Thursday, Jun 27th

Carnival Fun Raises Funds for Charity

carnivalrideScarsdale High School hosted its annual carnival on April 15th-16th. In addition to fun rides and games, the carnival also featured many booths set up by Scarsdale High School's various clubs and organizations. The proceeds these clubs made at the carnival have been donated to charity. One of the charities the SHS government has chosen to donate to is the Paulie Strong Foundation. The Paulie Strong Foundation is a charity that works to raise awareness and fund research to end childhood cancer. Another charity the students chose to donate to was the Michael Ludwig Foundation, a charity whose aim is to improve awareness, detection, and treatment of congenital heart conditions in youths. Lastly SHS students also donated some of their proceeds to the Service Women's Action Network, whose mission is to aid and empower women in the military.

Car 11
Car 3
Car 5
Car 7
Car 8
Car 9
start stop bwd fwd


Photos and text by Justin Cooper

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