Sunday, Mar 09th

Who's on Your Ballot for Election Day, Tuesday November 8th

votecheckTuesday November 8th is Election Day and local polls will be open from 6 am to 9 pm. Here is a review of whom you will find on the ballot in Scarsdale and Greenburgh. In Scarsdale, there are just a few contests:

County Legislator District 5: Democrat incumbent Bill Ryan has now served for seven terms as County Legislator and is the former Chairman of the Board of Legislators. He is vying for his eighth term against Republican challenger Iris Pagan, a White Plains resident, active member of the Westchester Republican Party and teacher.

Both candidates favor lowering county taxes, which now account for approximately 20% of your local tax bill.

Ryan’s positions are as follows:ryan

  • Press the state to takeover the local costs of Medicaid ($211 million) and eliminate other unfunded state mandates. The nine largest mandates account for 90 percent of County taxes.
  • Look for ways to consolidate local government and realize efficiencies
  • Capital improvement program to upgrade County roads and bridges, buildings and facilities, and other infrastructure.
  • Create fair and affordable housing for working families

Choice Matters favor Ryan saying he “has been an active and vocal advocate for Choice since his early in the NYS Assembly.”

Pagan advocates:pagan

  • Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of County government to lower taxes and continue to provide services to residents
  • Promoting transparency in government
  • Cost effective management of County facilities like Playland
  • Limiting the scope of County government and expanding it only when residents give a strong mandate to do so.

At a recent debate, Pagan came out “against the fair and affordable housing settlement” saying it threatens “to cost us millions of dollars.” According to Choice Matters, Pagan is rated pro-choice “but will not commit to supporting the Clinic Access Bill and claims to be a political novice.”

Also on the local ballot will be the names of three candidates for Justice of the State Supreme Court. This is the highest trial court in the state. Voters can vote for two of the following three candidates, Robert Di Bella (Dem/Rep), Paul Marx (Dem) and Edward Borrelli (Republican). Learn more about their backgrounds and positions on the League of Women Voters Website at:

Last, Democrate Jeffrey L. Levin is running unopposed for Town Justice in Scarsdale. He is an attorney who attended New Rochelle High School. SUNY Buffalo and St. John’s Law School. There is no salary for this position and the term is four years.

In Greenburgh, Town Supervisor Paul Feiner is running unopposed for an 11th term. He has held the position since 1991. A constant presencepaulfeiner all over Greenburgh, Feiner has recently advocated putting power lines underground when major roadwork is done, turning the old Tappan Zee Bridge into a highline when the replacement bridge is built and mulching rather than collecting leaves. His proposed 2012 budget complies with the 2% tax cap. The salary for the supervisor job is $127,618 and has a term of two years.

Also on the Greenburgh ballot are the following races:

County Legislator: Mary-Jane Shimsky (Dem/WF) of Hastings is running for the 12th Districe that encompasses Irvington, Dobbs Ferry, Hastings-on-Hudson, Ardsley and Greenburgh.  Active in the Democratic Party, Shimsky was originally elected to the Legislature in a special election in February, 2011.  She is being challenged for her seat by Conservative Party candidate John Russo of Hartsdale who is advocating a salary cut for County Legislators and managers.

Alfreda A. Williams is running unopposed in District 8 which includes Sleepy Hollow, Tarrytown, Elmsford and Greenburgh. Williams is running on the Democratic and Independence party lines.

Councilmember: A $28,332 position with a four-year term: Vote for two of the three candidates:

  • Sonjam Brown – Dem
  • Ken S. Jones – Dem/Ind
  • Kevn Morgan Dem/WF/Ind

Town Clerk: a $73,686 per year position with a two-year term: Vote for one:

  • Judith A. Beville (Dem/WF)
  • Sherron Fantauzzi (Ind)

Town Justice: a four-year position with an annual salary of $56,626: Vote for three of the four candidates:

  • Delores S. Brathwaite (Dem, WF, In, IND)
  • Arlene Gordon-Oliver (Dem)
  • Walter Rivera (Dem, WF, IN, IND)
  • Bonnie L. Orden (WF, IN)

Receiver of Taxes:

Anne Povella is running unopposed for this $85,822 per year job that has a term of four years.

The League of Women voters has a website, where you can enter your address to view a list of the candidates that will appear on your ballot and your polling location, as well as additional information posted by the candidates. Check it out.