Sunday, Mar 09th

Bank Robbery on Central Avenue and Lockdown at Edgemont Jr/Sr High School

whiteoakGreenburgh Police received back-to-back calls on the afternoon of September 26 about a gunman at Edgemont Junior/Senior High School and an armed robbery at the Capitol One Bank at 911 South Central Park Avenue in Scarsdale. Just after lunchtime on Thursday police received a call that a man with a gun was spotted at the school. The police arrived at 1:45 pm and placed the school in lockdown, darkening all the classrooms and instructing students to sit against the walls. Police checked every building on the campus and no gun was found. According to Superintendent Victoria Kniewel, the report is believed to be false. By 2:30 pm classes resumed and after-school activities were given the go ahead.

However, also at 1:45 pm police received a report that an armed robbery had occurred at the Capital One Bank on Central Avenue. According to Captain Chris McNerney, "a male suspect entered the bank, displayed a firearm and ordered everyone to the ground. The suspect then took an undetermined amount of cash and fled the area in a dark grey sedan with dark tinted windows in an unknown direction. The suspect is described as a light-skinned male wearing an NYPD knit hat, gloves, a mask covering his face below his eyes, dark colored long sleeve shirt, blue jeans and tan work boots. He was also in possession of a police type radio-scanner."

The school and the bank are about a mile apart. Police are trying to determine if the two incidents are linked.