Sunday, Mar 09th

Bye Bye Birdie On Stage This Weekend at SHS

byebyebirdieThe Scarsdale High School Drama Club will present Bye Bye Birdie this weekend at the SHS auditorium on Friday and Saturday nights at 7 pm and on Sunday at 2 pm.

The show features big and exciting musical numbers including Honestly Sincere, Telephone Hour, Lot of Living, One Last Kiss, and Kids. Director Sarah Robbins has put her heart into the production and will put on a great show.

Choreographer Jason Summers, has been working with the cast on their dance routines while Music Director Jonathan Cuk is leading the cast and orchestra through the show's complex music score. Stage Crew Manager Steve Bogardus and his team have constructed a beautiful set for the show.

Tickets are $15.00 for students and seniors and $20 for adults and are available at the door.