Sunday, Mar 09th

National Merit Names 25 From Scarsdale and 14 From Edgemont as Semifinalists

national merit logo2Officials of National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC®) announced the names of more than 16,000 Semifinalists in the 69th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,140 National Merit Scholarships worth nearly $28 million that will be offered next spring. To be considered for a Merit Scholarship® award, Semifinalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. About 95 percent of the Semifinalists are expected to attain Finalist standing, and approximately half of the Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the Merit Scholar® title.

Semifinalists from Scarsdale and Edgemont are:

Scarsdale High School

Nathan H. Breslow
Patrick P. Chen,
Bryan Chung
Kevin V. Daniel
Bryanna Huang
David R.Huang
Adelina Jiang
Harley J. Koch
Allegra Kong
Thomas E. Kornfeld
Thomas R. Kronenberg
Janghee Lee,
Jihao Liu,
Apollonia F. Lulgjuraj
Arianna Makrakis Toniolo
Raza Malik
Sajiv Mehta
Thomas F. Peng
Natasha R. Pereira
Tara M. Pillai
Alexander Rizk
Leon J. Rode
Yejin Sung
Cayden Yang

Edgemont High School

Henry Brinberg,
Bhavani Gopalkrishna
Isabella Jabbour
Eliza M. Kaeding
Kristen E. Lau
Iris Liang
Jiahe Liu
Alexander J. Merzon
Evan D. Merzon
Avantkia Singh
Fiona Stern
Derek Sun
Sophia S. Woo
Donghyun D.Yeo

Over 1.3 million juniors in about 21,000 high schools entered the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2022 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state. The number of Semifinalists in a state is proportional to the state’s percentage of the national total of graduating seniors.

To become a Finalist, the Semifinalist and a high school official must submit a detailed scholarship application, in which they provide information about the Semifinalist’s academic record, participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership abilities, employment, and honors and awards received. A Semifinalist must have an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by a high school official, write an essay, and earn SAT® or ACT® scores that confirm the student’s earlier performance on the qualifying test.

From over 16,000 Semifinalists, more than 15,000 are expected to advance to the Finalist level, and in February they will be notified of this designation. All National Merit Scholarship winners will be selected from this group of Finalists. Merit Scholar designees are selected on the basis of their skills, accomplishments, and potential for success in rigorous college studies, without regard to gender, race, ethnic origin, or religious preference.

National Merit Scholarships

Three types of National Merit Scholarships will be offered in the spring of 2024. Every Finalist will compete for one of 2,500 National Merit® $2500 Scholarships that will be awarded on a state-representational basis. About 840 corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards will be provided by approximately 160 corporations and business organizations for Finalists who meet their specified criteria, such as children of the grantor’s employees or residents of communities where sponsor plants or offices are located. In addition, about 160 colleges and universities are expected to finance some 3,800 college-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards for Finalists who will attend the sponsor institution.

National Merit Scholarship winners of 2024 will be announced in four nationwide news releases beginning in April and concluding in July. These scholarship recipients will join nearly 375,000 other distinguished young people who have earned the Merit Scholar title.