Sunday, Sep 29th

Westchester County Legislator Jim Maisano announced on May 11 that he is running this November for New York State Supreme Court Justice for the 9th Judicial District includes Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, Orange and Dutchess Counties. Maisano has served on the Westchester County Board of Legislators for the past 13 years representing New Rochelle and Pelham and currently serves as Minority Leader.

Maisano stated, “I have been committed to public service since I joined the Marine Corps in 1984 and continue to honor this commitment through my service as a County Legislator. I have deep respect for the powerful impact of the courts and judiciary on people’s lives. I look forward to bringing my skills and experience to the bench. My goal is to be a judge that exemplifies Thomas Jefferson’s important ideal that ‘the most sacred of the duties of a government is to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens.’”

Throughout his service as a legislator, Maisano has also practiced law. In the past eight years, he has worked in the New York offices of two international law firms. He has been a counsel with Crowell & Moring LLP since 2007 practicing in the areas of commercial litigation, financial services and antitrust law. Maisano represents clients in a wide range of federal, state and local litigation and arbitration actions with cases dealing with business, real estate and financial institution issues. Before Crowell & Moring, he practiced commercial litigation, financial services, real estate, negligence and government relations at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney (2003-2007). He practiced law in New Rochelle as a sole practitioner in commercial litigation, real estate, negligence and criminal defense matters (1995-2003); with an insurance defense firm (1994-1995); and a commercial litigation firm (1992-1994). He was also a small claims court arbitrator in the New Rochelle City Court (1996-2003).

Maisano continued, “My experience in both small and large law firms, along with government and military service, provides me with a diverse and broad-based background. I am used to addressing real-world problems that people face every day, as well as litigating complex corporate business disputes. I will bring this lifetime of experience to the courtroom each day and be a firm, fair and empathetic judge.”

He was re-elected to his seventh term on the Board of Legislators in 2009. First elected in 1997, Maisano has held various leadership positions, including: Republican Minority Leader (2003, 2010); Republican Minority Whip (2002, 2008, 2009); Co-Chair, Rules Committee (2003); Chair, Public Works Committee (2000-2001); and Chair, Intergovernmental Relations Committee (2004-2005). He has also served on the Legislation, Environment, Families and Labor Committees.

Maisano served his country in the United States Marine Corps from 1984 to 1988 during which time he received several awards and commendations. He worked as a landing support specialist in embarkation and logistics, trained and supervised other Marines and was honorably discharged as a Sergeant.

Maisano earned a B.A. in history and political science from City University of New York at Hunter College in 1989. In 1992, he received a J.D. from State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, where he gave the student commencement speech. Maisano graduated from Iona Prep in New Rochelle in 1981.

He lives with his wife Jean and son Michael in New Rochelle with their dogs Oakley and Marlee. Jean works as a fund raising and communications consultant for nonprofit agencies in Westchester. The Maisano family attends Holy Name of Jesus Church in New Rochelle.

In the past few months I have heard from many of you who wish to publish Letters to the Editor and opinions on However a Scarsdale Inquirer policy forces you to choose between the site and the paper.

According to site users, the Scarsdale Inquirer will not print a letter in the paper if it is also published on Scarsdale10583. This has prevented many of you from sharing your views on Scarsdale10583. Since the website facilitates user comments, this policy inhibits community discussion of important matters. Furthermore, as all members of the community do not receive the newspaper, the Inquirer policy precludes you from reaching a wide audience of Scarsdale and Edgemont residents who regularly access the site, but may not read the paper.

The site is now almost a year-and-a-half old and is growing every month. It includes a wide range of voices and opinions and seeks to air what’s on your mind and to give you the opportunity to comment and offer feedback.

On a personal note, since I have lived here for twenty years and served on many school and village committees I understand Scarsdale’s issues and I am sensitive to residents’ concerns. I was elected to the School Board Nominating Committee and served on the committee for three years and as its Vice Chair for an additional year. I was also elected to the Citizen’s Nominating Committee and served for three years in the selection of candidates for village trustee. As a member of the Board of the League of Women Voters I led the budget study of the school budget and the village budget for several years and I call on my experiences when producing site content. It was inevitable that the internet would come to Scarsdale, and I believe it serves the Village to have a local resident with local sensibilities manage a Scarsdale site. At this point, Scarsdale10583 has become a part of the fabric of the community and has every right to exist.

If you have an opinion that you would like to publish, I urge you to send it to Scarsdale10583 and pushback against the newspaper’s policy. Speak out on taxes, the upcoming election or whatever else is on your mind. After all, for you and the community, the more people who read and react to your views the better.

Joanne Wallenstein

Bob Harrisson is an independent candidate for the Scarsdale School Board. Here are Bob's credentials: Bob Harrison is a candidate for the Scarsdale School Board for the seat of outgoing board member, Jeff Blatt . In Scarsdale you must run for a specific named seat. Mr. Blatt's open seat is for a 3-year term. By law each candidate must submit a petition signed by at least 25 qualified voters to appear on the ballot. Bob Harrison's candidate petition was signed by 67 qualified Scarsdale voters. His opponent filed her petition with 32 signatures. Bob encourages Scarsdale residents to vote for his candidacy on May 18th.

Bob Harrison's campaign is to maintain and improve the quality of our Scarsdale School system at an affordable tax rate. Bob has given 30 years of service to the Scarsdale community and our students including raising $25,000 to restore the Middle School Tennis Courts in 1983 which has allowed the programming of the Scarsdale Spring and Summer Youth Tennis Leagues that have served over 18,000 youths, allowed for tennis in the physical education program of every Middle School student, given Scarsdale Village the courts to have a major revenue producing lesson program for adults and youth and allowed families to enjoy the sport of tennis. Bob has personally coached over 60 youth sports teams since 1983.

Bob was a founding board member of the Scarsdale Teen Center and helped raise $250,000 to invest in the Teen Center. Bob served on the Adult Teen Center Board for seven years as first vice-president and financial advisor. Bob continues to support fund raising for the Teen Center and strongly believes that the School Board should maintain its commitment to funding the Teen Center jointly with the Village Board and restore the $ 12,500 to the Teen Center Budget from the $ 134,743,938 proposed 2010-2011 total School Budget. Bob also feels that the BOE should restore the $13,000 that was cut from the school budget to the Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service, that is also funded by the Village Board.

Bob has a long-term record of being pro-education, pro-students and pro-Scarsdale. He has helped 19 students fulfill their dream of attending Penn State University as a volunteer alumni recruiter since 1991.

Bob has supported smaller class sizes in the elementary schools with public comments and a letter to the editor. Bob helped the school board review the insurance industry it its move to a self-insured health plan in the 1980's and served on the school board's technology study committee in the 1990's and was the SNAP representative to the board in its superintendent search in the 1980's.

Bob has been a supporter and contributor to Field For Kids at the High School, the SOS4 Education Campaign after Hurricane Katrina, the Scarsdale Family Counseling Service, and the Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps new building among many other Scarsdale community efforts. Bob has been an active supporter of the Wall Street Division of the UJA Federation of Greater New York since 1968.

Professionally Bob has a 43-year career in business and finance, which includes an MBA in finance and marketing from the Columbia University Graduate School of Business where he is actively involved with the Business School. He has a B.S. from Penn State where he is involved with the Smeal College of Business and has given a number of speeches to business school students. His professional experience includes being a Vice-President of Goldman, Sachs for over 28 years from 1966 to 1995, working in the same team of professionals plus assistants for 20+ years serving the financial needs of institutional and private wealth clients of Goldman, Sachs in the New York City Area , upstate New York and eastern Canada.

For the past 15 years he has had his own firm , Harrison Capital Management, with an office in Greenwich and more recently in Scarsdale providing professional money management advice to his past clients from Goldman, Sachs as well as new clients.

Bob's 43 years of professional business and financial experience including the analysis of school budgets, corporate financial reports, earnings reports, interest rate trends and municipal finance would help the school board make sound educational and financial decisions for the future.

Bob has a vested interest in Scarsdale schools with two sons who went through grades 1 to 12 and K to 12 of Scarsdale Schools and two grandchildren living in Scarsdale who Bob wants to benefit from an excellent Scarsdale education. Bob wants young families of different means to be able to afford our property taxes and to maintain a diverse community and to keep our long-term residents here with their wisdom and memory for Scarsdale.

Bob has been a member of the Town and Village Civic Educational Forum since 1986 and served on its Educational Study committee and as a past Co-Chairman. Bob has served on many TVCC committees including the current TVCC Education (Fiscal) Committee report on the proposed BOE 2010-2011 budget that was worked on for many months by a number of people and signed by 12 people including two highly respected past Mayors and approved by six members of the TVCC executive committee. The report has significant reservations about use of reserves, order and timing of facilities projects, multi-year contract extension with teachers and multi-year no layoff clause, multi-year contract with bus drivers with no outsourcing clause, changes to teacher work loads, and changes in teacher headcount funded by federal stimulus money that may extend beyond the expiration of that funding.

Bob encourages every Scarsdale resident to read the TVCC budget report at or to contact him for information about his candidacy or the report at 914 725-0962 or by e-mail at

In one of the races that will determine whether or not the GOP retakes control of the New York State Senate this November, Scarsdale resident Bob Cohen, 55, has been chosen by the GOP to challenge 25 year Democratic veteran State Senator Suzi Oppenheimer to represent the 37th district. On Monday May 3rd, the Westchester County Republican Committee nominated Cohen to take on 25-year veteran Suzi Oppenheimer. A primary for the GOP nomination appears unlikely.

When asked about his rationale for running, newcomer to the political game, Cohen told me: “It’s time for new direction in Albany. For too long there’s been no focus on what's important throughout the state – the most important issue being taxes. The tax burden on individuals and business throughout the county and state is excessive. This burden is playing out with companies such as Starwood Hotel leaving White Plains and taking 500 jobs out of Westchester and New York. Precision Valve in Yonkers is moving and taking jobs out of the state. And now Pepsico, headquartered in Purchase, is suggesting that they may leave the state due to the soda tax threat. What we have in Albany is an insatiable institutional appetite for revenue that’s driving out so many of our individuals, families and businesses from New York State.”

Cohen acknowledges that one of the primary drivers of the local tax burden is the myriad of unfunded mandates that get pushed down to the county, local, and school jurisdictions. “Unfunded mandates have a huge adverse impact on local communities. If Albany mandates something, they should send a check to cover the cost along with the mandate.”

When asked if he supports funding for public schools, Cohen referred to his own experience in Scarsdale. “I have three children who went through the public schools. We have excellent schools, and they are critical to the success of our communities. To that end we need to fund our schools adequately. But we can do things more wisely -- for example the Wicks law needs to be abolished. As I understand it, the Wick’s law requirement of mandating multiple prime contractors on public construction projects – including schools -- increases the cost of construction by upwards of 30%. In addition districts need to provide an additional level of bureaucracy to oversee multiple prime contractors. Construction projects in the private sector are not hamstrung by this burden -- so private sector projects are completed quicker and more cost effectively. The Wick’s Law is just not necessary and it hurts every project affected by it. So when people talk about waste, fraud and corruption -- here's something that we can do to change something and literally overnight. Get rid of the Wicks Law and we can save money for our state and communities immediately.”

Regarding education funding, I asked Cohen what his position was on the State Senate Republican leadership proposal to cap school taxes at the lesser of the CPI rate or 2.5% over the prior year’s budget (modeled on Massachusetts Prop 2 ½ passed in 1982). Cohen responds, “I'm supporting it. If you look to Massachusetts, 20 years ago -- Massachusetts was called ‘Taxachusetts’ and New York and Massachusetts were trading as either #1 or # 2 as having the highest tax burden in the country. Massachusetts passed that tax cap, and their schools have not declined. Their students still do as well as ours. But New York State is still #1 in the tax burden ranking and Massachusetts is somewhere in the middle ranking for hierarchy as to who's paying the highest taxes. The way it was done there and the way this would be done in New York -- is that a community could override the 2.5% tax cap if they chose to -- they would have a vote to override.”

Cohen criticized Senator Oppenheimer’s proposal to have school district contingency budget CPI cap formulations be based on a 5-year rolling average. Cohen believes this would contravene a community’s school budget vote rejection and garner a larger tax increase than approved by the school district. “Issues need to be addressed and dealt with -- the problem we've had in Albany is they're not sitting down and trying to address these issues – one side is saying this and the other side is saying absolutely not – they’re not having the give and take that you and I would have to be able to address them. How do we make this work for the average citizen? We want great schools and education for our children but we also want our taxes to be reasonable and sustainable. How do we accomplish this in this world? You have to knock heads a little bit to come to terms – and that’s where Albany and the power structure that’s been there for the last decade -- for the last 25-30 years is unable to cross the line and meet each other. We all know the result we want –we just don’t have the means to get there in the –through discussion, negotiation and compromise.”

When queried about how he would be able to work in what is universally characterized as one of the most dysfunctional legislatures in the country, Cohen responds: “Democrats and Republicans need to be able to meet and work towards the middle ground to solve problems. I’m a member of our nonpartisan system in Scarsdale. There are state government issues that we don't have to be partisan about. Finding ways to save money for our schools has got to be a nonpartisan issue. Getting the right funding for our schools has to be nonpartisan. We can’t continue to let everything denigrate into partisan politics. We need to reach across the aisle. I’m pragmatic and realistic. If the Democrats come up with a better way to deal with an issue, I will not stand in the way simply because of party affiliation. Through discussion, negotiation, and compromise we can reach sensible solutions to difficult problems. We all want a better society, good schools, clean air, and sometimes it’s how we achieve those goals that's difficult. If you're willing to meet half way, I'm willing to go over to the other side and work to solve our problems. We need to move away from partisanship. There's a culture of pettiness in Albany. If a member puts forth a good idea, leadership won't accept it without some sort of a quid pro quo -- getting something in return. It’s the Albany shuffle. The machine is ingrained in Albany and it’s not about what's the best policy but what can I get in return. The special interests poison the well for the moderates - the ones who are willing to meet in the middle, cross party lines and get things done. That’s what I envision bringing to the table.”

Since the race between Oppenheimer and Cohen will be closely watched for its potential impact on party control of the State Senate, I questioned Cohen about the comparative integrity of the Democratic and Republican leadership in the State Senate – and what he thoughtof both parties’ behavior in dealing with the notorious, ethically challenged “Gang of Four,” who hijacked the State Senate last year and enabled convicted former Senator Hiram Monserrate and accused majority leader Pedro Espada to wield ultimate power in the State Senate. Cohen suggested that the strength of the political machine prevents state senators from coming out against someone like Espada, and suggested that I ask Senator Oppenheimer about her reluctance to demand the ouster of Espada from the majority leader post. Yet I pointed out that Republican Senate leader Dean Skelos was more than willing to get into bed with Monserrate and Espada before they jumped back to the Democrats. Cohen admitted to being disgusted and embarrassed by the Republican Party’s leadership role in that chain of events. “The whole state has been embarrassed. When these gentlemen decided they wanted to be Republicans – they really didn’t want to be Republicans – they just wanted power for the sake of power. I thought it was wrong when the Republican leadership took them in and were willing to accept them. I thought it was outrageous. And then when they switched back to the Democratic Party – and Pedro Espada was named majority leader – he got the vote of every single Democratic senator – I was likewise appalled by that. It showed everyone the raw power politics that was going on in Albany – no state business occurred for over 6 weeks while that fiasco took place. Senator Oppenheimer has been in the State Senate for 26 years, and it is surprising that she’s not been able to deliver more and have more influence on what’s going on in Albany.”

Two years ago, former Larchmont mayor Liz Feld ran a spirited campaign against Senator Oppenheimer, but was easily defeated, in part due to Barack Obama’s coat tails and a 2:1 voter registration advantage for Democrats over Republicans. A few months ago it appeared possible that Feld would take another run at the seat given the name recognition she garnered and the anti-incumbency sentiment prevailing in the political landscape this year. Feld briefly considered a run against US Senator Gillibrand but abandoned the notion and chose not to re-run against Oppenheimer. Earlier this week, the New York Times wrote a piece about the dimming hopes of the GOP statewide this year, and Liz Feld was reported to have declined the race in part because she lost faith in the Republican Party leadership and its flirtation with Monserrate and Espada – she was quoted as saying, “I think that every one of those incumbents should be thrown out of office — Republicans and Democrats.”

I asked Cohen about how he plans to overcome the GOP registration disadvantage in the 37th Senate district. He said that he was working to obtain additional party lines for the election, and moreover, “there’s no Democratic or Republican way to pick up the garbage. Senator Oppenheimer is a very nice person, but she’s been our state senator for 26 years. My plan is to talk to the voters and let them know that I’m the type of individual who will meet and work with Democrats and Republicans. I’ll cross over to make good policy for the entire state – that will trump political registration. We have the same goals -- I will achieve those goals – I will do what’s necessary to reach out and make one side for all of us – the New York Side.”

Professionally, Bob Cohen is an attorney and runs a real estate construction company. Cohen grew up in Elmont, Long Island, attained his undergraduate degree at Syracuse University and a law degree from Emory University. He has lived in Scarsdale for the past 20 years with his wife, Barbara and three children all of whom attended Scarsdale schools. Cohen has been a member of the volunteer fire department of Scarsdale for 17 years and is a member of the nonpartisan Town and Village Civic Club Education Forum. This is his first race for public office. His campaign web site is here:

The 37th Senatorial district is comprised of Harrison, Mamaroneck, Rye, the Town of Rye, Larchmont, New Rochelle, Scarsdale, White Plains, North Castle, New Castle, and Ossining.

David A. Singer is a former political consultant/campaign professional and political junkie currently toiling as a lawyer in Westchester and managing real estate and media investments.

Two Scarsdale residents, Dr. Richard Garwin and Jonathan Lewis, will discuss Dealing with Local Disasters: What Can Nuclear and Pandemic Disaster Planning Teach Us? The talk is the third this year in the Sunday Speaker Series from the Scarsdale Forum and will be held on May 16th at 3pm at the Scarsdale Woman's Club.

With the recent storm that left almost 80% of Scarsdale residents without electrical power for multiple days, and the severe flooding that occurred in April 2007, many people are asking if there is something that we can do better to help mitigate the impact of future disasters. Dr. Richard Garwin and Jonathan Lewis, will present a discussion on what has worked in the past and how we can apply it to Scarsdale. Eric Rothschild, Sunday Speaker Series Chair, will welcome questions from the audience at the conclusion of the presentation.

Dr Garwin is a long time club member of the Scarsdale Forum and Jonathan Lewis is the past President. Both have relevant expertise in this area.

Dr. Richard Garwin was born in 1928 and earned a B.S. in physics from Case Institute of Technology in 1947, and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Chicago in 1949. He began his work with nuclear weapons technology in 1950 at Los Alamos Laboratory. He joined IBM in 1952 and became an IBM Fellow at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center in 1967, where he worked until 1993. He has authored and co-authored numerous books, published more than 500 papers, and has 43 patents in his name. Dr. Garwin has extensive experience in nuclear arms policy having served on the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States and JASON, an independent group of scientists which advises the US Government on matters of science and technology. He continues to be an influential voice in national security issues today.

Jonathan Lewis is the author of “Spy Capitalism: ITEK and the CIA” and the co-author of “Reflections of a Cold Warrior: From Yalta to the Bay of Pigs” and the past Scarsdale Forum President. In his work on both the history of the CIA and on partnerships between the private sector and the national security establishment, he has explored a variety of themes related to crisis management. He has spoken on intelligence related issues at the JFK School of Government at Harvard and at Yale University. He is a member of Business Executives for National Security (BENS) and for many years co-chaired the organization’s intelligence reform effort. He was a part of the BENS panel that reviewed the CIA’s venture capital initiative, In-Q-Tel, as part of a congressionally mandated study, and was also part of a BENS study for the CIA on pay for performance. The BENS panel was awarded the Agency Bronze Seal Medallion for their work in this area. He is a director of the Westchester chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and a Trustee of the American Jewish Historical Society. He is a co-founder of Samson Capital Advisors where he is a member of the executive committee and chairs the investment committee.

The reception will begin at 3 pm on May 16 at the Scarsdale Woman's Club, 37 Drake Road in Scarsdale, and the program will start at 3:15 pm. Admission is free, plenty of free parking is available.

The Scarsdale Forum Sunday Speaker series is made possible in part by the Irving Sloan grant from the Liz Claiborne / Arthur Ortenberg Foundation.