Sunday, Mar 09th

A Month of Special Evenings in Edgemont

curtainApril is always an exciting time at Edgemont schools. Both elementary schools open their doors for their traditional open house evenings and parents are invited to visit their children's classrooms, browse books in the library, check out the hallway displays and catch a glimpse of life inside the Edgemont elementary schools. The Open Houses always prove to be great, though crowded evenings.

Greenville's Open House evening was held on Thursday, April 7th and this Thursday it will be Seely's turn to open its doors. Families can see what projects their child's class is currently working on. They can also visit the classrooms of their child's upcoming grade next year to catch a preview of what is to come. Many of the teachers also attend the open houses and happily show off student folders to the parents. In addition to visiting the classrooms, parents can hear the jazz band perform in the gym while looking at a school-wide art fair featuring artwork from every single classroom. The Greenville 5th and 6th grade commercials project were shown in the school's music room this year. In the past there has also been a "speed stacking cup" contest moderated by the PE teachers. Some grades use the night for meetings to discuss events such as the upcoming 4th Colonial Fair or the 5th grade Washington DC trip.

On Wednesday, April 13th, the junior/senior high school hosts its third annual Teacher Idol Event which uncovers the hidden talents of a very gifted staff. It is a fun-filled evening when the teachers, and even the administrators, take to the Edgemont stage and perform for the student judges. The event, sponsored by the high school's student government, always fills the auditorium to capacity. What teen would not want to see math teachers take the stage or hear the assistant principals sing a duet? All proceeds from the evening are donated to the Nancy Rose Tannenbaum Scholarship Fund. Last year some popular performances included "Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard" by the teachers in the Social Studies department and "Already Gone" by the teacher's band called 9th Period.

Finally on the evening of April 6th families of incoming kindergarteners were invited to the annual kindergarten orientation. The evening provided a great opportunity for the incoming families to meet the kindergarten teachers at both schools as well as the principals and learn a little about what they can expect next year. Families heard all about the extended day program and the academic philosophy of the teachers, as well as the rotating snack schedule. Parents also had the opportunity to sign up for various PTA committees. If you have a child eligible for enrollment in kindergarten in September and have not yet registered him or her, please contact the school registrar at for more information. All in all, a great month of special evenings in the Edgemont schools.

tzelios150Caroline Tzelios is a "stay at home" mom of three kids who never stays at home. She has spent the past twelve years volunteering in the Edgemont Schools and recently completed her two year term as PTSA co-president of Edgemont High School and is the current co-chair of Edgemont's PISA Theater Committee.