Race Results from the 15K and 4 Mile 47th Annual Run in Scarsdale
- Thursday, 06 April 2017 09:08
- Last Updated: Thursday, 06 April 2017 12:49
- Published: Thursday, 06 April 2017 09:08
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 8512
Scarsdale was on the run on Sunday April 2 when 177 adults and 86 children turned out to participate in a day of races and fun runs. This was the 47th annual 15K/4-mile run, sponsored by the Scarsdale Parks and Recreation Department.
Adults ran either 15K (9.3 miles) or 4 miles in a course that wove through Fox Meadow and Greenacres. Prizes were awarded by age category and the results show that in both the men and women's divisions there was a runner over 80 years old!
The overall winners of the 15K race were Robert Cruz from Scarsdale who ran the 15K in 56.11 minutes and Rachel Levine Rilander who completed the 15K course in 1:08. In the 4-mile race, Julian Scheinbaum was the first male winner, at 23.38 minutes and Jilly Mehlman was first in among the women at 27:33.
86 children between Pre-K & 4th Grade participated in the Fun Run with the youngest kids doing one lap around the high school track while the older kids ran four laps, which is a full mile.
Fortunately, the sun came out for the race, making it pleasant for the runners and all their supporters.
Nearly 30 members from Team WeRun participated in the race and many finished with their personal best times. Here are results from the team:
15K M30-39 4th Place: Meiliang Wu (01:04:50)
15K M40-49 5th Place: Andy Zhang (01:03:44)
15K F30-39 1st Place: Xiaojuan Hu (01:09:56)
15K F30-39 3rd Place: Yunchun Xu (01:14:22)
15K F40-49 2nd Place: Chen Zou (01:17:10)
15K F40-49 5th Place: Xiaoshan Zhu (01:19:38)
4M M1-14: 5th Place: Matthew Zhao (00:34:56)
4M M15-19: 4th Place: Maxwell Zhao (00:26:18)
4M F1-14 3rd Place: Joanna Wang (00:38:50)
4M F40-49 1st Place: Hongwei Zhou (00:32:00)
Four top team members plan to run the Boston Marathon in just two weeks. All runners seasoned or novice are welcome to join. For more information, please email Lisa Tan at lisaytan@yahoo.com.