Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Citizens' Non-Partisan Party Presents Candidates for Village Trustee

SCNPLogoThe SCNP presents the qualifications of its candidates for three Village Trustee positions to be voted on in the Village General Election

The Scarsdale Citizens' Non-Partisan Party (SCNP) presents the qualifications of Justin Arest, Lena Crandall and Jane E. Veron, the SCNP's 2018 candidates for three Village Trustee positions. The Village General Election will be held on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.

The SCNP continues a proud Scarsdale tradition, dating back more than 100 years, supporting candidates who have been endorsed by the Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC). The CNC is comprised of a cross section of volunteers representing each of Scarsdale's elementary school districts. This year's slate is comprised of exceptional candidates whose character, experience, spirit of cooperation, dedication to listening and willingness to keep an open mind on the issues facing our Village distinguish them as well qualified to serve as Village Trustees.

As the campaign moves forward, each of our candidates looks forward to hearing from residents about their views and concerns on any and all Village issues, and sharing what they have learned about our unique community through their combined 40 years of active volunteer service. Our candidates hope to earn your vote in the General Village Election on March 20th.

Justin Arestarest

Justin Arest grew up in New Rochelle and met his wife, Allison, a Scarsdale native, nearly 20 years ago in the Golden Horseshoe. When they moved here five years ago, Justin quickly got involved as a volunteer and has proven to be a dedicated and thoughtful community participant on whom many have come to rely for his analytical skills and thoughtful participation.

Justin was appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) in 2014, and his involvement has grown to impact a variety of residents' interests. In addition to the ZBA, he is currently serving on the Ad Hoc Committee on Communications, Freightway Steering Committee, Library Building Committee and Capital Campaign Committee. Justin has also taken a leadership role in the Scarsdale Forum as a member of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Chair of its Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale Committee.

Justin's serious undertakings in town exemplify how younger community members can become deeply involved in civic affairs if they are able and willing to make the effort. Justin's participation has given him a broad understanding of town issues but he also brings a fresh perspective that rounds out the SCNP slate.

Justin is an attorney and manages Arest Associates, LLC, a real estate investment company. He has a BS in Finance and International Business from the Stern School of Business at New York University and a JD from the George Washington University Law School. Justin and Allison have two children, ages 6 and 3.

LenaCrandallCNCLena Crandall

Lena Crandall has been serving our community for over 16 years, starting as a member of the PTA and quickly expanding her participation to include other Village volunteer organizations, where she often assumed leadership roles.

As an active member of the Fox Meadow PTA, Lena led an effort in 2005 to design a new playground which is still in use today. She also researched and fostered the restoration of the Fox Meadow School Nature Park and Outdoor Classroom, a two-and-a-half acre protected wetland located on Brite Avenue.

Lena served as Secretary, President and Co-President of Friends of Scarsdale Parks (FOSP) from May 2007-2012. While concurrently serving on the Conservation Advisory Council (CAC), Lena was the lead author of a report on the South Fox Meadow Brook Stormwater mitigation project. Her work with FOSP and the CAC resulted in the preservation of the woodland between Harcourt Road and Scout Field, among other conservation initiatives.

From 2013-2017, Lena served as Director of Grounds at the Scarsdale Woman's Club. In that capacity, she secured the donation of tree care from a commercial tree care firm to protect the specimens on the Drake Road property. She also established a permanent volunteer grounds committee.

Lena joined the Scarsdale Forum in 2004, served as a Director-at-Large in 2008, as Vice President in 2015-2016 and as President in 2016-2017. She was elected in 2014 to represent Fox Meadow for a three-year term on the Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC) and then served as its Chairperson in 2016-2017.

Lena and her husband Jeffrey moved to Scarsdale in 1991. She practiced law until 1995 and then retired to focus on raising two sons, James and Nicky, now ages 23 and 19. She has a B.A. from Brown University and was awarded a Service to the School Award upon graduation from Hofstra Law School in 1987.

Jane E. Veronjaneveron

Jane Veron, completing her first term as a Scarsdale Village Trustee, embraces all aspects of her role. As a Trustee, she is actively engaged as chair, member, or liaison on a multitude of committees and councils including the Library Board, Personnel, Municipal Services, Land Use, Chamber of Commerce, Scarsdale Seniors, Youth Advisory, Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service, Cable Commission, Parks & Recreation and Conservation. In addition, she initiated and leads the Ad Hoc Committee on Communications.

Jane has also held civic leadership positions as Chair of the Scarsdale Planning Board, President of the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale, Chair of SNAP, President of the Fox Meadow Neighborhood Association, and serves on the Board of the Scarsdale Foundation. In recognition of her sustained and significant impact on the community, she received the Mayor's Award for Exceptional Leadership in 2017.

Jane is CEO and co-Founder of The Acceleration Project (TAP), a nonprofit that provides high-caliber consulting services at an accessible price to small businesses, entrepreneurs, and municipalities. She is also CEO of TAP Growth Advisors, a business consulting and placement firm. Prior to TAP, Jane spent her career in strategy and marketing, working at Bain & Company, American Express, and as an independent consultant. She also has experience in private equity and venture capital as an investor and board member.

Jane earned a BA magna cum laude from Yale University and an MBA with honors from Harvard Business School. She has lived in Scarsdale for 20 years with her husband Andrew and three daughters, two of whom graduated from Scarsdale High School and one attends Scarsdale Middle School.

The General Village Election will take place Tuesday, March 20, 2018. All Election Districts will be voting at the Scarsdale Library, 54 Olmsted Road. Hours of the election are 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and Noon to 9:00 p.m.

Submitted by Jon Mark, Campaign Committee Co-Chair
Phone: 914-472-4053

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