Sunday, Mar 09th

Please Don't Pick Produce from the Garden at SHS

garden1Scarsdale10583 received this note from SHS teacher Maggie Favretti who manages the sustainable garden at Scarsdale High School:

Please help the SHS Sustainable Garden Project achieve its mission. Please do NOT help yourself to the food!!

Here are the reasons why:

1. You might be destroying a long-term student experiment (for example, the kids have cultivated the apple trees for FOUR YEARS while waiting for them to produce apples, and they deserve to taste them, don't you think?!) Last year, their first small crop was entirely stolen.

2. You might be destroying a teacher's lesson. Much of the produce in the garden plays a role in outdoor classroom lessons, and if it disappears....

3. You are definitely taking food away from a hungry child. We give our food to local soup kitchens and food pantries, about 1500-2000 pounds per year.

If you would like to support our Sustainable Garden Project, by volunteering or donating funds, please contact Maggie Favretti, 721-2567.

Thank you for your help!