SHS 2016 Academic Awards Recognize Exceptional Students
- Wednesday, 18 May 2016 13:02
- Last Updated: Thursday, 19 May 2016 12:11
- Published: Wednesday, 18 May 2016 13:02
- Hits: 9136
Over 40 Scarsdale High School Students were recognized for their exceptional achievements in the Arts, Mathematics, Science, English, Social Studies, Language, Community Service and more at the 2016 Academic Awards Assembly on May 11 at Scarsdale High School. Principal Bonamo opened the ceremony by congratulating those who won awards. Bonamo explained that the night is always one of the most joyous occasions of the school year. The awards are designed to, "honor those students who have distinguished themselves by demonstrating exemplary achievement in academics", explained Bonamo. The teachers and faculty hope that the award ceremony, "provides tangible recognition of [students'] efforts and achievements". Bonamo also recognized the importance of family support and helpful teachers in contributing to the students' achievements.
Assistant Principal Sue Peppers congratulated all of the students invited to accept awards along with members of the Award Committee who made the selections, the PTA who organized the ceremony, and the Technology and Staging departments for setting up the technical aspects. Bonamo concluded his speech by explaining that in a world plagued with problems like war and global warming, "the world needs people with the skills and confidence to make real changes". Bonamo commended the students, saying, "you are just the leaders we are looking for, and I know you will take the initiative to make our world a better place". The awards were introduced and presented by department heads, community leaders, and faculty members.
Here is the list of those who received awards:
Steve Corbin Academic Success Award – Suzan Morgul
Junior Scholarship/Service Award – Samantha Rothberg
Junior Academic Excellence Award – Keshav Rastogi
Wellesley Book Award – Zoe Ewing
Scarsdale Alumni Eric Rothschild Award – Samuel Goldman
Counseling Department Award – Arthur Noulas
Scarsdale Foundation Award – Charles Musoff
Dartmouth Award – Yarden Wiesenfeld
Principal's Award – Stephanie Strek
Billy Safian Humanitarian Award – Alexis Zachem
Halliday Clark Sr. Memorial Award – Hayley Jaffe
Casey Ferrone Memorial Award – Clare McInerney
Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce Award – Carly Glickenhaus
Rotary Club Award – Benjamin Kulick, Olivia Henkoff
Technical Services Award – Jacob Frishberg
MSG Computer Science Award – Joseph Marques, Gordon Phoon
Michael V. McGill Book Award – Cameron Moser
Yale University Award – Zachary Gelles
Excellence in Visual Art 2D – Ilana Shire
Excellence in Visual Art 3D – Elena Ludwig
Media Award – Tisnue Jean-Baptiste
Friends Permanent Collection Award – Noel Ferraris
Elisa Draper Art History Award – Benjamin Stevens
Brown University Award – Zoe Ewing
Harvard University Award – Chloe Suzman
Princeton University English Excellence Award – Gustaf Ahdritz
Audrey McGinn Creative Writing Award – Annling Wang
Latin Award – Aditi Valada
Spanish Literature Award – Garrett Tanzer
Spanish Award – Nathan Mainster
French Award – Charles Musoff
Mandarin – Mahiro Abe
Departmental Award – Gustaf Ahdritz
Rensselaer Mathematics & Science Award – Dexin Li
Math Faculty Award – Han Xu
Bausch and Lomb Award – Zachary Gelles
Science Achievement Award – Garrett Tanzer
Science Department Award – Charles Musoff
New York Science Supervisors Association Awards
Biology – Gabriel Dolsten
Chemistry – Yarden Wiesenfeld
Physics – Zachary Bernstein
All-Around – Harry Chalfin
Social Studies Excellence Award – Rachel Abbe, Samuel Goldman
Social Studies Faculty Award – Meaghan Donovan
Social Studies Achievement Award – Remi Nakazeki
Band Award – Jonathan Turovsky
Chorus Award – Samuel Rosner
Orchestra Awards – Naoko Nakajima, Alan Yao
Friends of Music and Art Drama Award – Victoria DiSalvo
Sidney R. Case Memorial Scholarship – Jake Staffin