Sunday, Mar 09th

Fire: Kids and Parents Learn What to Do in Case of a Fire

firefigher georgeFirefighter Cordes George demonstrating the improper way to extinguish a grease fire on the kitchen prop that his daughter Ashley George designed and built for her Girl Scout project.On Saturday elementary school children were called into action when a house went up in flames at Crossway. The kids used the fire extinguishers to put out the blaze – but thankfully it was only a drill.storytimeStory time with Captain Stephen Mulcahy.

The fire was one activity at the Scarsdale Fire Department’s Fire Fair which was attended by over 250 people. Those who attended enjoyed a day of good weather with many activities to teach kids how to avoid fires and what to do when one occurs.

In addition to the house on fire and the “Stop, Drop and Roll” demo there was a bouncy house and a fire engine to explore. For the adults, there was a live demonstration on how to put out a grease fire on your stovetop and an oven fire. A lucky volunteer from the audience donned fire department gear and was able to demonstrate how to use a fire extinguisher on an oven fire.

kidsputoutfireKids extinguish a demo house fire.New this year was the realistic kitchen cabinet prop, which showed how the grease fire, when improperly put out with water, would spread to the upper and lower cabinets. This kitchen prop was designed and built by Ashley George, a local resident and daughter to Volunteer Company # One firefighter Cordes George, as part of her Girl Scout project. Firefighter Cordes George demonstrated the improper way of putting out a grease fire on the kitchen prop. He said, “This was a great addition to our demonstration this year … it makes it more realistic.” The Scarsdale Fire Department thanks Ashley George for her work on this project.

Also new this year, the children were entertained by a reading of “The Story of Sparky the Fire Dog” by Captain Stephen Mulcahy. Each child who attended the story time received a copy of the book and had their book signed by a firefighter. Kids also enjoyed hot dogs, popcorn and cotton candy.

audeincevolunteerA volunteer from the audience demonstrates the different classes of fire extinguishers.

Steve Rossi, of AAA Emergency in North White Plains, was on hand to educate the public on the selection of a proper fire extinguisher.

Photos by Jon Thaler. See more here: