Monday, Sep 30th

generatorScarsdale Village code relating to the installation of home generators has become a hot topic. During Hurricane Sandy, those who had installed a generator or hooked up a temporary one were able to remain in their homes in relative comfort -- while those without had the choice of freezing or leaving. The lengthy wait for restoration of power left many at the mercy of an unreliable utility company. Now there’s renewed interest in installing a generator but the current Village Code regarding generators is highly restrictive. The noise and setback requirements have made it difficult to get a permit to install one.

The Scarsdale Village Planning Board is in the process of reviewing proposed changes to the law and will discuss them at their next meeting on November 28 at 8 pm at Scarsdale Village Hall. Here is a letter from Jane Veron, Chair of the Planning Board with an update on the law. Below her note, find a letter about the current law from Scarsdale resident Michael Hokin and a link to sign a petition to urge the Mayor and Trustees to amend the law.

(from Jane Veron) I am writing to update the community on the Planning Board's recent and continuing review of the current JaneVeronheadshot2011permanent emergency generator law. Residents may not have followed the Board's previous discussions but now, in Sandy's wake, understandably seek answers. The Board is keenly aware of the widespread need for residential emergency back up support given the increased frequency and severity of storms resulting in extended power outages. Over the past three months, the Board has examined proposed amendments to the law adopted in October 2006, seeking to ease restrictions.

In September 2012, at the request of the Village Board, the Planning Board began to evaluate proposed amendments, addressing the placement and noise restrictions that apply to permanent emergency generators. Specifically, the proposal would permit generators to be located at the sideyard setback in addition to the rear setback and would raise the noise limit for permanent emergency generators from 55 to 65 decibels. The Board also identified other aspects of the law for reevaluation, including the 20-foot setback and the five-year recertification provision.

To inform its judgment, the Board has gathered information from a variety of sources. The Board studied generator laws in nearby municipalities, obtained decibel level specifications of market-ready generators, reviewed variance applications seeking setback relief, and listened to testimony from residents and land use professionals. The Board understands residents' frustrations arising from the difficulty and expense of complying with the code's current standards and also recognizes the inherent dangers and challenges associated with non-regulated portable generators.

At its next regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting, which will be held on November 28 at 8 pm at Village Hall, the Board will again discuss potential revisions to the generator law. At the conclusion of its deliberations and study, the Planning Board will submit a recommendation to the Village Board regarding proposed changes to the legislation. The Village Board will then consider the Planning Board's recommendation and determine whether to enact new legislation. As always, the Planning Board welcomes input from the public. Please feel free to send your written comments in advance of the meeting to or to join us that night. The Board listens attentively to the community and strives to meet its long term needs for safety and security.

Jane Veron
Planning Board Chair

(From Scarsdale Resident Michael Hokin)

Mayor Flisser and Mr. Gatta:
Over the past eight years, we have lost power at least once a year when a storm occurs. It can be caused by snow, rain, or wind. It doesn’t matter the cause; we reliably lose power and it takes longer each time to have it restored. As a matter of fact, the frequency with which we lose power is laughable versus other neighborhoods in Scarsdale. Post tropical storm Sandy takes the cake with respect to the duration of power lost to our home and many others in the Village. As i write this letter, we are still without power. Certainly, Con Ed can accept some responsibility for the frequency of these blackouts, but the real issue is stop gap measures for homeowners in the event of a blackout. I am writing to protest the existing onerous regulations governing the installation of natural gas generators and suggest that the new norm in violent weather patterns necessitates a significant easing of these

The current strict policy for permanent natural gas installation is fallacious on many levels. One of the basic concerns of the village is the avoidance of noise. Power outages are NOT limited to one home. The outages encompass a neighborhood. Therefore, the concern with noise is ridiculous since everyone in proximity has no power. We have witnessed this first hand this past week as the sounds in the neighborhood are reminiscent of a logging camp. It sounds AS IT SHOULD during a power outage. Currently there is no policy against temporary gasoline generators NOR SHOULD THERE BE. The rules for safer and more permanent installation of natural gas, propane, or diesel generators should be promulgated. I think noise ordinances need to be overlooked during periods of duress or when exceptional circumstances dictate. Professionally installed generators are safer, operate more efficiently, and can raise property values.

Furthermore, breaching a noise ordinance is something that is done regularly when an outdoor party is thrown on a Friday. The safety and well-being for an entire community, I would argue, is entirely different. Also, dark neighborhoods invite criminal behavior. Permanently installed generators drastically reduce this likelihood since they remain on at night. On the contrary, It is advised to turn gasoline powered generators off at night.

Other advantages with natural gas include the following:

- burns safer with hookup to a circuit breaker instead of through an outlet which can cause fires unlike gasoline

- No noxious emissions unlike gasoline

- No problems with the unavailability of gas , gas containers , and oil which we witnessed first hand

Although the Village has good intentions, the rules are outdated and have increased the likelihood of harm and noise to the greater population. Many would have installed natural gas units years ago if it weren’t for these strict rules in place. It’s time for the Village to re-examine these rules. The process for approval should be streamlined as well. It is too time consuming at this time. Like we have seen this past week, people will take matters into their own control when it comes to the safety of their family. This deserves IMMEDIATE attention and resolution and I would appreciate if you could forward this letter to the other Trustees.

Thank you for your consideration.

Michael Hokin

(Petition from Scarsdale Residents)

HarryWilsonGreenacres resident Harry Wilson who ran for NYS Comptroller a few years back has started a petition on to get Mayor Flisser and the Village Trustees to relax the home-generator laws. He is asking Scarsdale residents who advocate change to sign it. Click on this link to add your name to the list.







scarsdale-police-car200Scarsdale Public Safety Headquarters took over 3,400 emergency calls during the storm – despite the failure of the new Lightpath communications system. Police and firefighters worked round-the-clock, many staying at headquarters and working overtime to deal with the extraordinary demands of a community in crisis. Most of the calls involved downed trees and wires. Police and firefighters secured the sites and taped off the affected areas to prevent people from stepping on live wires. In some instances, where trees fell on homes, the fire department assessed whether or not it was safe for the residents to remain inside. On the Post Road at 5:37 pm on Monday night, Detective Sherri Albano watched a tree take down wires and fall onto a car. She was able to assist the driver who got out of the car unharmed.

In the past few days there were scores of calls to the police about suspicious cars and people as it is difficult to tell who’s in town to do repairs and who’s up to no good. In addition, there were several reports of fights between frustrated residents and Con Edison workers.

As of Tuesday November 5, the communications system has been restored and police and firefighters are continuing to do everything they can to keep residents safe and secure our property. Police are patrolling dark streets to guard against burglars, checking homes and making welfare visits to the elderly who insist on staying in their unheated houses, many with no phone service.

For those without power, if the storm this week causes flooding in your home, Lieutenant Thomas Altizio advises you to call the emergency operation department for assistance with pumping at 722-1150.

Here’s more news from the Scarsdale Police:

Con Edison is reporting thefts of electrical wire from residential streets. Metal thieves have been cutting and stealing downed power lines as well as new wire spools left at outage site to facilitate repairs. Con Edison will prosecute anyone who steals equipment, and asks that residents report any suspicious persons in the area of downed electric cables or spools of cables at outage sites.

There have also been reports of Con Ed impostors trying to scam customers. Anyone suspicious of the actions or requests of someone claiming to be a Con Edison employee should ask to see the employees Con Edison employee identification card or call the police to verify they are authorized Con Edison personnel. Legitimate Con Edison employees will have company identification cards.

Burst Pipe at SMS: On Tuesday November 6, the day the Middle School reopened after being closed for a week, a pipe burst in the ceiling above the Fountain House Counselor's office and quickly filled the Fountain office with water and steam, tripping the fire alarm system. The school was evacuated and students went to the field where attendance was taken. Within fifteen minutes, Scarsdale fire personnel allowed everyone to return to the building except for the first floor of Fountain House.

Generator Theft: At 1 am on November 3, residents of Ferncliff Road caught two men trying to steal their generator from the front of their home. They heard a car idling, looked outside and saw two men attempting to steal the $3,000 unit. When the homeowners stepped outside, the two men jumped into their SUV and drove away.

Oops: A 76 year-old Garth Road man drove through police barricades and yellow tape on Boulevard on the morning of 11/1 and collided with downed trees and power lines at the intersection of Boulevard and Clarence Road.

Debris: A Berkeley Road woman called police on October 31 when neighbors dumped a large amount of tree debris in her yard. Police advised that this was a civil matter.

Several tree branches fell on police and emergency vehicles during the storm on Monday night October 29 – and one damaged the roof of a police car.

No gas: On November 2, police got a call from the driver of an SUV who had run out of gas on Church Lane. Police were unable to obtain any gas for the car so they towed it off the road.


stormworkmenWe chatted with State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin today about the upcoming election and restoration of power. She spent the day on conference calls with Con Edison and elected officials advocating for her district and here is what she learned:

  • The election will definitely be held on Tuesday. Con Edison’s top priority for the next two days is to restore power to the polling places so that the new digital voting machines can be plugged in. If all polling spots are not restored, voters may be redirected to another Scarsdale location.
  • If you happen to live near one of the polling spots – Village Hall or the Edgewood, Fox Meadow, Greenacres and Quaker Ridge elementary schools -- you may have your power back sooner than you think.
  • There are currently four line and tree crews from Con Edison in Scarsdale – up from one this morning. Also – Scarsdale10583 just learned that a few customers at the north end of Greenacres reported that they got their power back around 4:30 on Saturday.
  • Con Edison reports that 209,000 Con Edison customers in Westchester lost power in the storm. To date, power has been restored to 100,000 customers – none of those in Scarsdale. The utilities first priority was restoring power to hospitals and nursing homes – and now they are focusing on schools.

Paulin alerted Con Edison to the plight of residents blocked into streets by fallen trees. There are 12 such locations and she was able to get Con Edison to clear trees and wires from Drake Road and Lenox Place and perhaps several more locations.

paulinredGet more storm updates from Paulin at and call her staff at 914-723-1115.



votebuttonGreat News: All eight Scarsdale voting locations for the 2012 Presidential Election now have power and electronic voting machines. As of 6:30 pm on Monday, power was restored to the Edgewood School, the last polling place to be restored.

The eight polls will be open from 6 am to 9 pm on Tuesday – and here are the sites:

  • Edgewood Elementary School
  • Fox Meadow Elementary School
  • Greenacres Elementary School
  • Heathcote Elementary School
  • Quaker Ridge Elementary School
  • Crossway Firehouse
  • Scarsdale Public Library
  • Scarsdale Village Hall

For people who are registered in Scarsdale but unable to return home to vote, Governor Andrew Cuomo just announced that people will be able to file an affidavit ballot at any polling place in the state, allowing them to vote for President and U.S. Senate even if they have been displaced by Hurricane Sandy. However, unless a voter picks an election site within the same district for the state Senate, Assembly and House of Representatives, they will be unable to select candidates in those down-ballot races.

So get out and vote tomorrow. The 2012 election is finally here and the voting machines are ready to register your vote!



gastanksIs a gas crisis looming? Today many local stations ran out of gas and the line to buy gas at the Mobil station in Hartsdale extended all the way to Central Avenue! And this is at one of the highest priced stations around. In addition to fueling up the car, people are using gasoline to power home generators. Take a look at this photo of people filling up extra gas cans at the station to tide them over in case of rationing or to feed their generators. Scary times! (photo by Diana Glantz)

For high school seniors, Hurricane Sandy coincided with the due date for early decision college applications. And since many were without power, how could they complete their applications online? Here is a note about that issue from local college advisors, Collegistics:

College applications due November 1? No Internet?

How will the power outage affect early application deadlines to college? Many schools have offered extensions due to the effects of Hurricane Sandy. For an up-to-date listing of revised deadlines and other application-related information visit or follow us on Twitter: @collegistics. If an extended deadline date is not specified, be sure to notify the school of your individual storm-related circumstances.

SAT Tests: The SAT will not be administered at Scarsdale High School this Saturday, November 3 due to ongoing power outages. The College Board has indicated that information regarding make-up dates will be emailed to students registered for the November 3 exam. Students who have a Waitlist Ticket for Saturday's test must re-register for a waitlist spot prior to the next test date, a Waitlist Ticket for the November 3 exam will not be honored.  Please click here for further information.

Live Video: Tree falls on carThe Scarsdale Police department shared a frightening video of a tree falling on a car on the Post Road during the storm on October 29: - watch it here :

Storm Photos: Last, so many of you shared stunning photos of the aftermath of the Hurricane. Check out the photo gallery here:

start stop bwd fwd


Photos by Elisabeth Brew,  Charlotte Carr, Michael Chayes and Sunny Feinstein