Phase II of LED Streetlight Pilot is Underway
- Wednesday, 24 October 2018 06:00
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 24 October 2018 12:33
- Published: Wednesday, 24 October 2018 06:00
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 3112
Phase II of the Village’s successful LED Streetlight Conversion Project, a pilot involving residential roadway lighting, is launching today. LED streetlights for the Phase II pilot have been installed at 11 locations throughout the village, as depicted on the maps available online and provided on pages two and three of this press release.
The Village wants to hear what Scarsdale residents think about the new LED streetlights!
During the one-month pilot period, they ask that residents visit locations depicted on the maps and provide feedback by emailing or by dropping-off written comments at Village Hall in the LED comment box located at the first floor service counter. Subject to the results of this pilot, all remaining standard streetlight fixtures will be upgraded to LED, so now is the time to express your opinion.
The first phase of the LED Streetlight Conversion Project, streetlights on High Traffic Roads and locations with Town and Country fixtures, was completed in May 2018. Approximately 300 fixtures were converted to LEDs and the fixtures have since performed well. The Phase II LED fixtures differ from the High Traffic Road fixtures in that they are intended for residential roads.
The Ad Hoc Committee on LED Lights, formed by the Village Board in April 2015 and tasked with conducting research and making recommendations to improve street lighting, reduce costs for electricity and fixture maintenance, and conserve energy, has been highly successful in their efforts. Additional information, including Committee updates and reports, is available from the Scarsdale LED Streetlight Project webpage, or by emailing