Tuesday, Oct 01st

PamThis letter was written by current Scarsdale Board of Education President Pam Fuehrer:
I write as an individual, and not on behalf of the Board of Education, in support of Alison Singer. It is my strongly-held, personal opinion that re-electing willing and capable board members to a second term is critical to the strength of the Board and its efficacy as the governing body of the Scarsdale Schools. In the same way we invest in the Scarsdale Schools, we must think long-term and continually invest in the strength of the Board.

Effective school boards need balance; new voices and fresh perspectives must be coupled with veteran understanding and experience. The learning curve of a school board member is steep as there are vast areas of District management and operations that Board members need to understand in order to govern well. Board member development takes years and is supported not only through training but also through mentorship by senior board members. It is essential that the Scarsdale community provide future and remaining board members, all of whom are currently in their first or second years of board service, the benefit of someone who has mastered many of these areas from a governance perspective.

Alison Singer is a capable and effective leader and communicator. Over three years, she has consistently provided solid rationale and direction, especially when working through difficult topics. Board officers participate in 2 x 1 agenda-setting meetings with the superintendent, and we communicate regularly. Alison’s response to the challenges of this past year has been exceptional; her guidance and oversight efforts as Board Vice President have had great impact behind the scenes and at the table. Through her many years of service to the District, she has built relationships based upon respect with community members, the District’s management team, administrators, teachers, and staff. It is important to have strong and ongoing connections. Productive discussions, which rely on knowledge, experience, and respect, help foster a path which the governance and management teams can identify, build, and navigate together to move the District forward.

Alison is an asset to the Scarsdale Board of Education and her presence is needed to ensure the most effective governance team going forward. Please do not undervalue Alison’s or any veteran Board member’s experience; it directly impacts the strength of Scarsdale Board of Education and its ability to impact the Administration and the student experience.

WolfWinnersSecond grade winners (left to right) Matteus Grudin, Charlie Rosenthal, Josh Birns. Photo courtesy of Midori Im.In a sign that it’s fun to be a kid again, Scarsdale Cub Scout Pack 440 held their much loved Pinewood Derby car race on April 18, 2021 at Hitchcock Church. Each scout is tasked with carving their racing car from a block of wood into a speed machine and then decorating it. They then race against their fellow scouts.

Due to the pandemic, the event was cancelled last year, so this year the pack was were raring to go. With careful planning, the support of Hitchcock Church (the pack’s chartering organization), and adherence to CDC safety protocols, the pack was able to see their plans of a derby to the finish this spring.

The group’s leadership felt that it would be feasible to run the derby smoothly with modifications to minimize contact. While normally winners from each pack would race in further competitions against other packs, this year Scouts USA determined not to run such races. Nonetheless, the boys and girls of Pack 440 had a great time.

As first time racer Charlie Rosenthal, 8, recounted , “It was fun to build my car – drilling the holes, sawing it, painting it, and it was really exciting to see it race. For the first three seconds I was thinking nothing but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be fast.”

Final standings were as follows:

Wolf Den (Boys)
* 1st - Charlie Rosenthal
* 2nd - Matteus Lev GrudinTrackClose heat. Photo courtesy of Midori Im.
* 3rd - Josh Birns

Wolf Den (Girls)
* 1st - Estelle Maddison
* 2nd - Elena Streche

Bears Den
* 1st - Ayden Ostermiller
* 2nd - Dylan Ostermiller
* 3rd- Robbie Kolb

Webelos 4
* 1st - Delfina Kirkendall-Rodriguez
* 2nd - Shouei Yoo

Webelos 5
* 1st - Christian Kirkendall-Rodriguez
* 2nd - Charlie Im

The fastest car in the pack was designed by Ayden Ostermiller.

For best in design, third grader Logan East took first place while his brother Jackson tied for second with second grader Wyatt Burke.Josh Birns BRUCE BIRNS copySeven year old Josh Birns shows off his loaded racecar. Photo courtesy of Bruce Birns.

Estelle MaddisonSecond grader Estelle Maddison gets help from her little sister in carrying off the trophy. Assistant Cubmaster Heather Kolb looks on. Photo courtesy of Midori Im.CharlieImMasks can’t hide the smiles of Webelos Charlie Im, Christian Kirkendall-Rodriguez, Shouei Yoo, and Delfina Kirkendall-Rodriguez as they proudly display their trophies. Photo courtesy of Midori Im.BrianRosenthalDen leader Brian Rosenthal and son Charlie, 8, both displaying their woodworking talent. Brian carved his neckerchief slide when he was a scout. Photo courtesy of Midori Im.

mural logo active 1The Scarsdale Mural Project is calling upon Scarsdale artists of all ages to turn the Village into a community-wide art exhibition based on the themes "Gratitude and Service." Community members' art will be displayed in shop windows Village-wide throughout the month of June and will be used to help inform and inspire the muralist who will be chosen to paint the 2300 square foot wall at 57 Spencer Place on the same theme. Submissions are due by May 15. Details can be found at www.ScarsdaleMuralProject.org.

Here are the details:

The Scarsdale Mural Project, a consortium of local business and civic organizations calls upon you to create a Village-wide art exhibition.

As we pull out of a difficult year, help your neighbors reflect upon and celebrate the most wonderful parts of our lives and community: life itself, health, science, our loved ones, people helping and serving one another and our own ability to help others, to name a few. Help us celebrate life and enhance our Village with your art by submitting original drawings, and paintings that respond to the question:

What do "Gratitude and Service" mean to you?

Art must be on either 8.5"xII" or II "x 14" paper and should be in marker or poster paint (so it is vibrant enough to enjoy through a shop window).

Leave a .5" border so that it can be "framed" by our committee for display.

Please include on a separate sheet a brief (50 words or less) explanation of the work that can be displayed alongside it.

The artist's full name, age (if by a school-age child), and email address should be written in pencil on the back of the submission or on an attached sheet of paper.

Submission deadline: May 15 by mail (or dropped off in-person) to:

Attn: The Scarsdale Mural Project
The Scarsdale Improvement Corporation
14 Harwood Ct # 304
Scarsdale, NY 10583

Artworks will be displayed in the windows of participating shopkeepers throughout the month of June, 2021 and on the website www.scarsdalemuralproject.org and may also appear in online and print publications. The original piece can be picked up from the shop where it is displayed during the first week of July. In submitting art, participants agree to have their art displayed with their first name, last initial, and age (if by a school-age child).

All pieces will be shared with the muralist whom the Scarsdale Mural Project will engage to paint the side of 57 Spencer Place to inspire the upcoming mural "Gratitude and Service."

During the mural painting, the artists of select submissions may have the opportunity to meet individually with the muralist to discuss their art.

dogsahoylogoFour enterprising fourth graders from Fox Meadow used their free time during the pandemic to learn entrepreneurial skills and launch their own business. Janie Pease (COO), Alice Hoffman (CMO), Maya Zaitchik (CFO) and Avery Altschuler (CCO) took a crash course in Business 101, wrote a 30 page business plan and used it as the blueprint to start Dogs Ahoy, a local girl-owned dog walking business.

Here’s the story of the genesis of their business club that ultimately led to the new enterprise:

How did you get interested in learning about entrepreneurship?

We got interested in entrepreneurship because when Covid started and we weren’t going to school full time, we decided to do a weekly “business club” with one of our moms. For our business club, we would have a weekly meeting where we talked about one part of starting a business. Each week we would learn about a new topic. Some things we learned about were marketing, finance, communication skills/public speaking, logo and name/branding, budgeting, and teamwork/leadership. Once we learned all these skills we decided to launch our own business. We thought about what made a business successful, and we decided to make a dog walking business called “Dogs Ahoy.”

What are some of the things you learned about running a business?

One of the things we learned about running a business is that advertising is everything because if people don’t know about your business, you aren’t going to be successful. Also, you have to be different from other businesses that do the same thing as you do. And you have to make it easy for people to buy your product or hire you to do something, because otherwise they are just going to go to a different business that is more user friendly.

Why was it important to you to launch a 100% girl-owned business?

It was important to us to launch a 100% girl-owned business because many of the most popular businesses right now are run by men. For example, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Nike, and many more very successful businesses are all run by men. This made it important to us to have a successful business that is run by only girls to show the world that girls can do it too.

How did you come up with the name and logo for Dogs Ahoy?

Coming up with the logo was hard. We had to think of many ideas until we found the perfect one that popped out to us. We had to think of a simple and catchy logo. We had to think of what we wanted to be on the logo and the colors. For the name, we thought of many different bad, good, and silly names. We thought of “Purple Puppies,” “Puppy Palace,” and others until we finally thought of “Dogs Ahoy.” We thought of this name because we love cookies and dogs so it was perfect! We also thought we might grow our business one day to sell homemade dog treats and a lot more.

What is your marketing plan for Dogs Ahoy?

Our marketing plan includes Instagram, Scarsdale Buzz, flyers, business cards, and business-to-business partnerships.

-For instagram, our account is @dogsahoy4 and we post once a week.
-We have a weekly “Get to know the team” post where we talk about each of our founders.
-We do “dog of the week,” which is where we pick the best dog we walked that week and post a face shot of them and their name on our account.
-We have our moms post on Scarsdale Buzz about our business.
-We made flyers and business cards that we pass out.
-We are in touch with another business that sells dog treats. We made a deal where she gives her customers one of our business cards and we give our customers her business cards. It’s also one girl-owned business supporting another!


What is the most challenging part of launching a business?

We think the most challenging part of launching a business is getting people to know that you exist. For example, if you can make the best hamburgers in the world but no one knows you can, no one is going to buy them from you. You could be one of the best businesses on earth, but not if nobody knows your business exists.

Have you enjoyed this experience, and what is your favorite thing you learned?

We have had so much fun with this business and we have learned a lot. Our favorite thing that we have learned is how to create a brand. Some of things we thought about were coming up with the name for the business, coming up with the color scheme for the logo, choosing the design for the logo, and most importantly coming up with a mission statement. All of this was hard to do but it was really fun! We learned to be responsible, and to show up on time. We also spent a lot of time practicing public speaking, which is a great skill no matter what you do!

If you want to hire Dogs Ahoy for any dog walking services, please contact us at: dogsahoy4@gmail.com.

run2Almost 350 runners participated in Scarsdale’s annual 15K and 4 mile runs on Sunday April 11 both starting on Brewster Road in front of Scarsdale High School and circling through Fox Meadow and Greenacres. Fortunately the rain held off until the run could be completed.

Seven chose the “virtual run” option and submitted their own times to avoid running in a crowd.

The event is a big undertaking for the Village and according to Brian Gray of the Recreation Department, "This run is an all hands on deck program which requires all Department of Parks Recreation and Conservation staff to put on successfully. We also could not put the program on without assistance from the Department of Public Works, Scarsdale Police department, Scarsdale Fire Department, and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corp."

The event drew runners from preteens to those 80 plus and there were winners in many categories.

The male winners of the 4 mile run was John Flannery who completed the course in 19:39, followed by Tyler Sipprelle who placed second at 25:24.

The female winners of the 4 mile run were Christine Lee at 27:48 and Lizzie Hurshman at 28:32.

For the 15 K run, the overall men’s winners were Sean Luzzi at 50:31 and Jake Colman at 53:02.

The overall women’s winners were Betsy Eickelberg at 56:39 and Erin Gunther at 1:06:33


Here are the top runners by sex and age:

4 Mile Run

Men 14 and under: Rishi Shadaksharappa, 28:21
Men 15-19: Zacharie Friedman 27:15
Men 30-39: Tyler Sipprelle 25:24
Men 40-49: Josh Tenzer 29:39
Men 50-59: Carl Bauer 26:28
Men 60-69: Stewart Shabman 36:11
Men 70-79: Wayne Rubin 33:39
Men 80+ Leonard Rich 52:31

Women 14 and Under: Caroline Gilbride: 35:16
Women 15-19: Lizzie Hurshman: 28:32
Women 20-29: Zoe Zelkowitz: 36:13
Women 30-39: Leena Gyftopolous: 29:44
Women 40-49: Julie Graham: 29:15
Women 50-59: Allison Bauer 31:27
Women 60-69: Judy Rubin 32:59

15 K Run

Men29 and Under: Jake Coleman 53:02
Men 30-39: Tim Dowling: 1:00:28
Men 40-49: Shangyuan Luo: 55:47
Men’s 50-59: Thomas Connors 1:02:47
Men’s 60-69: Jeffrey Lehman 1:11:80

Women 29 and Under: Erin Gunther: 1:06:33
Women 30-39: Aliyah Frumin: 1:10:29
Women 40-49: Chen Zou: 1:08:35
Women 50-59: Marla Wasserman: 1:25:14
Women 60-69: Diane Calderon: 1:29:49

See all the runners and their times here
