Sunday, Mar 09th

FEMA Recovery Center Open in White Plains

brp8-11dThe FEMA Disaster Recovery Center at the Westchester County Center in White Plains is now open for individuals, households and businesses to get help filing for Hurricane Irene disaster aid. The Disaster Recovery Center will operate from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week until further notice. (Parking fees have been waived.)

The first step is to register: by calling FEMA’s registration number 1-800-621-3362; or on line at . For those with speech or hearing disabilities, use the TTY number at 800-462-7585. FEMA strongly advises people to register in advance of visiting the disaster center.

In addition to state and federal partners at the center, staff from the county Department of Social Services will be on hand to help residents. There will also be representatives from the Small Business Administration, who can explain the low-interest loan packages available to individuals, nonprofits and businesses of any size.

(photo credit: Bruce Wells)