The Safe Coalition Provides Vital Information About Domestic Abuse During this Difficult Time
- Wednesday, 25 March 2020 18:59
- Last Updated: Thursday, 26 March 2020 08:42
- Published: Wednesday, 25 March 2020 18:59
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1741
The Safe Coalition: Children, Families, Community would like to share some vital information during these difficult times. For many people, forced to be at home is not only unsettling but also dangerous. Those who regularly experience family violence (domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse) may see this behavior exacerbated during such stressful times. Survivors and victims need resources and support now more than ever.
Included in this message are local and national resources for both violence and mental health support, action steps to encourage our government to consider survivors and victims, and information about orders of protection and other emergency actions related to family violence. It is our hope that the Scarsdale community will continue to consider the most vulnerable populations during this time. We wish you all peace, health, and safety.
The Safe Coalition
Lauren Pomerantz, LCSW
Hope’s Door, shelter, counseling, legal assistance
Pace Women’s Justice Center - legal assistance in obtaining a Family Court Order of Protection - 914-422-4188(Legal Clinic), or 914-287-0739 (legal help-line)
My Sister’s Place shelter, counseling, legal assistance
Westchester County Office for Women
Scarsdale Police Department -914-722-1200 or 911
Westchester DA’s office 914-995-3000 for legal assistance includes National Domestic Violence hotline
ACTION STEP- Please help forward and act on this important message:
Despite state-wide court reduction in services, a victim of domestic violence can still obtain an Order of Protection, either through the Criminal Courts or the Family Courts, or both. Refer to above resources to obtain legal assistance in drafting and filing petitions for Orders of Protection in Family Courts. If you are in immediate danger, call the Scarsdale Police Department.