Sunday, Mar 09th

Calling All Scouts

Scouts2This announcement was sent to us by Mayra Kirkendall Rodriguez:

Scarsdale’s Cub Scout Pack 440 and Troop 4 are pleased to invite any and all K-11th grade students in Westchester County to their two recruiting events on Sunday, September 18 (Scouting activities) and Sunday, October 23 (pumpkin carving). The September 18th event will be at 4pm at Hitchcock Church, 6 Greenacres Avenue in Scarsdale. The Scouts will showcase a variety of fun Scouting activities both for elementary school-aged Cub Scouts, as well as middle and high school-aged Scouts.

This summer, Troop 4 Scouts Aidan Copeland, Christian Kirkendall-Rodríguez, Kent Mazza, Neal Mazza, Nikolas McMahon, and Noah Millard earned almost twenty merit badges in Animation, Canoeing, Disabilities Awareness, Chemistry, Climbing, Emergency Preparedness, Entrepreneurship, Game Design, Metalwork, Moviemaking, Oceanography, Photography, Radio, Safety, Space Exploration, and Welding. Scouts working toward attaining the rank of Eagle Scout must earn at least 21 merit badges each and complete other requirements in the areas of leadership, civic education, community service and fitness.
Scarsdale’s Troop 4, a secular Scout group founded in the 1920s for students in middle school and high school, has as its objectives to help Scouts develop character, civic mindedness, fitness and leadership skills. The troop achieves these aims through camping, outdoor activities, STEM projects and community service, all while having a lot of fun. Troop 4 embodies the values of inclusion, tolerance, and mutual respect for all people. The troop is very active and meets every Monday evening from 7pm to 8:30pm at Hitchcock Church, which kindly lets the Troop use their space.

Troop 4 has started a girls-linked troop which will have some of the events with the boys. The girls will also be designing their activities and events and will work toward achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Mayra Kirkendall-Rodríguez will be the Scoutmaster for this group; this summer she completed Scoutmaster leadership, child protection, and diversity, equity, and inclusion training courses.

Cub Scout Pack 440 is a fun and educational pack for boys and girls. Every year, cub scouts participate in outdoor adventures, community service and STEM activities. A highlight of the year is the pumpkin carving event where Cub Scouts and their guests enjoy creating spooky pumpkins; the event also includes a spooky dessert contest. Brian Rosenthal is the pack’s Cubmaster.

Any sixth to eleventh graders interested in joining Scarsdale’s Troop 4 may contact Scoutmaster Ted Mazza at For the girls-linked Troop, please contact Mayra Kirkendall-Rodríguez, Please visit Troop 4’s website and Facebook page. For Cub Scout Pack 440, please contact Cubmaster Brian Rosenthal,; you may visit Cub Scout Pack 440’s website at