Sunday, Mar 09th

Mayor Issues Guidelines for Wednesday meeting with J.F. Ryan

JohnRyanThe much-anticipated meeting with J.F. Ryan, the man who conducted the 2016 revaluation in Scarsdale, will be held in Scarsdale Village Hall on Wednesday night August 17 at 6:55 pm.

And you don't have to come to Village Hall to follow the conversation. In addition to being broadcast on the Scarsdale cable TV channels, the meeting will be streamed live online. The Village will include a "Live Broadcast" icon on its home page, which will direct interested online viewers to

In response to residents' requests to question Mr. Ryan, the Mayor forwarded the following guidelines for those who pose questions during the session:

From Mayor Jon Mark:
In addition to the written question format previously reported, we recognize the desire of residents to ask questions of Mr. Ryan and Ms. Albanese directly at the meeting scheduled for August 17, 2016. Therefore, there will be a portion of the meeting following his presentation in which residents will be invited to ask their questions. Those who do so are requested to keep in mind the following:

1. Submitting questions in writing is the primary method to be utilized at the meeting.

2. The purpose of the meeting is to hear what Mr. Ryan and Ms. Albanese have to say about the implementation of the 2016 revaluation.

3. Questions should therefore be focused on what Mr. Ryan did in executing the revaluation and on the methodology and analysis he used to develop his model and derive the tentative property assessments.

4. The goal is to have an orderly meeting in which information about the revaluation process is elicited and conveyed.