Sunday, Mar 09th

Village Launches New E-Newsletter and Asks for Your Input on Communications

surveyThe Village of Scarsdale Ad-Hoc Committee on Communications has developed a short survey to gain insights into how satisfied you are with the official local government information you receive, the communication channels through which you receive official news and information, and how the Village of Scarsdale could improve its resident communications. Please help the committee to advocate precisely for what you need by completing the survey no later than July 1st. You can complete the survey by clicking here.

In other news, the Ad-Hoc Committee on Communications has collaborated with staff to develop a new e-newsletter titled "Scarsdale Official." The newsletter will come out twice a month and will feature timely, very brief news items in a mobile-friendly format.Content will include a combination of community happenings, major project updates, and Village Board meeting actions, among other official, local tidbits.  To sign up, visit the "Notify Me" page of the Village website.