Tuesday, Oct 01st

roadrepavingWhile most of us now are on “summer time,” work continues for Scarsdale Village staff and trustees. This year’s BOT meeting focused on how the village is moving ahead on several fronts and initiatives, and acknowledged that a valued colleague is moving on.

Manager’s Memo
After brief opening remarks by Scarsdale Mayor Marc Samwick, Village Manager Steve Pappalardo discussed ongoing infrastructure work, including always-eagerly anticipated road resurfacing projects.

He reported that the capital road-resurfacing program began this week and the village will rehabilitate those roads that are in greatest need of repair. Exactly which roads qualify is determined based on independent reviews and inspections by public works staff, and the village’s pavement management survey. Approximately 5.5 miles of roadway will be resurfaced during this summer and fall, along with a number of walkways throughout the village.

Over $1.2 million was initially budgeted for the work, with the trustees approving another $220,000 allocation to help meet the village’s goal of resurfacing roughly five miles of roads annually. New York State will contribute another $490,000 to the effort, along with Con Edison, which will provide $90,000 for restoration work related to recent gas line upgrades/repairs. Papallardo reported that the village also is considering allocating additional unused funds up to as much as $500,000 if needed.

He then discussed ongoing sewer flow monitoring work to determine whether recent repairs are effectively mitigating infiltration of storm water into the village sanitary system. Village staff also will continue to repair cracks/loose joints in pipelines throughout the water district, and attend to a collapsed water pipe near Wynmor Park.

Pappalardo also was pleased to the announce that, after years of discussion, negotiation, and planning, the Hutchinson River tri-municipal storm water project will begin this summer. The flood mitigation project, involving Eastchester, New Rochelle, and Scarsdale, will include replacing four drainage culverts, and de-silting and clearing thousands of linear feet of the riverbed that runs through all three communities. The work will result in much better flow of water and decreased flooding during rain events.

Finally, the village manager provided music to the ears of village resident Bob Harrison, announcing that village staff are working with school district staff to build a comfort station at Scarsdale Middle School. The group has agreed on a plan and has identified a preferred location at the northeast corner of the tennis courts. Exact timing of the project will be determined by the New York State Education Department’s review and approval process.

Library Lowdownlibraryconstruction
Pappalardo then invited Diane Greenwald, Scarsdale Public Library board member, and Beth Bermel, the Library Director, to provide an update on the renovation and construction work at the facility.

“(Over) the last six months we’ve seen a enormous amount of work,” Greenwald began. “There was demolition and, then, it got hard to see anything happening. (But) there was a ton happening; it just was underground. There was plumbing going in and electrical wiring going in, and you really couldn’t see much.” She went on to say that the space is beginning to take shape, with framing and roofing for the addition complete, doorways and hallways defined, a new, more efficient staircase constructed, and the new children’s program room and quiet reading room fleshed out. The library construction committee also has selected interior finishes and furnishings that reflect value, comfort, and function. A variety of furnishings will provide “a seat for everyone,” accommodating numerous users and activities. “Comfort is a funny word. What may be comfortable for me may not be for the next person… Beth and her senior staff (helped us) to really think about the different ways that people use the library… making sure we had a tremendous amount of variety for different tasks and different kinds of bodies … that might use public space.”

Bermel then provided more practical information about schedule and budget. “We’re about 40 percent through the project and the costs are tracking commensurately with the budget plan… There have been some minor delays but nothing significant. We didn’t find any unknown conditions… that I had nightmares about.” She reminded the trustees that, since the renovation is a “Wicks Law” project, it requires significant oversight and well-documented activities and updates, so residents and village management can be confident in overall project management. In summary, Bermel said, “We’re pretty much on track and on budget and we remain hopeful for a summer 2020 opening.” She also added that the library’s paver fundraising campaign has been completed, and the overall Capital Campaign has over 500 donors participating.

Mayor Samwick commented afterward, “(The library project) really is a model of dedication; it’s a model of professionalism and collaboration, of unprecedented generosity… This is overused, so I hate saying this, but this really does take a village.. And, we’re getting to the point that we’re starting to visualize… what a phenomenal community hub it’s going to be for generations to come.”

Public Comment
Madelaine Eppenstein (Autenrieth Road) and Kay Eisenman (Brewster Road), representing Friends of Scarsdale Parks, discussed the five white swamp oak trees recently planted in George Field Park as part of Cornell University’s School of Integrative Plant Science’s tree hybridization trial. They thanked the village’s public works staff for planting the saplings, which will be analyzed to determine how well they thrive in the wild.

Bob Harrison (Fox Meadow Road) encouraged Scarsdale residents to register children between the ages of 6 and 18 to participate in the village’s youth tennis program. The program begins Monday July 15 and runs for three weeks at the Scarsdale Middle School tennis courts. Applications are available at the Scarsdale Parks and Recreation Department or proscars@aol.com; the cost is $50.

RingelFond Farewell
Tuesday marked Josh Ringel’s last BOT meeting as assistant to the village manager. His departure is bittersweet; both the village administration and residents who have worked with Ringel are sad to see him leave Scarsdale, but are pleased to see him advance his career. As reported earlier, Ringel has accepted a new role as assistant village manager for Tarrytown.

In the first of a number of tributes, Mayor Samwick said, “(He) has really done an exemplary job. He’s going to Tarrytown; he got a fantastic job there. Josh, we’re going to miss you.”

Pappalardo stated, “I want to thank Joshua Ringel for his four years of dedicated service to the Village of Scarsdale. Josh has really grown into this job and made it his own, and he’s, certainly, at a point now where he can move on and take on a larger role in a wonderful community, Tarrytown.” “You did a great job, Josh. I hope you learned something here. I hope your memories of the village are fond. And, never shut the door… some of us have come back.”

Trustee Justin Arest, “Our loss is certainly Tarrytown’s gain… I’ve heard from many of our residents about how great it has been to work with you. While we don’t always agree on everything, your ability to listen, and engage in a thoughtful and respectful dialogue is noted… I wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.”

Trustee Jane Veron chimed in, “Josh… You have been instrumental in moving our village forward… Residents perceive you to be the problem solver. You are the person who is solution-oriented; you listen; you make things happen… Thank you for the contributions you’ve made to Scarsdale Village; it has been a pleasure working with you.

Trustee Seth Ross followed, “The great joy of serving as a trustee is the people we work with, the people we serve, and you’ve really been a standout among the people I see as my coworkers.. You’re very effective at what you do… and, as your tenure ends, I add to our gratitude. I join the others who have worked with you here in Scarsdale in wishing you the best… wherever life takes you.”

Trustee Lena Crandall then said, “Josh, I have to agree with everything I’ve just heard from my fellow trustees. I greatly appreciated your enthusiasm, your willingness to work hard, and your ability to take care of so many things… I expect to see great things from you… you’re special.”

“Scarchella” in September
Move over Coachella; here comes Scarchella. Trustee Veron announced that the Scarsdale Business Alliance (SBA) will host its own version of the famed Coachella music festival this fall in the village center. The first-ever “Scarchella” is scheduled for Saturday, September 14, and will feature various musical acts in Chase Park, as well as food trucks, wine tasting tents, and children’s activities in and around Boniface Circle and Chase Road.musicfestival

Veron said, “One of the things I hope residents understand is that we care so much about bringing community together…The Scarsdale Business Alliance, a newly formed entity of merchants in the 10583 area, have come together to promote foot traffic and vitality (in our village), and bring (residents) together.” Mayor Samwick followed by stating, “I’d like to send a special thank you to the Scarsdale Business Alliance. In a very short period of time, it has done a really exceptional job, and is really helping to bring vitality into our village center, and we really appreciate all you’re doing.”

eileencunninghamEileen Alice Cunningham, treasured mother, sister, teacher, and friend passed away on June 30, 2019. Eileen, the beloved daughter of deceased parents Annie and Michael Ward of Leitrim and Roscommon, Ireland, was born May 20, 1942, in Manhattan. The loving and beloved mother of three is survived by her children John Michael, Anne Marie, and Eileen Mary; Anne’s husband David Pugh; and her grandchildren Seamus Martin and Fiona Anne Pugh. Eileen was a loving sister to Eleanor Acer and Mary Crouch; and to her brother-in-law, Woody Crouch. Her abiding love for family was reflected in her close relationships with her cherished cousins, nieces, nephews, grandnieces, grandnephews, godchildren, and friends.

Eileen, a gifted teacher with a calling, dedicated over thirty years to the New York City Board of Education. She graduated from St. John’s University with a degree in Elementary Education, and began her career in the Bronx, instructing the City’s youngest students. By the time she concluded her teaching career, she was instructing the next generation of teachers with her patented combination of innovation, understanding, and encouragement. She led by example, pioneering a ‘buddy program’ between local junior high and elementary students, and demonstrating teaching techniques drawn from her long experience. She worked magic, amazing other teachers with her ability to calm an unruly lunchroom filled with hundreds of students without once raising her voice or losing sight of her connection with each individual child. Eileen was also a proud union representative for her elementary school, lobbying locally and nationally for better teaching conditions and greater support and respect for all teachers.

Dedication to community and parish life was important to Eileen. In Scarsdale she held numerous executive positions in the Scarsdale Neighborhood Association. She also spent more than a decade teaching CCD at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Scarsdale.

Eileen spent her life curious about the world and was an adventurous traveller. She imparted her love of history, art, and music to her children, grandchildren, family, and friends. She had a life-long love for the Metropolitan Museum, where she spent happy hours absorbing art, ancient to modern. She loved theater, especially Shakespeare in the Park and the George Bernard Shaw Festival in Canada. She was a supporter of The Irish Repertory Theater in New York.

Eileen spent some of her happiest moments under an umbrella on a Cape Cod beach, sun hat on and mystery novel in hand, surrounded by her family. This is the way they will remember her.

In lieu of flowers the family requests that you make a donation in Eileen's memory to the Sturge-Weber Foundation. Checks may be mailed to 12345 Jones Road Suite 125 Houston, TX 77070, or click here:

Dog Bite Prevention 2019 If a letter carrier delivers mail or packages to your front door, Westchester postal officials suggest placing your dog in a separate room and closing that door before opening the front door.(This comes from the U.S. Postal Service) A Westchester letter carrier was recently attacked on May 20 by two dogs who burst through the screen of a homeowner’s front door. In light of the recent attack and the June 21 start of summer, postal officials are once again appealing to dog owners to keep the family pet properly secured at all times to help protect postal letter carriers and improve overall neighborhood safety.

The number of U.S. Postal Service employees attacked by dogs nationwide fell to 5,714 in 2018 — more than 500 fewer than in 2017 and more than 1,000 fewer since 2016. But, for postal officials and mail carriers, one bite is one too many.

Locally, U.S. Postal Service Westchester District Safety Manager Kaylei VanHassel notes 43 letter carriers were attacked by dogs in Westchester in 2018. The State of New York was third in the nation in 2018 for dog attacks on postal employees with 339. California was first with 794 and Texas was second with 462.

“We are appealing to dog owners to make sure their family pet is properly restrained on a leash and kept away from where the mail is delivered,” stresses Ms. Van Hassel.

If a letter carrier delivers mail or packages to your front door, Westchester postal officials suggest placing your dog in a separate room and closing that door before opening the front door.

“The May 20 dog attack in Westchester is an example of how some dogs can push through screen doors to attack visitors,” adds the postal safety manager.

Ms. Van Hassel also recommends never taking mail directly from carriers in the presence of the family pet, as the dog may see this as a threatening gesture.

“With the help of pet owners, we can keep Westchester letter carriers, our neighbors and pets safe,” concludes Van Hassel.

For more dog bite prevention information, check-out the Postal Service’s video on dog bite prevention available on the postal service YouTube site, USPS TV.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

elevatorTaxes, field lights and elevators at both the Scarsdale and Hartsdale Metro North Stations were among the many topics discussed at the Village Board meeting on Tuesday June 25.


Mayor Samwick reported that the final count of grievances filed this year was slightly higher than reported last week. There were 635 applications filed with the Board of Assessment Review which is up from 552 in 2018 and down from 709 in 2017. He interpreted the count saying, “It is not surprising to see an uptick in grievance filings relative to 2018 given the adjustment to the real estate market resulting from the state and local tax deduction limit that was part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.”


Samwick said that the RFP for the Freightway Development Project was released to six companies that responded to the original RFEI. The responses to the RFP are due by September 16 and the next public meeting will be held in October.

Anti-Semitic Incident

The Mayor discussed an alleged Anti-Semitic incident at a Village Store on Monday June 24 that was reported on social media but not to the Scarsdale Police. Samwick said, “The Village Board strongly condemns this type of action, which is not indicative of the greater Scarsdale community, as we all know, but we cannot control the actions of individuals. We will continue to treat this potential event seriously and will report to the community in the event information becomes available that residents should be aware of.”

Lights at Butler Field

Last, following a joint meeting of the Scarsdale Board of Education and the Scarsdale Board of Trustees on June 19, the Village Board passed a resolution at their June 25 meeting to refer the matter for review to the Village Planning Board. Samwick said, “The Village Board has expressed its conceptual support for the Butler Field lights project and its appreciation for the extensive community outreach performed by the School District. This evening the Board will vote on referring the Butler Field Lights project to the Planning Board for its review and recommendation. This referral is consistent with approaches that the Village and School Boards have taken in the past with a constructive outcome for the community.

Elevators at Train Stations

Representatives from Metro North attended the meeting to report that they are planning to install an elevator on the west side of the station, that is the side for passengers headed south. A similar project will be undertaken at Hartsdale train station where Metro North will install elevators on both sides of the tracks.

They explained that they will construct of an elevator, an elevator room to house the mechanicals, a new sidewalk and curb cuts to allow wheel chair access. Timing calls for completion of the design work in the third quarter of 2019 and procurement of a contractor in the first quarter of 2020. The work is expected to take 20 months and will be done at night. There will be no disruption of train service but there could be some noise. The work will involve “jacking the overpass” to allow for wheelchair access. The overpass itself will get a bench, new heaters and new lighting.

The work at Hartsdale train station will have a similar timetable and two elevators and two machine rooms will be installed.

Renovations at the Girl Scout House

The Board held a hearing on and approved a resolution to apply for a $114,000 Westchester County Community Development Block Grant for upgrades to the Girl Scout House. Speaking for Scardale’s Seniors, Carol Silverman said, “These upgrades are necessary to maintain this much needed building which serves Scarsdale seniors and beyond our borders.” If the funding comes through, the plan is to install a new roof, windows, floors, radiators and replace the kitchen.

New Elevator at Village Hall

The Board also held a hearing and approved a resolution to apply for another Westchester County Community Development Block Grant to upgrade the elevator in Village Hall. The total cost of the elevator is estimated at $142,000 and Scarsdale Village would pay $71,000 and use the grant for the balance.


In public comments, Michael Rubin of 33 Crossway asked the Board of Trustees to consider a change to the Village noise ordinance to bar construction on Saturdays, Sundays and official holidays. He said he recently experienced in the building of a new home next door and is now faced with more construction on a neighboring property.

Road Resurfacing

The board allocated an additional $221,000 for road resurfacing from unallocated capitol budget revenues from the 2018/19 fiscal year. The money will be used for road milling and paving.

Tennis Court Repairs

The Board passed a resolution authorizing a $57,960 contract to Sport Tech Acrylics Corp to repair cracks and resurface the tennis courts at Scarsdale Middle School and Scarsdale High School. Bob Harrison spoke in favor of the repairs and asked that the work be done after the summer season for Scarsdale Youth Tennis.


Two resolutions concerning easements were on the agenda for the meeting, and the board approved one and tabled a decision on another.

The Board approved an agreement with Bobby Ben Simon, developer of a property at 129 Cushman Road, to reroute a drainage line on the property and revise the Village easement agreement to reflect the positioning of the relocated line.

However, the Board moved to table a vote on a resolution regarding an easement at 4 Bethel Road where construction of a new home encroached into an easement area. The building inspector found that an asphalt concrete driveway extension, cobblestone curbing, permanent mounted basketball hoop, heavy stone retaining wall and soil fill of approximate depth ranging between two and four feet encroached on the easement and violated code.

Bench at DeCicco’sDSC01307

The board accepted a gift of $1,800 to install a bench in front of DeCicco’s market in honor of Ilana Kestenbaum who passed away this year. According to the resolution, “Mrs. Kestenbaum lived in Scarsdale and the surrounding area for over 40 years and loved to spend her days sitting on the bench in front of DeCiccos while people watching or catching the sun throughout all four seasons.”

Scarsdale Concours

The board granted permission to the Scarsdale Concours Car Show to hold the event on October 6, 2019.

PropertyTaxTax assessments, the Freightway project and proposed renovations to Village Hall and the Girl Scout House were among the items discussed at the Village Board meeting on Tuesday June 11.

The meeting opened with comments from Mayor Samwick – here they are:

Filing of the Tentative Assessment Roll and Grievance Day:

The annual Tentative Assessment Roll for 2019 has been filed and letters have been mailed to all property owners whose year-to-year assessments have changed. Tuesday, June 18th is Grievance Day. Property owners have a window to grieve their tax assessments between the issuance of the tentative assessment roll and June 18th. This is the one opportunity each year that property owners may challenge their property assessments and have the opportunity to meet with the Board of Assessment Review to discuss their assessments.

We encourage all property owners to carefully review their 2019 tentative assessments and to file a grievance if they have a dispute with their assessed value. As you review your assessment, please note that the valuation date is July 1, 2018 and that the 2019 equalization rate is 94.75%. To convert the assessed value to the estimate of fair market value of your property, divide your assessed value by .9475. Property owners interested in filing a grievance and/or meeting with the Board of Assessment Review on Grievance Day, should contact the Assessment Office at 722-1133. All Grievance Day meetings with the BAR are by appointment only. Additionally, if you have any questions as you review your assessment information, please call the Assessment Office or view the Assessor’s tab on the Village website.

Freightway Update:

This afternoon, the Board met in executive session with AKRF to review an advanced draft of the Request for Proposal document for the redevelopment of the Freightway Site. The release of the RFP is expected to occur within the next week or two. The RFP will be posted shortly thereafter on the Village website.

At this point, we expect responses to the RFP to be received in mid-September with the next public meeting expected to occur in October.

There will be a number of opportunities for the public to comment on the redevelopment of Freightway as specific proposals from developers are presented and as the land use process takes place.

Joint Meeting with the School Board:

On June 19th, there will be a joint meeting of the Village and School Boards to discuss the proposed light installation at Butler Field. This will be the first meeting of the full Village Board covering the proposed lights at Butler Field. Prior to this meeting the Deputy Mayor, Village Manager, Village Attorney, Village Planner, Chief of Police and I met with the President of the School Board, the School Board’s counsel, the Superintendent of Schools, the Assistant Superintendent of Business and the Athletic Director.

At that meeting, we determined, at a minimum and as an appropriate starting place, that the Village’s ownership of the land under Butler Field warranted a joint meeting between the two Boards.

Before the prior meeting, Village Counsel had commenced a review of the operative lease documents as well as relevant Village and State codes in an effort to determine the requirements under the lease agreement governing Butler Field, the land use process and compliance with adopted guidelines. Review is ongoing and we look forward to learning more about this project at the joint meeting of the Boards.

We encourage residents to attend the joint meeting, which will be held at the Scarsdale Congregational Church diagonally across the street from Village Hall at 6:30pm on June 19th. We look forward to seeing you there. If you cannot attend the meeting, we will be videotaping the meeting and the recording will be available online.

Village Board Meeting

During public comments Bob Harrison gave a shout out to sign up for the Scarsdale Youth Tennis Program and also raised questions about the proposed lighting at Butler Field. He said the plan was to install four 80-foot towers around the field and said that was very high. He questioned the environmental impact of the installation and asked for input from the Trustees.

Mayor Samwick said that the Village Board will hold a meeting with the School Board on Tuesday June 19 to discuss the proposal.

Trustee Lena Crandall reported that she presented proclamations to Conservation Advisory Council members Michelle Sterling and Ron Schulhof, at the annual meetings of the Federated Conservationists of Westchester County and the Bronx River Sound Shore Audubon Society. She credited the two for networking with other communities and Westchester County to spread the word about food scrap recycling and help to improve our environment.

Trustee Jane Veron reported that the Scarsdale Business Alliance welcomed four new members and held a successful Meet and Greet at Zachys on June 6. She reported that the alliance is planning four annual events. She reminded everyone that The Farmers Market is open in the Village on Thursdays from 10 am to 2:30 pm.

Hearings and Resolutions

The Board held a hearing on a proposed code change to eliminate a provision which permitted the Police Chief to appoint private citizens to serve in the case of “riot, pestilence or invasion, on election day, on a day of public celebration, on occasions of emergency or disaster or on such occasions and at such times as the Chief of Police of the Scarsdale Police Department may deem necessary or advisable for the training and drilling of special policemen.” The Board passed the change unanimously.

The Village Board passed a resolution to levy taxes of $41,207,438 in accordance with the 2019-20 budget. This represents a tax levy increase of 2.91%. The average homeowner will see a Village tax increase of $256 a year.

The Board passed three resolutions read by Trustee Jonathan Lewis:

-To renew a contract to clean, televise and cure in place pipe linings for storm and sanitary sewers.

-To hold a public hearing on an application by the village to secure a community block grant for an elevator upgrade at Village Hall.

-To sign an agreement with the NYS Department of Transportation to increase the funding for snow and ice removal on state roads, due to the severity of the winter of 2018/19.

Trustee Ross read a resolution to schedule a public hearing on an application to secure community block grant funding for improvements to the Girl Scout House including installation of a new roof, new windows, new radiators and new cabinets and appliances in the kitchen. The resolution was approved.

Watch the meeting here: