Saturday, Jul 06th

BookshelfJust days after an unnamed threat closed Scarsdale High School, the Board of Education heard a debrief on the administration’s handling of the incident and posed questions about the response and protocols. Also on the agenda was an education report outlining new initiatives in the curricula at all grade levels.

Superintendent Hagerman began the meeting with a tribute to longtime elementary and middle school teacher Marianne Madoff, who passed away last week. You can read more about her dedication to Scarsdale Schools here. Hagerman described her as someone who “ignited learning and inspired students… she lived her values." During her memorial, high school senior Samantha Wachs remembered Ms. Madoff as someone who was "always a guiding light… her kindness, openness, and passion for teaching will forever be remembered by her students and the surrounding community.”

The Incident on May 21

Next, the administration addressed the event at the top of everyone’s mind – the May 21st incident at the high school and subsequent lockdown. The exact nature of the threat remains under wraps.

Assistant Superintendent Rauschenbach reviewed the timeline and stated that a verbal threat was reported to a staff member on Friday morning, and the Threat Assessment Team immediately assembled. The team announced the lockout at 11:05 AM, called in police presence, and decided on an early dismissal around midday. About students who left the school during the lockdown, Rauschenbach said, “We determined that if students were finished with their school day they could leave through one of our marked entrances.” At 1:05 the entire school was dismissed en masse.

During this time, the Scarsdale Police Department (SPD) investigated and attempted to directly contact the source of the threat. They ultimately reached the source later in the day. Several announcements were made about the lockdown over the school PA system and six emails were sent to parents over six hours. Unfortunately, there were technical difficulties in activating the Blackboard Connect emergency text system to reach students.

Dr. Hagerman recognized the frustration many in the community feel about the lack of transparency, and he reviewed the guidelines that prohibit the administration from revealing details surrounding the event. He added that threats against schools are usually made by students, parents, or other community members. As a result, the administration must be extra cautious when sending out written communications, as there is a high probability that the person making the threat will also receive the message and could use the information to further put the safety of students at risk.

He reassured parents that fire drills, bus evacuations, lockdown and lockout drills required by the state have been done with the students, despite the COVID closures.

Board member Karen Ceske inquired about the failure to send out text communications, which the administration says is fully functional but was not applied correctly during this emergency. Board Member Amber Yusef asked why, if the school was in a lockout, students were permitted to go in and out of the building. The response was that, because the police had identified the source of the threat, it was determined that students could go in and out of the building. She also wanted to know if students were on the District Emergency Response Team (DERT).

Both Board members Karen Ceske and Carl Finger pointed out where the District Safety and Security policy could be found on the district website. Please find it here.

Vice President Alison Tepper-Singer asked how well the actions on Friday aligned with the protocol. While specific figures remain unknown at this time, the administration stated that it was a very effective lockout and dismissal was smooth. Dr. Hagerman added that he was pleased with the district’s coordination with the police during the incident.

Board member Robert Klein asked the administration to elaborate on the phrase "out of an abundance of caution," which the administration used frequently when describing their actions. Klein stated that this can be confusing because while the SPD may be called as a precaution, to some, a police presence may make the threat seem more dangerous than it is. He highlighted that not everyone feels protected by the police to begin with. Superintendent Hagerman stated that they use that expression to indicate that they are aware there is something to investigate. He said, “That while there can be a misalignment between the intention of “an abundance of caution” and reality, overall, the police bring a calming presence to the situation. “

Rauschenbach added that this phrase is used to assure the community that everyone is safe, but they are taking some extra steps.

Ron Schulhof suggested that one of the members of the Board of Education sit on the DERT team, but Pam Fuehrer said that since the team hasto be available to respond quickly, there would not be time to call in a Board member to participate.

During public comments, resident Michelle Sterling said the cell service at the school makes it difficult for kids to get calls or send texts which poses problems in an emergency situation. She asked for this to be addressed.

About the administration’s response on Friday Sterling said, “One of the things we teach our children is that you don’t always do everything right. People make mistakes, and when you do make a mistake, to own up to it and learn from it.” She said, “It is important for the administration to own up to their mistakes.” She recalled a similar incident two years ago at the middle school that had several technical and protocol failures, and she chastised the administration for not correcting these same mistakes. She said, “It’s very painful to never hear a mea culpa from our Superintendent.” While Sterling stated that she understands why certain information cannot be shared publicly, she criticized what she saw as “zero empathy” in the communications from the school. She concluded by asking the Superintendent to take ownership and apologize for the failures that occurred on May 21.

Dr. Hagerman responded that students who have Wifi should have no trouble communicating, despite the fact that the school is in a dead zone. About empathy, he said, “It is certainly our goal to be empathic in these communications. We go through an active process of debriefing.”

Education Report:

The next action item of the evening was the presentation of the last Education Report of the academic year entitled Re-energizing our Educational Goals Aligned to Scarsdale's Strategic Plan.

Nancy Pavia, the Elementary Math Coordinator, presented the steps taken at the elementary level to improve math instruction. Next year, 51 teachers will pilot three new programs with the intent to adopt the most successful strategy for the 2022-2023 school year. While the current program Primary Math meets content standards, educators determined it does not meet practice standards. Examples of practice standards include “using appropriate tools strategically,” “reasoning abstractly and quantitatively,” and “looking for and making use of structure.” Board Vice President Alison Tepper-Singer pointed out that often programs that focus on language density are very challenging for children with special needs. Ms. Pavia assured her that each pilot program is problem-based and will engage students without being word-heavy.

Elementary Science Coordinator Jenn Kylie presented an upgraded science learning plan for our youngest students. This upcoming school year, a new science curriculum will continue to be piloted. The biggest shift is that these new standards no longer require students to memorize scientific facts in isolation. Board Member Carl Finger later highlighted the impressive work the schools are doing. He stated that the last curriculum was implemented only eight years ago, and that “constant thought about what we are doing keeps us ahead of the curve and [maintains] a good educational experience.”

Next, Middle School Principal Meghan Troy presented on the classroom libraries project at the middle school. Teachers are shown to be the strongest influence over what students read, and giving middle schoolers fingertip access to a wide range of books through classroom libraries will increase reading rates. The middle school is currently working to expand these libraries and provide increased professional development opportunities for faculty. Board member Karen Ceske asked how the libraries are set up to engage reluctant readers or students who may feel overwhelmed with options. Ms. Troy again emphasized the importance of teacher recommendations, and the strong influence individual teachers have over what their students choose to read.

High School Principal Kenneth Bonamo spoke about the school’s Advanced Topics (AT) review. The AT program was created in 2007 to give teachers more flexibility in designing the most challenging curriculum offered at SHS. This program review began in 2019 to analyze course expectations and learning experiences, and evaluate how the AT curriculum promotes critical thinking. Educators from the Tri-State Consortium will be coming to the high school this winter to consult on the data collected through this review. These consultants will compare AT courses with more traditional AP courses and evaluate what best suits the needs of students.

Additionally, Mr. Bonamo addressed some college admission uncertainties. While many colleges made standardized testing optional during the pandemic, some institutions are moving away from these tests more permanently. Mr. Bonamo speculated that this may increase the emphasis on AP exams, as APs are not scored on a bell curve and every student has the opportunity to maximize their score.

Finally, Principle Bonamo stated that the administration will review the way high school assessments are conducted. Next year they will pilot a new schedule for the third marking period with no specific testing days to see if this increased flexibility improves students’ experiences. They will also explore using a rolling grade book instead of the dedicated marking period system (quarters). The school will work with the Technology Department to gauge the effectiveness and future use of new assessment tools that were used during the pandemic. Going forward, the staff will prioritize performance-based assessment practices by examining current assessment strategies and creating collaborative opportunities among the faculty.

DuganResnick AultJim Dugan and Jessica Resnick-Ault were elected to the Scarsdale School Board.The Non-Partisan Slate came out on top in the hotly contested school board election on May 18, 2021. A total of 1,788 votes were cast, on a ballot that featured two candidates nominated by the School Board Nominating Committee, and two independent candidates.

Current School Board Vice President Alison Singer made an independent run and was favored by six out of seven members of the school board and endorsed by many former school board presidents. As an incumbent, many believed she had an advantage. However, perhaps in a sign of the times and dissatisfaction with the past school year, she failed to win re-election, getting 763 votes.

Also running independently was Irin Israel who was a vocal critic of the administration this past year and ran on a platform for better communication and transparency. He received 607 votes.

The two candidates nominated by the SBNC and backed in a strong campaign by the Coalition for Scarsdale Schools took the two available school board seats now held by Board President Pamela Fuehrer and Board Vice President Alison Singer.

Jessica Resnick-Ault, a reporter and committed community volunteer got 1,101 votes and Jim Dugan, an attorney with considerable volunteer experience as well got 835 votes.

The school budget passed with an 85.2% approval, from 1524 “yes” votes and 264 “no” votes.PamandAlisonPam Fuehrer and Alison Singer

Here is the tally announced by the Chair of the District Meeting for the School Board and Budget Vote and past President of the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale, Leah Dembitzer:

School Budget

Yes 1,524
No 264
Approval Rate: 85.2%

School Board Candidates

Jessica Resnick Ault: 1,101
James Dugan: 835
Alison Singer: 763
Irin Israel: 607

It was the first time in history that two independent candidates challenged the SBNC slate. The campaigns featured a candidates forum, campaign signs, meet and greets, mailers, emails and social media campaigns.

Voters began to arrive at the poll at Scarsdale Congregational Church at 7 am and continued to roll in until the doors were shut at 9 pm. A meeting of the Fox Meadow Neighborhood Association ended just before the polls closed, and last minute voters showed up at 8:57 pm. Though it wasn’t the highest voter turnout in the past ten years, there was a strong show of voter participation.

BudgetVote History
Before the votes were counted, no one in the room seemed certain of the outcome and there was stunned silence for a few seconds after the results were read. Without exit polls, there was no way to predict what the outcome would be.

Commenting on the results, Jessica Resnick Ault said, “I am honored that the community decided that Jim and I are up for joining the school board at this challenging time. The SBNC decided that we would work well together. I did not know Jim before, but I am impressed with his thoughtful and calm demeanor, especially when unexpected things crop up. I hope we will work well with the board and administration. With four people running there was uncertainty about the outcome and I did not know what would happen. Before coming here tonight I enjoyed a cake with my daughter that said, “Yea Either Way.” I think it’s important to teach kids that things don’t always go the way you expect and to make the best of every situation."

James Dugan added, "I’m very humbled to have been elected by the community to serve on the School Board. This is a year in which people wanted change, and Jessica Resnick-Ault and I are looking forward to working with the other members of the Board and the School District and working for the people of Scarsdale to be their voice on the School Board."

Commenting the following day, Alison Singer said, "It’s not the outcome I had hoped for, but it’s time to put campaigning behind us and move forward as one community. We all need to focus on the future and on supporting our students, our faculty and our administration as they tackle the many challenges ahead. I am incredibly grateful to everyone who supported my candidacy and to everyone who voted. I know that we are all committed to ensuring that every child in Scarsdale has access to an outstanding education, and I plan to find new ways to make sure that happens. I look forward to continuing to work with all the members of our community."

And I offer my congratulations to Jessica Resnick-Ault and Jim Dugan.

Irin Israel said, "I’m so grateful for all of the people that voted and helped me both with the campaign and during the year. I’ve been fortunate to meet some incredible people in our community. I’ve spoken with Jim and Jessica throughout the election and I’m hopeful that as School Board members they will push for much needed change, communication and transparency."

Diane Greenwald and Art Rublin, Co-Chairs of Coalition for Scarsdale Schools, said, “Coalition for Scarsdale Schools (CSS) is thrilled that the community overwhelmingly approved a budget that will help move Scarsdale schools forward at a critical time for children.

We are also grateful to Scarsdale voters who elected Jim Dugan and Jessica Resnick-Ault to the school board. Jim and Jessica secured the confidence of Scarsdale’s time-honored School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) and also the District’s electorate, and promise fresh perspectives in service to students and families. We are proud to have strongly supported them with an incredible campaign team.

We wish to express genuine gratitude to Alison Singer for her dedicated service as School Board member and Vice President and applaud her expressions of commitment to serving children and education in the future. We also wish Irin Israel well in his future endeavors and hope he remains an engaged advocate and volunteer.”

Last Minute VotersLast minute voters streamed in until 9 pm.

ThomasandLeahThomas Hagerman and Leah Dembitzer

CoalitionCoalition for Scarsdale Schools Campaign Team

EdgarandKarenAss't Superintendent Edgar McIntosh and Board Member Karen Ceske

Forum2What’s your view of the role of the Board of Education in setting and implementing district policy? How much oversight should they exercise and should individual board members be permitted to speak their minds? Do you want to maintain the status quo or are you itching for a change in school board leadership?

Choosing the most qualified and passionate candidates to serve in local government is one of the most powerful tools citizens can use to see changes implemented in their community. In the upcoming election for the school board and budget on May 18, 2021, the Scarsdale community will choose between four candidates to fill two open positions on the Scarsdale School Board of Education (BOE). The candidates running are Jim Dugan, Irin Israel, Jessica Resnick-Ault, and incumbent School Board Vice President Alison Tepper Singer. Resnick-Ault and Dugan were endorsed by the non-partisan Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC). Many other community members, as well as past and current BOE members, have spoken out in support of Singer, whose impressive credentials and volunteer experience won her a seat in her last election.

On Sunday, May 2, the Scarsdale League of Women Voters hosted a Candidate Forum so that voters could hear directly from each candidate. Candidates had one minute and 30 seconds to respond to each question posed by moderator Sheila Miller Berson. You can view the entire forum HERE.

Beginning with opening statements, Resnick-Ault introduced herself as a journalist, union leader, parent, and volunteer. Dugan introduced himself as a lawyer and advocate, the founder of the Coalition for Scarsdale Schools, a volunteer with the Citizen’s Nominating Committee, and the President of the Fox Meadow Overhill Association. In his opening statement, Israel focused on the current Board’s lack of transparency and his qualifications to change Board culture. Finally, Singer highlighted how her experience as BOE Vice President, as a community volunteer, and as an advocate for children with special needs qualify her for reelection.

Ms. Berson began by asking each candidate what they thought Scarsdale’s most pressing issues are. Dugan answered that recovering from COVID and gaining back parent and community trust are the most critical concerns. Israel added that the Board must do more for the youngest and most vulnerable learners and mentioned that while the Board’s new Diversity and Equity Initiative (DEI) is a great step forward, he wants to see a specific action plan put in place. He also highlighted the need to improve Board culture and work on transparency, oversight, and communication. Singer wants to prioritize student and faculty mental health and wellness, distill the positives from the COVID crisis that the district should keep, and refocus on critical board work that was put on the back burner during the pandemic. Resnick-Ault stated that as a reporter, she has spent two decades covering major disasters and her focus would be on conducting a postmortem. She wants to ask questions and learn what Scarsdale did well and poorly during the pandemic. Resnick-Ault also spoke about implementing the DEI policy and unifying the Board and the Administration.

Next, the moderator asked Singer and Dugan how they would allocate a hypothetical $5 million windfall for the school district. Singer advocated for increasing mental health and wellness resources and managing the school’s unassigned fund balance. Because of unanticipated COVID expenditures, the unassigned balance is currently at 3% instead of the ideal 4%, and Singer would use these funds to replenish the fund balance so that the district can access the market with an improved credit rating. Dugan said that he would invest this money to foster educational excellence and focus on our youngest children.

When Dugan was asked what methods he would implement to ensure that he heard from, and engaged with, a wide swath of the community, he answered with a call to reevaluate the Board’s “Speak With One Voice” policy. He stated that the Board needs to do a better job listening to the community and he doesn’t want to refer the community to outside sources or make them wait to speak directly with the Board. Answering the same question, Israel stressed that the current Board does not address concerns from community engagement. While the BOE replies to every email, he claims that these responses are vague and formulaic. Additionally, he complained about the Board’s vote to curtail public comment and called out Singer as the member who put forward this motion and wanted even more stringent reductions to public comment. Singer later responded by claiming that the time restriction was implemented so that the Board would have time to hear from more community members during meetings.

Another question, directed to Singer and Resnick-Ault, asked how the candidates would meaningfully implement the BOE’s new DEI policy. Singer stated that the goal of the policy is “to build and protect an educational ecosystem where all students feel welcomed and accepted… it’s not about censoring any points of view.” She went on to say that it’s about celebrating differences and not tolerating bigotry or hate of any kind. Singer is confident that the school faculty will lead these important conversations. Resnick-Ault said that she has the experience to implement the policy at a curricular and hiring level. She spoke of her hiring practices as a reporter where she looked outside of traditional journalism schools. Resnick-Ault declared that “it wasn’t surprising that we found great candidates in overlooked places… if you want a diverse pool of candidates you need to actively search for it.” She went on to voice her concern that Edgewood School, which has almost 50% Asian students, does not have a single Asian classroom teacher.

Later, the moderator asked candidates what they thought the BOE’s role is in a hypothetical situation where a group of parents is lobbying for a policy change to allow middle schoolers to leave the campus for lunch. Israel answered that communication and safety are the most important things. He asserted that his primary concern is to make sure the parents’ request is “legitimately and openly discussed so they understand the reasoning in the final decision.” Resnick-Ault took a slightly different approach and stated that while the Board represents parents, they must listen to the educators and the safety experts. She highlighted the need to distinguish between what is in the best interest of education and the community versus what a niche group of parents is asking for. The Board must ask the right questions and determine how many people would be impacted by the policy change and evaluate what the negative ramifications might be.

During closing statements, Singer reiterated the idea that BOE members must come in with an “open mind and not an agenda… Board members need to be trusted to carefully and objectively weigh all opinions and facts.” Israel highlighted that he has spoken up throughout the pandemic and then questioned if Singer did enough during her term to improve things for vulnerable children. Dugan emphasized that, along with Resnick-Ault, he was endorsed by the SBNC and that he has spent his life as an advocate and is ready to bring his skills and passion to the Board. Resnick-Ault underscored the need to be prepared for the changing needs of students this upcoming school year and that her credentials as a journalist have prepared her to ask the necessary questions.

Each candidate was fully prepared for the forum and spoke passionately about the issues. Israel was the most outspoken in terms of criticizing the current Board and reiterated that he would be an advocate for parents. Singer did an effective job of explaining the Board’s rationale for certain decisions, and she showcased herself to be a dedicated public servant and advocate of students with special needs. Dugan stressed that his skills as an attorney and volunteer have prepared him to be a Board member who listens to the needs of the community and responds directly. Finally, Resnick-Ault positioned herself as a journalist and investigator who will root out issues and come to common-sense solutions. Each candidate presented his or her strengths during the forum, and it will be up to the Scarsdale Voters on May 18th to select two candidates to serve on the School Board.

DSC03008After a year like no other, Scarsdale High School seniors will enjoy their traditional rites of passage after all! At the Board of Education meeting on Monday night May 10, 2021, Eric Rauschenbach announced that the prom will go on–- this year at Glen Island in New Rochelle rather than inside a tent at the high school.

Only Scarsdale High School Seniors will be permitted to attend the event which will take place in two rooms at Glen Island – one for eating and one for dancing. With capacity for 1,900 people, there will be plenty of room for social distancing. Prom is planned for Thursday night June 3, 2021.

In a more normal end to a very abnormal year, more good news was communicated about graduation. After some uncertainty about what would be permitted, the administration announced that there will be one graduation ceremony for the entire senior class to take place on Butler Field on either Thursday evening June 24 or Friday morning June 25. There will be no tent, so the rain date is necessary. COVID testing and proof of vaccinations will be required with more details to come from the district on the rules for the grads and their guests.

The seniors will also have the chance to perform their Senior Play which will take place on June 11, 12, 13. Each performance of “High School Musical,” will be limited to an audience of 100 attendees.

The lower grades will also celebrate. At Scarsdale Middle School, there will be four graduation ceremonies, one for each of the houses.

Elementary school moving up ceremonies will also be held by class during the school day, with two guests permitted per student. Students will return to class after the ceremony. There will also be field days at the elementary schools, but this year no parents will be in attendance.

And for fifth graders moving up to sixth grade, orientation will be held prior to the start of school. A scavenger hunt will be designed to help the students learn their way around the school.

What’s Next?

Speaking about guidelines, Dr. Hagerman anticipates that as the pandemic eases, the Governor will give up his emergency powers to regulate schools and this power will return to the NYS Board of Regents. In Scarsdale, the Restart Committee, which has governed the schools during the crisis will now go into hiatus. In response to questions about next year, Dr. Hagerman said, “We are anticipating a normal school year, normal schedule, the full gamut of programs, services, clubs and activities – though possibly with masks.” He added, this year we developed our capabilities and can respond to any sudden changes, twists or turns,.”

Rauschenbach added, “My bet is that we will not have a virtual-only option next year.”

What about the plastic desk barriers that were purchased? Dr. Hagerman said, “We made the decision to purchase the barriers to keep our risk mitigation plan in place. Then we got guidance that barriers were not needed.” After surveying teachers, the district found that, “85% of teachers said the barriers were impacting learning in their classrooms…. the feedback was largely negative.” Therefore the district has decided to leave plastic barriers available in cafeterias and instructional spaces for us on a discretionary basis.

Rauschenbach reported that there were only 13 active COVID cases in Scarsdale, and the infection rate is in the single digits, the lowest since November. The positivity rate has a seven day average of 1.1%.

On Thursday May 13, Scarsdale Village Ambulance Corps will provide vaccines for students 16 years of age of older.

Summer Enrichment Program

Administrators provided an update on a summer enrichment program that will be offered for the first time this year. The program is called “SPARK “ an acronym for Summer Project-Based Academic Retreat for Kids.

Classes will be offered at Fox Meadow for students entering grades one, two and three and at Greenacres for those entering grades four and five. To date, 350 students are enrolled in the program which will run from 9 am to 11 am. The district has partnered with the Village to allow the children to be bussed from the academic program to a recreational program, and about half will go to the rec and the other half will be picked up.

The program will be based in project based learning and allow kids to learn through the research and design process. The SPARK program will also be the subject of a class through the Scarsdale Teachers Institute where they will refine teaching practices and assess project based learning based on their activities in the summer program.

Seventy of the students who are enrolled are special needs students. The program staff will include special education teachers, a nurse and aides.

It appears that the students and the district are rapidly bouncing back from a long, arduous and difficult year. All signs point to better times ahead.

votebuttonVoting for the School Board and School Budget will take place on Tuesday May 18 from 7 am to 9 pm at Scarsdale Congregational Church, 1 Heathcote Road, Scarsdale. Here's what you need to know from the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale.

The voting procedures for the Scarsdale School Board Election and School Budget Vote are as follows.

Eligibility to Vote

To be eligible to vote in this election, you must be:

● registered with the Westchester County Board of Elections to vote in the General Elections - OR -
● registered with the Scarsdale Public School District and have voted in a school election within the past four years.

Registration Information

To be qualified to register to vote, you must be:

● at least 18 years of age
● a United States citizen; and
● have continuously resided in the Scarsdale Public School District for a period of at least 30 days immediately preceding the date of the election.

To find out if you are already registered to vote in this election, enter your information on the SUFSD Poll Place Finder/Am I Registered Form.

Two Ways to Register

1. To register with the Westchester County Board of Elections, qualified voters can either:

● complete and submit the online voter registration application with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles - OR -
● download and complete the printed voter registration form which can be submitted in person or by mail to the Westchester County Board of Elections. Note: Mailed registration forms must be received by the County Board of Elections in time to be processed by May 18, 2021, the date of the vote.
● Anyone who submits one of these registration forms (whether electronically, by mail, or in person) is thereby registered to vote with Westchester County and with the school district for all future school elections.

2. To register with the Scarsdale Public School District, qualified voters may personally register (by appointment only during the COVID-19 pandemic) with the office of the District Clerk located at Scarsdale High School, 2 Brewster Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583.

● Contact the District Clerk at (914) 721-2410 or at to schedule an appointment to complete and sign the school district voter registration form in person no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 13, 2021.
● On the date and time of the scheduled appointment, voters are asked to use the Brewster Road entrance of the High School (by the auditorium) and check in with the safety monitor.
● Mask-wearing is mandatory and COVID-19 protocols will be in place.
● Note that voters who register with the school district are thereby registered to vote only in this and future school elections.

Absentee Ballot Information

● Monday, April 19: First day the Clerk can receive applications for absentee ballots.
Absentee ballot application forms are available to download and print. Completed applications may be submitted via email to or by regular mail or in-person to Honore Adams, District Clerk, 2 Brewster Road.
● Note: voters can still apply to vote by absentee ballot using the temporary illness clause if there is a risk of contracting a disease (such as COVID-19).

● Tuesday, May 11: Last day for the Clerk to receive applications for absentee ballots to be mailed to qualified voters.

● Monday, May 17: Last day for the Clerk to receive in-person applications for absentee ballots.

● Tuesday, May 18: Date of School Budget Vote and School Board Election. Last day for the Clerk to receive absentee ballots in person or by mail, by 5 p.m.

Questions regarding the Candidate Forum or the School Budget Vote and School Board Election should be directed to Alissa Baum and Beatrice Sevcik, the LWVS Voter Service Chairs.

For additional information, please visit the Scarsdale Schools Election Information Page or the LWVS School Budget/BOE Voter Information page.

Alissa Baum
Beatrice Sevcik
League of Women Voters Scarsdale, Voter Service

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