Sunday, Mar 09th

Harry Reynolds Calls for Road Repair at the Scarsdale Library

This letter was sent to Scarsdale10583 from Scarsdale resident Harry Reynolds:
Village Clerkharryreynolds
Village Hall
1001 Post Road
Scarsdale, New York 10583

Notice is hereby given of the existence of the dangerous, defective and unsafe condition that has long existed in the roadway located at and abutting upon the Scarsdale Public Library at 54 Olmsted Road in the Village of Scarsdale. The roadway's surface is so notoriously broken and filled with crevices that walking upon it at any point is a hazardous undertaking for the population in general and particularly the aged, visually impaired, crippled, infants, and pregnant women, to say nothing of its use at night by the sighted who must walk among the holes and bumps and puddles while alert to angularly parked cars pulling out from their parking spaces. We are an over taxed, long suffering, patient community deserving more than an entrapping roadway.

The Village by law is required within a reasonable time after the receipt of this notice to repair the defective condition and make the roadway a place reasonably safe.

s/Harold Reynolds