Letter to the Editor: Developer Dupes Village
- Wednesday, 22 February 2012 12:37
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 22 February 2012 17:19
- Published: Wednesday, 22 February 2012 12:37
- Hits: 4053
To the Editor: Regarding the recent article relating to the home built in Saxon Woods by a developer that received a pass by the Boards and Building Department of Scarsdale we here in Edgemont are experiencing the same lack of enforcement and regard for our home and existing neighborhood.
The owner/builder (who is actually in telecommunications and not a builder by profession) purchased the lot on 201 South Healy Avenue and is attempting the same "duping" here in the town of Greenburgh. The builder received a permit to build a modest one-family residence on a small lot which he has, without permit or approval, substantially increased in size and scope and moved structures and walls all without going before the boards for permission to deviate from the approved plans. Depending on the day, the home is either for his family or for sale - it has been on and off multiple listings.
He has harassed us regularly for almost two years, damaged our private property, towed my car from my driveway while we were away on vacation, made verbal threats, thrown my garbage can every Monday and Thursday for three months, threatened my wife twice with his construction vehicle and dumped dirt on my wife's head with his bobcat from behind. At a recent meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals he slapped a female neighbor in the face and was arrested. He is aggressive and violent towards us because we are documenting his unlawful building and trying to get the town to see what he is doing.
What is the point of land use Boards and Building Department inspectors? Apparently you may now purchase property and build whatever you want? Why aren't these boards and town officials enforcing the laws and codes in place to protect existing property owners and neighborhood integrity? Why must the existing homeowners police the builders? And why after issues are brought to the town's attention are they ignored? We have supplied an enormous amount of documented proof that what is being constructed is not what was approved and yet while the town spins their wheels, he continues to build...now he is claiming financial hardship because instead of being stopped when it was a mere foundation, he has been allowed to continue at "his own risk". So he has continued, banking on the idea that now that so much has been built, the town won't make him take it down.
There is no reason why any of this should be happening, yet it is; and although we are disgusted that we have had to endure this man's reign of terror, we will not be bullied and allow our home to be devalued nor allow his constant threats to deter us.
If we don’t take a stand then all of you should be prepared should something change next door to you.
Mark Gordon
13 Elizabeth Street
Scarsdale, NY