Sunday, Mar 09th

SHS Students Give Their Views on the Presidential Election

LarryMilsteinWith the official start of the presidential primary season this week, SHS junior Caroline Rodman asked some of her classmates who they favor for the #1 job. Most high school seniors will be old enough to vote by November 2012 and will cast their first votes in the presidential election.
Students were asked, “If you are or were able vote in the upcoming election, at this point, who would you vote for and why?"

Larry Milstein: “I would vote for Jon Hunstman because I think that he has a good grasp on how global economics work. I believe his close connection to China, knowing Mandarin and being an ambassador, will allow him to work with our main rival and keep us out of debt. As well, though he is Republican, he is the least conservative and believes in evolution, pro-choice, and gay marriage (unlike the other Republican candidates).

Andrew Feyer
Andrew Feyer: “I'm voting for Obama, because as a Liberal, I agree with imposing taxes if it is for the purpose of helping those in need. Also, watching the Republican convention made me sick. Those guys want to deport illegal aliens because "America is for Americans." Also have you seen Rick Perry's "Strong" Ad trying to reunite church and state? Blech.”


Sam Waters
Sam Waters: " I would vote for Barak Obama because I feel that given the circumstances he had to deal with (the adamant and unrelenting Republican congressional opposition) he actually accomplished a lot. Also I feel that the Republican candidates are grossly misguided in their tax policies, and some of them are downright insane/idiotic.”


Sarah Coffey: “I would probably vote for Obama, half because I’m a Democrat and half because in my opinion all the Republican nominees are crazy.”

Claudia Taselaar
Claudia Taselaar: "I think I would vote for Romney because we need a Republican in office to deal with the economic crisis. Republicans and their preferences would help get the economy moving. Romney wants to lower taxes to get people spending more. He also wants to cut government spending, which is necessary right now. That is something that Obama always shies away from."


Talia Visaggi: “Probably nobody because I don’t like any of the Republicans and I definitely don’t want Obama again. If another Democrat steps up, which I think one will, I’d be inclined to vote for he or she.”

Talia Visaggi


Caroline Rodman is a junior at the Scarsdale Alternative School. She plays tennis for the Varsity B girls team, serves as treasurer for the Scarsdale High School Charity:water Club, is the head of the prom committee for her graduating class, and is currently a student intern for Scarsdale10583.

Pictured at top: Larry Milstein