Letters to the Editor: Why I’m Voting for Row B - Arest, Crandall, Whitestone - for Village Trustees
- Thursday, 10 September 2020 08:46
- Last Updated: Thursday, 10 September 2020 21:24
- Published: Thursday, 10 September 2020 08:46
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2655
Ron SchulhofThis letter was written by Ron Schulhof:
Justin Arest, Lena Crandall, and Randy Whitestone, the CNC-nominated candidates for Village Trustee, are my choice for the Village Board of Trustees. I have worked with Justin and Lena for many years and have gotten to know Randy since he was nominated. They are hard-working, dedicated, selfless community volunteers and proven leaders. Once again, we have a contested election, so it is important that residents know that the Row B candidates have time and again taken action to do what is best for our community.
Justin and Lena bring a breadth and depth of experience from their first terms as trustees on the Village Board. They work collaboratively with Village staff and other trustees, deliberate issues thoughtfully, and have brought positive change to our community. Randy has been a longstanding volunteer in our community and will bring his professional background in finance and communications to the Village Board.
Much of the work Justin, Lena and the entire Village Board have accomplished is very visible in our day to day lives. This includes the Dine the Dale initiative, ensuring the pool opened this summer in a safe way, working collaboratively with the School Board on projects such as Butler Field and split tax payments, and maintaining a high level of services throughout the Spring when the Village had to run at limited staffing capacity.
There is also a tremendous amount of hard work done by the Board week in and week out that benefits our community, but that may not get as much notice. Justin, Lena, and the Board do this type of work without fanfare or accolade. Just a few examples include the replacement of senior village staff as long-tenured staff members have retired, making structural staffing changes in order to save money and improve Village services, spending countless hours developing prudent budgets and planning for financial adjustments where needed. Justin and Lena have continually looked for ways to make our community even better, and time and again have done so.
As part of my experience as a Scarsdale volunteer, I have served on the Citizens Nominating Committee, which is the elected body in Scarsdale, made up of residents from each neighborhood, to nominate a slate of candidates. I am happy to see the CNC continue to nominate excellent candidates for Village trustee. I hope you will join me in voting to support Row B - Justin Arest, Lena Crandall, and Randy Whitestone - for trustee in the Village election on September 15.
Ron Schulhof
Springdale Road
Michelle Sterling
Please Vote Row B - Arest, Crandall and Whitestone
I strongly support the slate of Justin Arest, Lena Crandall and Randy Whitestone. As a local volunteer myself, I have seen Arest and Crandall in action over the past two years on the Board of Trustees, and even before as local volunteers active in numerous town volunteer positions. Randy Whitestone has also been an active town volunteer over his many years as a resident. Arest, Crandall and Whitestone are intelligent, thoughtful, caring and hard-working residents that continue to give their time and expertise to build on the strengths of this community.
I have had the pleasure of working with both of these trustees on several sustainability initiatives such as the implementation of Scarsdale’s Food Scrap Recycling Program, the LED streetlight conversion and our ongoing project of working to ensure that our Village properties are maintained organically and without toxic chemicals. Working with Trustees Crandall and Arest, I can say that they always listen, consider the facts, and involve our Village volunteers in order to get to the best results for our community.
This year’s election is contested. So it is important that our residents vote, and know who they are voting for and how they got there. Thankfully our town has a non-partisan system, which means that we nominate candidates not based on political affiliation or personal agendas, but based on who they are as people and how they will represent our entire community. Arest and Crandall have shown us great character and achievements during the last two years and I am confident that the entire Row B slate of candidates will continue to do so going forward.
Please Vote for Row B - Arest, Crandall, and Whitestone - on September 15 at the Scarsdale Congregational Church.
Michelle Sterling
Brayton Road