Prom Fashion 2013
- Wednesday, 08 May 2013 18:20
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 08 May 2013 22:00
- Published: Wednesday, 08 May 2013 18:20
- Hits: 4316
It's the beginning of May ... a time when high school girls thoughts stray from schoolwork and finals to the beach and prom. Tis the season for dressing up and Pinterest is currently swarming with weddings, cocktail attire and details of what to wear for all types of party-goers. To give you a better idea of what's in for Prom 2013, Scarsdale resident, stylist and fashion hunter Stephanie Unter enlisted three Scarsdale High School girls who were willing to strut their stuff for photographer Jim D'Angelo. They borrowed dresses from The Look to showcase prom styles for this season.
The fashion shoot features the girls in three different looks and price ranges. Though these young stars never modeled before they posed like pros. It was a day of girly fun beginning at the hair and makeup station at 8AM, getting lost en route to their location and eventually taking the perfect final shots.
Unter asked each girl what prom meant to them and she is happy to report that nothing has changed since the dinosaur age of her prom days. It's all about top 40 remix heaven, the getting ready beforehand, and of course, stashing the heels and enjoying the after party. Take a peek below at the lovely girls and what they have to say. Notice a similar thread running though each of their minds.... "Say yes to the dress, and the date takes second place by far."
Prom girl one, Sarah (pictured above) says, "Getting dressed and looking pretty for the picture is the biggest thing. The date doesn't matter, ... that is just a detail."
Michelle says prom is "glamorous, magical, and fun. Getting dressed up is definitely the best part ... hair, makeup, and nails — it's fun being a girl! It's special, the one night you can let loose!"
For Olivia prom is about "spending the night with a guy that you have a good time with." She says, "You never really get the chance to get all dressed up and really look nice. Even better? Your favorite teachers can come and see you at your best."
Pretty in pink, was the theme of the day because they looked like princesses getting dressed for the ball. And frankly, in the end, it fit their ideal prom look. They lived in the moment and laughed the day away. And then the fun happened. As you can see from the pics below, those sky-high shoes were ditched for bare feet.
A shout out to intern Carina, for helping out with hair, makeup, and assistance on-set, to Jim D'Angelo for taking fantastic magical pics, and for all the lovely girls for making this day possible.
Photography: Jim D'Angelo
See more style and find out where to buy on Stephanie Unter's blog, New York Fashion Hunter.