Sunday, Mar 09th

Community Invited To Attend Forums On Superintendent Search

shscupolacopyScarsdale School District is inviting community members to participate in a public forum on the search for a new superintendent. Below find a letter from the district providing times and details.

The Board of Education cordially invites you to assist the Board in establishing direction for the selection process for the new Superintendent of Schools. As you may be aware, this year the Board is charged with the important task of selecting the next chief officer of our schools. We are reaching out to you, as valued members of our school community, for your input in this critical process. Community forums with Ms. Deborah Raizes and Dr. Susan Guiney from Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates, the search firm engaged by the Board to assist with this search, have been scheduled for:

Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. (Scarsdale Public Library, Scott Room)

Monday, September 19, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. (Scarsdale High School, Room 170-172)

Thursday, September 22, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. (via Zoomlink)

All members of the community are invited to attend. For the September 22nd meeting, all guests will initially be placed in a Zoom waiting room and will be allowed into the forum by the host. The goal of the meeting will be to identify the personal and professional qualities and experiences that the Scarsdale community would like the new Superintendent of Schools to possess. Dr. Guiney and Ms. Raizes will describe the process and estimated timetable for the search. Much of the focus group meeting will be devoted to hearing participants' views on the following three prompts:

1. How would you describe the strengths of the District?
2. What do you see as the greatest challenges facing the District in the next few years?
3. What characteristics and areas of expertise would you like to see in the next Superintendent?

Please note that we encourage all community stakeholders to participate in a survey that will be available on our superintendent search page from September 8th-23rd, as an additional means for the community to voice their input. The survey questions will be similar to the questions discussed in the focus groups so if attendance to a focus group is not possible, the survey can provide a comparable opportunity to share your feedback. Whether you attend a focus group, complete the survey, or do both, the Board hopes you will take the opportunity to provide your input.

Information from this and other focus groups with members of the District’s school community will be synthesized into a set of search specifications that the Board anticipates reviewing at its meeting on October 3rd. This Leadership Profile Report will then serve as a guiding framework for the Board of Education as it undertakes the search for a new Superintendent.

The Board thanks you in advance for participating in this important process.


The Board of Education

Amber Yusuf, President; Ron Schulhof, Vice President; Colleen Brown; James Dugan; Robert Klein; Suzie Hahn Pascutti; Jessica Resnick-Ault