about your real estate taxes? How will the increase in sale prices affect your taxes? What does the equalization rate mean and will Scarsdale have another reassessment? We asked Scarsdale Village Assessor Victoria Sirota for some answers and here is what we learned.

For the first time in many years Scarsdale has a 100% equalization rate. Can you explain what that means?

At its simplest, an equalization rate is a measurement of the overall level of assessment relative to the full market value at which a municipality is assessing all of its real property. Equalization rates are calculated annually by the appraisal staff at the Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS) and are used for a variety of purposes including but not limited to the apportionment of the county tax and distribution of state aid. The 100% equalization rate determined by ORPTS for the 2021 assessment year is Scarsdale’s most current level of assessment. Since Scarsdale is not considered to be an annual reassessment municipality, the equalization rate of 100% is merely a reflection of the assessments to their market value based on the state’s market measurements. It does not mean that the municipality is assessing properties at 100% of their market value. Being a non-reassessment municipality means that assessments are not annually reviewed and adjusted to reflect the market on a town wide basis. As such, the Assessor will not have the authority to reassess any and all inequitable assessments. The assessor will utilize this year’s equalization rate, as in prior years, to determine the assessed value of new improvements as well as to determine the market value of a property when conducting an assessment review at the homeowner’s request.

The chart below shows the equalization rate since 2016. Keep in mind that an increasing equalization rate denotes a declining market and vice versa.

How will the hot home sales market affect Scarsdale taxes?

The property tax is an ad valorem tax, meaning that it is based on the value of real property. In order to levy and collect property taxes, the value of each individual property in the town must be determined. This is the job of the assessor. Assessors have no control over taxes as taxes are not a function of the job of the assessor. Taxes are determined by county, school, village and town boards. It is important to know that Scarsdale does not gain increased revenues when assessments increase as assessments are revenue neutral. Furthermore, if the aggregate assessed value increases and the tax levy remains unchanged, the tax rate would decrease. The “hot” home sales market in Scarsdale has highlighted the fact that assessments have become outdated since the last town wide revaluation as the spread between assessed values and market values has increased in the past year. This trend will likely be a consideration for the Board of Trustees in planning for the next reassessment project.

When can a home be reassessed? After a sale? After renovations?

In a non- reassessment municipality like Scarsdale, the assessor is bound to strict rules, regulations and procedures set forth by New York State whereby they are obligated to determine the market value of all real property based on annual building permits and assessment review requests. In a reassessment municipality, the rules, regulations and procedures slightly vary in that the assessor has the additional authority to reassess any and all inequitable assessments. Under the state’s strict guidelines, assessors are not allowed to adjust assessments (either up or down) based on sales price. However, it is the assessor’s job to review and reduce assessments, if necessary, at the homeowner’s request.

Do you expect that Scarsdale will have to do revaluations again on a more regular basis or will the grieving process keep assessments in line with the market?

While assessment review requests enable the assessor to review the assessment of a single property, this process does not create assessment fairness and equity throughout the municipality since the assessor does not have the ability to correct any and all inequitable assessments. For example, if assessments are lower than market value, homeowners typically would not challenge the assessment. To ensure that all properties are assessed fairly, assessors should conduct periodic reassessments. A reassessment is the comprehensive review and updating of all property values in a community. By adjusting the “assessed value” of each property to reflect full market value, assessors do not raise or lower the property tax for a community, but rather “level the playing field” so that all properties are fairly assessed and pay only their fair share of taxes. It is important to note that if the aggregate assessed value increases and the tax levy remains unchanged, the municipal tax rate would decrease.

Do you expect more/fewer grievances this year?

As is the case every year, if residents believe that their assessment is unfair, they are encouraged to speak to their assessor and/or formally challenge their assessment by filing an assessment review application. There is no cost to review an assessment and one does not need to hire a lawyer. The body that hears assessment grievances and determines their outcome is the Board of Assessment Review, the members of which are appointed by the Town Board. Pursuant to New York State law, assessment challenges can be filed with the Assessor’s office between June 1st and the third Tuesday in June, or June 15th for this year’s statutory grievance deadline. To reiterate, the job of the Assessor is to ensure that assessments are fair and equitable and to help the public understand their assessment and adjust it when necessary. It is important to remember that taxes cannot be grieved with the assessor, only assessments. If the property can be sold for the assessor’s estimate of the full market value, the assessment is most likely to be fair.

The chart below indicates that the number of grievances filed in each of the past five years has been declining.


VisionAt her first meeting as Mayor of Scarsdale on Tuesday April 6, 2021, Trustee Jane Veron outlined a new structure for Board work and committees to facilitate an ambitious agenda for her term. Along with Mayor Veron, this was the first meeting for newly elected Trustees Sameer Ahuja and Karen Brew. Trustee Justin Arest will serve as Deputy Mayor.

The work session helped orient the new members on the Board’s rules and regulations and provided an opportunity to Mayor Veron to convey her vision to the public.

Mayor Veron introduced her vision and new Board structure that is designed to engage all Board members and will evolve as time goes on. She explained her plans saying, "The Village Board is excited to introduce this new framework to guide our strategic and financial planning. We have articulated Four Pillars of government: 1. Quality of Life 2. Infrastructure, Municipal Services & Sustainability 3. Public Safety 4. Economic Development & Land Use. We have also identified key Enablers: Technology, Communications, Personnel, and Law. Each of these Pillars and Enablers will receive close attention from the Village Board as we carve out priorities for the coming years. The Board is determined to integrate strategic and financial planning and will also reevaluate the budget process as well as the underpinnings of strong financial management. The Board will meet in public work sessions over the next two months to drill down on the detail. There is a tremendous amount of Board enthusiasm to lead the Village in reimagining the future at this important juncture in Scarsdale’s history."

In addition to the four pillars, she outlined Special Assignments including 1. The Pool Complex, 2. Complete Streets / Village Center, and 3. Village Manager Search. When speaking about the Complete the Streets/Village Center category, Mayor Veron said that she hopes to both make streets safer and more sustainable and complete ongoing roadwork and construction projects. There are also four categories of “Underpinnings” which includes Technology, Communications, Personnel, and Law. Each issue area will have a Chair, a First Vice Chair, and a Second Vice Chair, with the exception of the Underpinning teams, which do not have a Second Vice Chair. Below are the Trustee assignments for each committee.

Strategic & Financial Planning Veron2021
• Chair: Mayor Veron
• First Vice Chair: Deputy Mayor Arest
• Second Vice Chair: Trustee Lewis

Quality of Life
• Chair: Trustee Whitestone
• First Vice Chair: Trustee Crandall
• Second Vice Chair: Trustee Ahuja

Infrastructure, Municipal Services & Sustainability
• Chair: Trustee Crandall
• First Vice Chair: Trustee Lewis
• Second Vice Chair: Trustee Brew

Public Safety
• Chair: Trustee Lewis
• First Vice Chair: Trustee Crandall
• Second Vice Chair: Trustee Brew

Economic Development & Land Use
• Chair: Deputy Mayor Arest
• First Vice Chair: Trustee Lewis
• Second Vice Chair: Trustee Ahuja

Pool Complex
• Chair: Mayor Veron
• First Vice Chair: Deputy Mayor Arest
• Second Vice Chair: Trustee Ahuja

Complete Streets / Village Center
• Chair: Mayor Veron
• First Vice Chair: Deputy Mayor Arest
• Second Vice Chair: Trustee Lewis

Village Manager Search
• Chair: Mayor Veron
• First Vice Chair: Deputy Mayor Arest
• Second Vice Chair: Trustee Whitestone

• Chair: Trustee Ahuja
• First Vice Chair: Trustee Lewis

• Chair: Trustee Whitestone
• First Vice Chair: Trustee Ahuja

• Chair: Trustee Brew
• First Vice Chair: Trustee Whitestone

• Chair: Trustee Crandall
• First Vice Chair: Trustee Brew

This new committee structure received high praise from the Board members, who believe that this model will help them achieve goals more efficiently. Deputy Mayor Arest commented that although Manager Pappalardo will be missed, the search for a new Village Manager presents an opportunity to bring in new ideas and cultivate best practices. While Manager Pappalardo was supportive of Mayor Veron’s ambitious agenda, he also urged the Board to take a cautious and practical approach as to what can be accomplished within a realistic timeframe.


Mayor Veron reviewed her Culture and Values Presentation and stated that the pillars of the Board must be integrity, trust, respect, open mindedness, and assume best intent. In order to achieve progress, she said that the public must have visibility to important issues and regular updates of ongoings of the board. Additionally, work sessions will continue to be used for discussion and deliberation for best outcomes. She requested that all issues and concerns be raised with her in the hopes of bringing matters to the public in a timely matter without blindsiding anyone. She also emphasized the importance of the Board being prepared for unanticipated challenges on top of the usual business of the Board.

Trustee Lewis noted how wonderful it was to have over 100 people participate in the forum last week on the proposed leaf blower legislation. He said the Board should always raise issues that deeply concern the community in work sessions. He also suggested the development of a Scarsdale app that would give community members easy access to Scarsdale information and services. Trustee Crandall added that the work session is the best forum for the public to challenge the Board. Trustee Whitestone also commented that the Board must try not to be static when it comes to discussing issues; he suggested creating a queue of issues that the Board is thinking about that may or may not be discussed in meetings. This queue can be flexible, and it would be an indication to the public about what the Board has on its mind.

Also at the meeting, Village Attorney Pozin reviewed the legal guidelines that govern the Board. He highlighted that any gathering of four or more members where business is transacted on behalf of the village constitutes a Board meeting. If there is an official meeting, then the public must be provided notice and have permission to view. Certain matters, such as issues pertaining to law enforcement, current and future investigations, and collective bargaining, can be discussed privately in Executive Session. Attorney client privilege is also an exception to the public meetings law, however these meetings must be limited to legal advice. While Board of Trustee meetings legally must be held in person, Governor Cuomo issued an Executive Order that temporarily allows Scarsdale to hold virtual meetings due to the pandemic. This Executive Order is in place until April 20th and may be extended at the discretion of the governor.

Village Manager Pappalardo reviewed general guidelines related to meeting agendas, Executive Session, press calls, policy versus operational matters, and resolution assignments. While a Board member may be assigned to present a resolution, that does not mean that person must agree with the contents of the resolution. When presenting the resolution, members have the option to read them verbatim, but Manager Pappalardo stated that it is more impactful for members to understand the contents and summarize the resolution for the public. He also emphasized that the Trustee Statesmanship Policy is to represent the Board with integrity and honor.

Manager Pappalardo emphasized that the Board has the capacity to remove the Village Manager at any point if they find the manager to be non-responsive or ineffective. Scarsdale is currently searching for a candidate to replace Manager Pappalardo when he retires this summer. Pappalardo stated that the manager works at the pleasure of the Board, and that person can easily be replaced by the Board if his or her work is unsatisfactory.

BOTMarch2021On Tuesday, March 23rd, Village Mayor Marc Samwick hosted his last Board of Trustees meeting as the Mayor of Scarsdale. For Trustees Rochelle Waldman and Seth Ross, this meeting also marked their last, as their terms as trustees come to an end this month. In his opening remarks, Mayor Samwick spoke about the senseless killing of eight people in Atlanta and the horrific hate crimes against the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. As a village, Scarsdale seeks “to build a community that is just, fair, welcoming and inclusive, where dignity is maintained. We value and celebrate our community’s cultural commonalities and differences while strongly rejecting bias towards any group.” Mayor Samwick encouraged residents to attend the Vigil in Chase Park this Saturday, March 27th from 1-3 pm to honor the victims of this horrifying and deadly attack. Click here to read his statement.

Mayor Samwick went on to congratulate newly elected incoming Mayor Jane Veron who is an “exemplary volunteer and leader” and said that “we are in outstanding hands with Jane at the helm and I could not personally select a more qualified and proven leader than Jane to be our next Mayor.” He then addressed the entire Board and highlighted the best qualities of each trustee. Speaking to the two retiring members, Mayor Samwick told Trustee Ross that his "smart, balanced, and open-minded approach to Village government is the embodiment of the ideal that has long been sought when selecting trustees” and that he will miss Ross’ “deeply thoughtful, ethical, and logical approach to addressing the issues that will face the Village in the future.” To Trustee Waldman, he said that she comes to “every meeting fully prepared with intellectual curiosity, an open and critical mind, and a constructive attitude. You regularly sought common-sense solutions that fit our community, without a preset agenda. Personally, I could always count on you to provide me with honest, balanced and highly valued insights and counsel. Your focus on listening, consensus-building and understanding of the role and responsibilities of a Trustee are ideals that future Village Board members we be well-served to emulate.” The Mayor had wonderful and thoughtful things to say about each Trustee, and he closed his remarks by saying:

Now, the thought of leaving Village elected service is a mixed blessing, mixed in having much more time to my family and myself knowing that I gave myself fully to the service of the Village we love and yet never being able to do as much as I would have liked. And, the blessing of knowing that I will have more time to share with my beautiful wife.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve. It has been my honor and a great privilege to serve such an esteemed community. Thank you.

Next, each trustee had the opportunity to address and thank each other for their work over this term.

In his farewell remarks, Trustee Seth Ross said that it was “bittersweet to leave the Board” and that his time spent as a trustee was “uniquely satisfying… It’s been a pleasure and I will treasure the memories.” He had particularly kind words for Mayor Samwick, whom he said, “always accepts responsibility and never seeks credit when things turn out well even if [he] is the moving force.”

Trustee Waldman also said her goodbyes and thanked Mayor Samwick for making her “experience as a trustee as meaningful as it has been.” She had thoughtful things to say about each of the trustees and thanked Village Manager Pappalardo and Village Staff Rob, Ingrid, Donna, and Ann for their hard work and dedication over the past few years.

Speaking about the mayor, Trustee Arest stated that although “we don’t agree on everything, we have the same best interests for the village at heart” and that his “steadfast leadership during the pandemic carried the community through one of our darkest times." Trustee Lewis added that “tonight we say farewell to three great public servants…. These are the type of unique public servants you hope to serve with. They are non-complaining, have hopeful attitudes, are problem solvers, and [they prioritize] the implementation of actionable policy.” Trustee Crandall announced that the Board all chipped in, as a goodbye gift for the three retiring members, for gift certificates to one of Scarsdale’s “many great restaurants so that you can spend your free time dining the ‘dale.”

Covid-19 Update – County Executive George Latimer:

Westchester County Executive George Latimer joined the meeting to provide an update on the state of COVID-19 in Westchester. He announced that we are on the backside of the second bell curve; There was a rise in cases in fall 2020, it peaked around the holidays and New Years in December and January, and we are now on the backside of the slope. He hopes that the combination of effective vaccine distribution and the warm weather will help the county continue to improve going into the summer.

There are currently 5,319 active COVID-19 cases in the county; this is compared to the 6,264 cases we had at this time one month ago, and the 11,000+ cases we had two months ago. As of March 23rd, there were 256 hospitalizations, which is far better than the 389 we had one month ago, and the 584 we had two months ago. Thus far in Westchester, we have seen cases of the U.K. COVID variant, but no cases of the Brazilian or South African variants. In terms of fatalities, Westchester has lost almost 2,200 residents. While the percentage of fatalities is decreasing, each loss is deeply felt and mourned by the community.

Concerning vaccinations, the Westchester County Center vaccination site located in White Plains has vaccinated well over 125,000 people. Combined, the four major vaccination locations in Westchester have vaccinated almost 200,000 people. So far, 15% of Westchester residents are fully vaccinated, and an additional 15% have received one vaccine dose. Every New Yorker will be eligible to receive the vaccine on May 1, 2021, and Latimer expects that by the end of spring, any resident who wants a vaccine will have one.

Trustee Crandall pushed Latimer for more information about how to vaccinate homebound residents who for various reasons are unable to make it to vaccination sites. Latimer directed any resident who falls into the homebound category to call his Deputy Director of Operation Emily Saltzman who will arrange for vaccines to come to these individuals’ homes. She can be reached directly at 914-995-2912.

Public Hearing – Proposed Amendment to Gas-Powered Leaf Blower Regulations

Next came the most highly anticipated event of the evening – the public hearing on gas-powered leaf blowers. Many residents attended this Board meeting so they would have an opportunity to speak their mind about this issue. In total, the Board heard from 44 people on this topic and all but four were in favor of the proposal.

The Village’s current regulations limit the use of gas-powered blowers from June 1st through September 30th, but after hearing complaints about the noise from many residents, the Village asked the Conservation Advisory Council to put together a report on this issue. The report was completed in December 2020, and as a result of the report and input from the community, the Village drafted a proposed law that will prohibit the use of these blowers from May 1st -September 30th 2021, and during leaf season, the blowers will be allowed only Monday through Friday. Additionally, the draft dictates that they cannot be used on holidays. Starting in February 2022, the blowers can only be used from October 1st through December 31st. Electric leaf blowers can be used at any time. This draft law is designed to slowly begin to phase out the use of gas-powered blowers. Many town members urged the Board to follow the model of many neighboring towns and outlaw the blowers completely.

Dozens of residents spoke out in favor of this proposal, and many urged the Board to go even further and ban the use of these blowers entirely. Resident William Stern stated that "this era has taught us to trust the science [and the science has shown that] gas-powered blowers are dangerous to health and hearing, and they cause great discomfort with their nose levels.” Kelly Sperling details these health concerns and said that they “reduce the quality of life and penetrates houses so you can’t escape the noise by going inside. [They] lead to permanent hearing loss, emissions of carbon monoxide, more air and ozone pollutants, dangerous particulate matter and smog, increased risk of asthma attacks, cancer, dementia, and dizziness.”

Resident William Roberts, who is a physician and high school biology teacher, spoke about the chronic headaches, hearing loss, higher blood pressure, buildup of particulate matter, and various central nervous system issues that are associated with the use of these blowers.

Many residents also spoke to the issues related to enforcing these laws. Often when gas blowers are being used against code, the police do not arrive at the scene soon enough to enforce the law with the landscaping company. Residents, including Kristen Lewis, noted that this is not a good use of time for the police to be involved in these civil matters. She stated that it is the Village Board’s responsibility to develop effective enforcement mechanisms without involving the police. The current proposal does designate one person in the administration to be in charge of enforcing this matter, and Ms. Lewis said she hopes this person is given a substantial amount of power and resources to properly enforce the ban.

Resident Marc Greenwald expressed his support both for the proposed legislation and the process by which it came about. He said that when he began to work from home and was disturbed by the noise of the blowers, he reached out to Conservation Advisory Council members and expressed his concerns. He said that he is “pleased the process worked in this excellent way… they developed a report and brought it to the trustees… it is a sign of a healthy community that we have volunteers that work at all these levels.” He also spoke to the issue of enforcement and stated that homeowners need to take responsibility for the machinery used on their property and that if landscapers need to charge more for the use of electric equipment, it is homeowners who need to accept this additional financial responsibility. Some speakers, including Daniel Hunt, urged Scarsdale to adopt the most restrictive ban possible and suggested that homeowners, and not landscapers, should be the ones fined for infractions. Others also supported the idea of homeowners internalizing the additional costs that come with new electric equipment and batteries.

Many residents echoed these sentiments and stated that the noise and environmental pollution of these blowers interfered with their ability to work from home, ride bikes, go on runs, study, play and record music, and allow their children to play in the yard.

Darlene LeFrancois Haber made a particularly emotional plea in support of the ban by stating that “as an essential healthcare worker, I can’t breathe at work because of COVID and I can’t breathe at home [because of these blowers]”.

Two younger residents, Henry Libow and Kristen (both in the 3rd grade) also spoke in favor of the proposal. Henry “supports the change because the leaf blowers pollute everything, including animals, which is a waste of the earth.” Additionally, his friend Kristen added that the blowers “plague the next generation of people and kids (and cause) lots of gas in the house across from me that is hurting my breath.”

Almost every resident who spoke in favor of the legislation voiced their support for electrical equipment instead. David Fenigstein stated that “battery technology is proven and is ready for this transition. Batteries are safe and safer than internal combustion engines. They require much less maintenance and will be much cheaper over time.”

Joel Morse hit on a key point when he highlighted the need for "a partnership between homeowners and landscapers." He said that the key will be in providing landscapers with blowers that can plug into the electrical sockets outside of the home without batteries and declared his support for the proposal.

The four people who spoke out against the legislation were all landscaping industry professionals. Mike, a representative from the New York State Landscaping Association, was infuriated by the proposed law. He accused the legislation of discrimination and said that “when you have a business with 25 homes a day, where are you going to get all these batteries, where do you charge them? You’re taking a tool that we use to make our living away from us… do we ban all gas-powered cars? Should we all get Teslas? Does Scarsdale have electric trucks to plow the snow? Where does it end?” Furthermore, he stated that “the technology is not there. There is a time and place for electric, but you can’t do it yet… you’re looking to restrict us from working…. What happens if there is bad weather? I have 100 customers in Scarsdale, and they are the first to complain if we aren’t there because of bad weather with wet leaves or pouring rain.” He also declared that Scarsdale may be putting itself in a position for a possible class action or discrimination of trade lawsuit.

Wayne, another landscaper, expressed his dismay and confusion over how the work will get done without these blowers. “Scarsdale has huge trees and stuff is dropping 24/7. How are you going to do this? Are you going to take a rake?” He warned that the town might look very different based on the amount of debris that will not get cleaned. He also pointed out that this could be dangerous in the case of a natural disaster like Hurricane Sandy. Village Manager Pappalardo responded to this concern by clarifying a provision in the code that the village manager can waive the ban in the event of a storm to clean the village and make it safe.

The other two landscapers who spoke out were Larry Wilson and Michael Galaxy, both of whom pointed out this hypocrisy of the legislation, which allows the schools, the village, and golf courses, to use gas-blowers, but not landscapers. They also stated that some of the information in the CAS report is misleading and pointed out several logistical and practical issues with using batteries to operate equipment. They also questioned many of the allegations raised by Scarsdale residents that the blowers are worse sources of pollutants and particulate matter than other things.

After hearing this lively commentary from 40 supporters and 4 opponents of the legislation, the Board voted. The proposal passed unanimously with no dissenting votes. Trustee Arest, addressing some concerns about the pace of the ban stated that the Board “tried to make this more incremental because we understood the impact on landscaping. I did not appreciate the threat of a lawsuit and we would not vote for something if we thought there was something illegal about it. Plenty of [other towns] have taken similar actions… I am proud of this board and this is an incredible first step.”

CNCGraphicJoin the Procedure Committee

The Procedure Committee, which administers the nonpartisan village election process, is seeking qualified Scarsdale voters who wish to serve on the committee. In addition to the recently graduated CNC class, 11 new PC volunteers will help administer the November 2021 neighborhood elections of a new class of 10 CNC voting members. The full 30-member CNC will then deliberate and choose a nonpartisan slate of candidates to run for the open offices of village trustees in 2022. All qualified voters are encouraged to apply to be part of this nonpartisan tradition of representative democracy inScarsdale. Recommendations on potential PC members are welcome from all civic and volunteer organizations operating within the village. Contact Becky Bach, PC Chair at; or Richard Pinto, PC Vice Chair at

candidates3 16Jonathan Lewis, Karen Brew, Jane Veron and Sameer Ahuja were elected to serve on March 16, 2021A total of 423 residents cast their votes for a new Mayor of Scarsdale and three Village Trustees in the March 16, 2021 Village election. In a sign of the times almost a third of the votes were cast by absentee ballot as people preferred not to vote in person due to the pandemic.

The tallying of the votes when the polls closed at 9 pm was subdued, as the candidates ran uncontested and the outcome was assured. Unlike past years when independent candidates challenged the Non-Partisan Party Slate, this year there was unanimous support for the four people who had been vetted and selected by Scarsdale’s Citizen’s Nominating Committee.

Last year the election was put off from March 2020 to September 2020 due to the COVID crisis. A slate from the Voter’s Choice Party challenged the SCNPP slate and a total of 1,921 votes were cast with the SCNPP slate winning 2:1.

Scarsdale will now be led by Mayor Jane Veron, a former two-term Village Trustee and community volunteer with a lengthy record of service to Scarsdale. Her team will include Jonathan Lewis, who was elected for a second term with newcomers to the Board Sameer Ahuja and Karen Brew along with current Board members Justin Arest, Lena Crandall and Randy Whitestone. Mayor Marc Samwick, Seth Ross and Rochelle Waldman will complete their terms of service.

The vote count, tallied and announced by Village Clerk Donna Conkling at the Scarsdale Congregational Church was as follows:

Mayor Jane Veron: 406
Village Trustee Sameer Ahuja 398
Trustee Karen Brew: 393
Trustee Jonathan Lewis: 394

Due to COVID restrictions, the traditional celebration at the Scarsdale Woman’s Club could not be held, but candidates did get to cut the cake at the home of former Mayor Jon Mark.

The Board has much work ahead including balancing the Village budget, repairing the Scarsdale Pool, revitalizing Scarsdale’s business district and perhaps making another attempt to repair the Freightway Garage or redevelop the site.

Here are comments from the newly elected Board members:

Mayor Jane Veron

I am honored to serve our community. I am deeply committed to making Scarsdale a wonderful place to live, and I feel exceedingly lucky to get to work with this extraordinary Board and our dedicated Village staff. Together, we will continue to fortify the strong foundation of our community, and we will create a vision for Scarsdale that honors our past and builds for our future.

Village Trustee Sameer Ahuja

I am so excited to serve the Scarsdale community and work with such a wonderful group of Trustees, Village Staff and volunteers. Scarsdale is a special place for my family and I and I look forward to help to make Scarsdale the best it can be.

Village Trustee Karen Brew

I am honored to have been nominated by the CNC and now to be elected with this wonderful group. I am excited to be joining this team and want to do the work and give back. I enjoy living here and want to make Scarsdale a place that everyone continues to enjoy.

Village Trustee Jonathan Lewis

"I am very grateful to the Citizens Nominating Committee for nominating me, and honored that the voters of Scarsdale turned out in such strong numbers during a pandemic to support the entire slate. I am honored to be given the chance to serve a second term as Village Trustee, and looking forward to working with Jane, Karen, and Sameer. I will miss working with Marc, Seth, and Rochelle, but know we can count on their guidance in the months ahead."

Lewis added, “The turnout in this uncontested election was similar to the turnout in 2019. Given the pandemic, I felt that was a strong outcome.”
