Sunday, Mar 09th

Former Yankee Mickey Rivers Throws the First Pitch At Scarsdale Little League Opening Day

SLLIMG 0109News 12 Sports Anchor Walt Fowler and All-Star NY Yankees Center Fielder Mickey Rivers greeted players, parents and friends at Scarsdale Little League's opening day ceremony on Saturday April 18th at Crossway Field. With over 800 registered players and 70 teams, little league baseball is the village's largest independent sports organization. Scarsdale's Cub Pack 440 marched in with their color guard to raise the American flag and helped lead the recitation of the pledge of allegiance. SLL President Larry Medvinsky, Mayor Jon Mark and Scarsdale High School Varsity Coach Doc Scholl made remarks to the gathered crowd of players, coaches and parents. Scarsdale Little League continued the tradition of having a "legend" throw out the first pitch. All-Star NY Yankee center fielder Mickey Rivers gave the players some words of inspiration and made the throw to last year's Michael Ludwig Award winning player, Matt Daniel.

In other baseball news, The Scarsdale Raiders baseball team got a little luck from heffnercoach Danieltheir Little League bat boys this past Tuesday (April 21). Junior League player James Heffner and Atlantic League player Matt Daniel were winners in the annual Scarsdale Baseball Club's raffle that gave them the chance to: participate in pre-game activities, act as bat boy for the entire game, get exposure to Coach Doc Scholl and his players and – most importantly – see Raider baseball at the next level. As an added bonus; the boys got to see Scarsdale come away with a solid 13-to-5 win over the visiting Mount Vernon Knights.


