Sunday, Mar 09th

Pothole Alert

potholeIf you've been swerving around potholes to avoid getting a flat, you're not alone. According to Deputy Village Manager Steve Pappalardo, village roads are in even worse shape now then they were at this time last year.

He told us that Scarsdale has 91.33 miles of roadway, and 78.81 miles of those roads are Village owned and maintained. On those 78 miles, Scarsdale is in charge of snow and ice removal, paving and potholes.

The regular maintenance schedule calls for repaving of larger arterial and collector roads every 15-25 years, and the repaving of residential roads every 25-35 years. With that schedule in place, many will move in and out of town and never see their road repaved.

According to Pappalardo the potholes are worse this year than last and the Department of Public Works (DPW) is doing what they can to patch them. The DPW has been repairing potholes daily since the asphalt plants opened in mid-February. They focus first on repairing main roadways -- and the Department of Public Works is driving through the Village daily to determine what areas need attention first.

Village budget cuts have reduced available funds to purchase hot asphalt though the staffing is still intact.

If you want to report a pothole to the Village, call the Public Works Department at 722-1150 or email then at: