Sunday, Mar 09th

Village Election Tuesday March 15: Voting Information

voteThe Village Election will take place on Tuesday, March 15, from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All election Districts will be voting at the Scarsdale Public Library, 54 Olmsted Road. All COVID-19 protocols set forth by the CDC for polling locations will be followed.
On the ballot three candidates are running for three Village Trustee positions.

Registration Information

Friday, March 4: Last day to register with Westchester County Board of Elections to be eligible to vote in the Village Election. The voter registration form can be downloaded from the Westchester County Board of Elections website: You must be a registered voter at your current address in the Village of Scarsdale to vote in the Village Election. If you have any questions about your voter registration status, please call the Westchester County Board of Elections at (914) 995-2000 or check their website You may also check the website of the New York State Board of Elections:

Absentee Ballot Information

Tuesday, March 8: Last day for the Village Clerk to receive applications for absentee ballots to be mailed to qualified voters. Voters can get an absentee ballot application (1) online from Village’s website, (2) request one by phone or mail from the Village Clerk, or (3) obtain one at the Village Clerk’s Office in Village Hall. Note: All voters can still apply to vote by absentee ballot using the temporary illness clause if there is a risk of contracting a disease (such as COVID-19).
Monday, March 14: Last day for the Village Clerk to receive in-person applications for an absentee ballot from an applicant or applicant’s agent.

Tuesday, March 15: Date of Village Election - Last day to drop off absentee ballots in-person (1) in the drop box at the Scarsdale Public Library any time before polls close at 9pm, or (2) in the drop box at Village Hall any time before it closes at 5pm. Also, this is the last day that absentee ballots sent via mail must be received by Village Hall.
For additional information, you may contact LWVS Voter Service Chairs Lauren Hertzog Fields, Beatrice Sevcik, or Jessica Zellner at