The Cold Truth: November 2, 2012
- Friday, 02 November 2012 11:04
- Last Updated: Saturday, 03 November 2012 18:17
- Published: Friday, 02 November 2012 11:04
- Hits: 5660
Determined to get some answers I went to Village Hall this morning and here is what I learned: Power: The current estimate for restoration of power is 7-10 days. For most the lights will be on again by next weekend – (11/9 or 11/10). Since temperatures will dip to freezing this weekend, anyone who has a place to go – and gas in the car, should consider making the move. Though staying in unheated homes has been bearable up to now, it may become out of the question this weekend.
Con Edison Crews: I found three Con Edison trucks on Mamaroneck Road working to repair a damaged utility poll near Murray Hill Road. Today this crew will continue work on Mamaroneck Road to clear it for emergency vehicles and regular traffic. The men confirmed that Hurricane Sandy was the most damaging to Scarsdale of any storm to date and agreed that it will take at least a week to clear the trees and repair the lines. Though they offered no specifics, they said additional crews would be in Scarsdale “soon.”
The Election: We spoke to Village Clerk Donna Conkling who is in touch with the Westchester County Board of Elections. According to her, the Governor’s Office and the NYS Board of Elections are working with Con Edison to open all polling places by Tuesday. The Village has both electronic and lever voting machines but is charged with using the electronic machines for this election, which of course require power. Three of the eight official polling places are open: Crossway Fire House, the Scarsdale Public Library and the Heathcote School. Though it appears doubtful that the five additional polling places will be powered up by Tuesday, Conkling needs to wait for word from the Board of Elections before revising any plans to change polling locations. She promised to keep us informed and we in turn will send any information we receive onto you.
Information: We also spoke to Deputy Village Manager Steve Pappalardo and Assistant Village Manager John Goodwin who were en route to attend the daily briefing at the Public Safety Building. They promised to send daily updates on the crisis to everyone.