Sunday, Mar 09th

A Spa for the Soul at Kol Ami

Congregation Kol Ami is trying something new. The women of the Westchester Jewish community are invited to join them for a Spa for the Soul, on Sunday March 7th from 11:30 am -4:00 pm at the synagogue on Soundview Avenue in White Plains. This is an afternoon for women to get in touch with themselves, take a break from the daily grind, and make themselves a top priority.

The day will be filled with meaningful and spiritual seminars, a gourmet luncheon, a spa, and a boutique hour.

Three extraordinary Jewish scholars will be featured on the program:

Rabbi Shira Milgrom of Congregation Kol Ami: Rabbi Milgrom reflects a new generation of rabbis who passionately creates extraordinary encounters with Jewish texts, rituals and traditions that merge the intimate and personal with the grand vision of Judaism and the Jewish people

Blu Greenberg
: Keynote speaker- a traditionally observant Jewish women who has become a prime voice for feminism in a Jewish context, is listed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in World Jewry.

Rabbi Pamela Wax : Rabbi Wax is the spiritual Care Coordinator at Westchester Jewish Community Services where she runs a healing center and provides spiritual counseling. She is formerly the assistant director of the URJ Department of Adult Jewish Growth.

Participants will gather for a sumptuous luncheon and have a chance to hear the remarkable Blu Greenberg. Then the group will move to breakout sessions of their choice led by these three prolific teachers. The topics will include:

-What Does the Word Spirituality Mean to You? – Blue Greenberg - This session will focus on the spiritual content in each of us. A discussion of individual definitions of spirituality and what it means to each of us will be the central focus of the session.

-Spirituality for the Mind and Soul – Rabbi Shira Milgrom
This session will focus on constructing a personal spiritual practice that harmonizes contemporary liberal views with traditional wisdom. What is there for each of us within the reservoirs of Jewish wisdom and practice?

-Balancing on the Teeter-Totter: Spiritual Strategies for Living – Rabbi Pamela Wax: Life is about negotiating everyday curveballs. What can Judaism teach us about balance and equanimity so that we can stay centered and focused? A discussion on holding expectations and disappointments in proper perspective will be part of this break out session.

Spa is part of this too, with many sample experiences available to participants, including massage, eyebrow shaping, facials, make-up tips, nutrition counseling, chiropractic, acupuncture, reflexology, and more. There will also be a mini-boutique with products that appeal to our spiritual and psychical senses.

This is a unique program and a day to care for your body and soul. Women usually put themselves last, taking care of children, husbands, parents and jobs first. Spa for the Soul is about taking care of you.

To download a reservation form and get more information visit
You can also contact the co-chairs via email with questions.

Please join us!
Jill Abraham-
Lauri Carey-