Sunday, Mar 09th

Jeffrey Koslowsky Appointed to Miracle League Board

koslowskyJeffrey Koslowsky, of Advocate Brokerage of Scarsdale, has been named to the Board of Directors of Miracle League of Westchester. The Miracle League of Westchester is a league for special needs children and adults that enables them to play baseball at a specially designed adaptive field. The Miracle League of Westchester was founded in 2006.

Miracle League was started in Conyers, Georgia in 1997, and since then Miracle Leagues have been started all over the country. The Westchester League was the first in New York State.

Every child, no matter his or her level of ability, can participate in the Miracle League of Westchester.

Games are non-competitive in nature, with each player batting, running the bases and scoring each inning. Volunteers will be assigned to each individual to assist throughout the game. There are no losers in this game, only winners with the score tied at the end of each game. The focus is more on participation than on winning. The teams will have 12-15 players.

Advocate Brokerage is an insurance agency in Scarsdale, N.Y., serving the needs of drivers and homeowners in the tri-state area, along with 40 other states across the country. It was founded 42 years ago by Rosalyn Binday.

Jeffrey is also Chairman Emeritus and a current member of the Board of Directors of The Greyston Foundation, Assistant Captain of Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Co. #3 and President Emeritus of the Scarsdale Little League.

Mr. Koslowsky’s interest in Miracle League grew out of his role as Scarsdale Little League President. He was brought into the Board by Paul Marino, Esq., a long time board member of Miracle League, and counsel to both the League and Advocate Brokerage.