Sunday, Mar 09th

FMA Congratulates Student Artists

AmySaxonWork by October SHS Artist of the Month and Katonah Museum of Art exhibitor Amy SaxonScarsdale’s got talent, as evidenced in the awarding winning artwork by Scarsdale High School students.

Friends of Music and the Arts congratulates the following SHS student artists whose work was recognized in the 2022 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Competition: See some of their work below.

2022 Scholastic Art and Writing Award WinnersEveRichWork by February SHS Artist of the Month and Katonah Museum of Art exhibitor Eve Rich

Joe Dimartino - Multiple Gold and Silver Key Awards
Angela Chiang - Honorable Mention in Painting
Carson Cohen - Honorable Mention in Photography
Jonathan Conway - Honorable Mention in Photography
Catheryn Dundon - Honorable Mention in Fashion Design
Olivia Gao - Honorable Mention in Painting

LivvieHalliganWork by November SHS Artist of the Month and Katonah Museum of Art exhibitor Livvie Halligan

FMA offers congratulations to the following SHS students whose work has been selected for exhibition.

2022 Katonah Museum of Art Young Artists Show Exhibitors | Feb 6-27, 2022

Eve Rich
Amy Saxonjean baptisteWork by March SHS Artist of the Month and Katonah Museum of Art exhibitor Wubet Jean-Baptiste
Kivrin Wachtel
Raffaella Vogt
Olivia Halligan
Anja Li
Jonathan Wallach
Wubet Jean-Baptiste
Jack Lattman

For show details and exhibit images, click here.

SHS Artists of the Month

September: Rafaella Vogt
October: Amy Saxon
November: Livvie Halligan
December: Olivia Liu
January: Aitana Ibanez Mendoza
February: Eve Rich
March: Wubet Jean-Baptiste
April: Julia Hoffman (2D art) & Ethan Lowey (3D art)

Work from each artist is on display in the high school auditorium lobby for the featured month, and can also be seen here.

For more info about FMA, to volunteer with the newly formed FMA Art Committee, and to support our work, visit or contact

JuliaHoffmanWork by April SHS Artist of the Month Julia Hoffman (2D art)

OliviaLiuWork by December SHS Artist of the Month Olivia Liu

OliviaGaoAnxiety“Anxiety” by SHS sophomore Olivia Gao. Scholastic Honorable Mention in Painting

RafaellaVogtWork by September SHS Artist of the Month and Katonah Museum of Art exhibitor Raffaella Vogt

EthanLoweyWork by April SHS Artist of the Month Ethan Lowey (3D art)MendozaWork by January SHS Artist of the Month Aitana Ibanez Mendoza