Sunday, Mar 09th

Pilobolus: The Big Five-Oh! Tour at the Emelin Theater

PilobolusPilobolus is turning fifty! The remarkable company that secured an iconic place in American culture in the early 1970s is still wowing audiences with its irresistible mix of wit, sensuality, and stunning physical acumen. Now, to celebrate fifty amazing years, the BIG FIVE-OH! tour brings audiences a mix of pieces ranging from the vintage and visionary to the fresh and electrifying. And in the paradoxical Pilobolus tradition of breaking with tradition, the tour presents works dynamically reimagined for a never- before-seen Pilobolus experience.

Attend a performance at the Emelin Theater in Mamaroneck on Saturday October 29 at 8 pm.

In the decades since its inception, Pilobolus has performed on Broadway, at the Oscars, and the Olympic games, and has appeared on television, in movies, in advertisements, and in schools and businesses and created over 120 dance works. The company continues to propel the seeds of expression via human movement to every corner of the world, growing and changing each year while reaching new audiences and exploring new visual and physical planes.

Please visit for updates

Address: Emelin Theatre for the Performing Arts, 153 Library Lane, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Email:
Phone: 914-698-0098
Web :
Box Office in-person Hours: Two hours prior to every event.