Sunday, Mar 09th

Classmates Remember Tyler Madoff

madoffturqgirlsattableOn Wednesday December 5  students at Scarsdale High School showed school spirit and paid tribute to a friend. In memory of Tyler Madoff's would-be 16th birthday and favorite color, students and teachers dressed in turquoise. The hallways were flooded with turquoise jeans, shirts, scarves, and backpacks. Students also wore pins and bracelets made in Tyler's memory. The school announced that funds are being collected to raise a flag in his honor on school grounds. Tyler was on the minds of many student and teachers who joined as a community to take a small act in commemorating him.Madoffturqoise4girlsmadoffturquoise2Madoffturquoise3girlsText and photos contributed by SHS sophomore Isabel Kleinmadoffturquoisesuzman