Sunday, Mar 09th

Art Students to Unveil Mural on East Parkway May 23

red wallArt students will create an original "wing" mural" for ScarsdaleThe Scarsdale High School chapter of the National Art Honor Society (NAHS) will unveil their mural, Wing the ‘Dale in Scarsdale Village on Thursday, May 23 at 4:30 pm. The project is intended to enrich the environment, ignite the imagination, encourage thought, and promote a healthy and vibrant village center.

The Scarsdale NAHS, composed of talented Scarsdale High School students advised by art teacher Janna Johnsen, created the hand-painted mural on wood boards, which will be mounted on DeCicco Family Markets’ exterior brick wall on East Parkway. The wings depicted in the mural convey a message of hope to be enjoyed by all visitors to the village center. The artwork was inspired by the Global Angel Wings Project created by Colette Miller, which features numerous human-sized, interactive paintings of wings in cities worldwide that “remind humanity that we are the angels of this earth.”

Student artist and NAHS Chapter President Renee Dibbini said, “We’re grateful for the opportunity to create Wing the ‘Dale. We were excited from the day the project was introduced to us and can’t wait to see our hard work displayed.” She continued, “All the club members had loads of fun working on the project and are thankful to have the chance to beautify the village center in a such a unique way! We hope that NAHS will continue to contribute to the Scarsdale community and create art for everyone to enjoy.”WingImage

“This collaborative project will be a source of pride, not just for those involved in creating it, but for our entire village. It will enhance the experience of residents and visitors to our beautiful downtown area,“ said Amy Nadasdi, consultant at The Acceleration Project that spearheaded the initiative. “We are grateful to DeCicco Family Markets, which graciously donated its wall space and labor, and provided funding for the mural installation. We’d also like to thank the Scarsdale Arts Advisory Council for their support and assistance with the project.”

After Scarsdale Village Mayor Marc Samwick unveils Wing the ‘Dale, members of the public will be invited to photograph themselves standing in front of the mural (as if wearing the wings) and share their images via social media (#wingthedale ). Those who post their photos on Instagram are encouraged to tag themselves and as many friends as possible, so that all will be entered to win custom, limited-edition Wing the ‘Dale apparel.

Immediately following the Wing the ‘Dale event , everyone is invited to remain downtown from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, and enjoy Rock the ‘Dale, the Scarsdale Arts Advisory Council’s first live music event of 2019. The event will take place in Chase Park and feature music by IBEX band, whose members are Scarsdale residents. The Walter’s Hot Dogs food truck also will be onsite.