Sunday, Mar 09th

Continuing the Dialogue with Our Community: By Seth Ross, Candidate for Village Trustee

SethRossThis letter was sent to Scarsdale10583 by Seth Ross, Candidate for Village Trustee:

For most of my 23 years in Scarsdale I’ve been an active volunteer and privileged to serve in a number of capacities, from volunteer firefighter to chair of the village Planning Board. Each role in which I’ve served has required relevant substantive knowledge as well as the ability to communicate, to understand the issues and concerns that a situation presented, and to work with and sometimes lead other volunteers in decision making. My experiences and skills as a civic volunteer have served me well in my first term as a trustee on the Village Board.

As a member and then chair, first of the village Zoning Board and then of the Planning Board, I needed an understanding of land use issues, a working knowledge of the legal constraints and requirements that govern a municipal land use board, a familiarity with the Scarsdale community, and an ability to engage with my fellow board members to arrive at appropriate decisions. As chairman, I had to run meetings that were orderly, civilized and on-track and that gave everyone with something to say an opportunity to be heard.

As a long-time board member of the Scarsdale Forum, I had to get a handle on a broad range of issues affecting the community and to organize and supervise the committees I chaired. Just as importantly, I came to understand that Scarsdale is a place where public service and volunteerism truly matter. My experience as a trustee of the Scarsdale Foundation, as chair of the Scarsdale Bowl Committee, and as an active participant in our nonpartisan system as chair of the Procedure Committee and an elected member of the Citizens Nominating Committee all reinforced that understanding.

At times, it feels like my volunteer work is my career, but I have a paying job as well!

As an attorney for over 30 years, I’ve had to advocate, persuade, compromise, draft and review complex documents, oversee the work of others, and generally do whatever is necessary to achieve my clients’ objectives. I’ve developed the ability to analyze issues and to get a handle on complex situations. I’ve learned to develop an approach to a problem and then implement the solution. I’ve had to master the power of persuasion coupled with the ability to compromise, and the discipline to set priorities and to get things done, often within a tight time frame. Most importantly, I’ve been able to work effectively with other people.

This background prepared me well for my responsibilities on the Village Board. All of the outreach, the dialogue, the planning, and the decisions boil down to a single job description: the trustees are here to serve the community. And on our Village Board, unlike many other governing bodies, each trustee represents the interests of all residents across all neighborhoods. That’s why I am so proud to have contributed to the accomplishments of the Village Board over the past two years.

As a trustee, I’m in constant dialogue with local residents – other volunteers, friends and neighbors, people with complaints about things that are happening (or not happening) in the village, people with ideas for improving our local services and facilities and for using our resources more effectively, and people who simply want to have a better understanding of how our village government works. Input from village residents informs everything the board does, and I relish the interactions with the public. In these challenging times, it’s become increasingly important not just to govern well, but to act and communicate in a way that instills confidence in residents.

The next two years will present not only challenges but also tremendous potential and opportunities for progress. The Village Board has begun work on a project that I expect will bring dramatic change to Scarsdale: the redevelopment of the Freightway site. We have a great deal of work to do before this undertaking becomes a reality. I think the thoughtful and creative development of this currently unattractive and under-utilized site in the middle of our downtown will be one of the biggest changes Scarsdale will see in our lifetime.

I’ve enjoyed my service as a trustee, and I believe I still have contributions to make to our village. I hope I have earned your vote for a second term on Tuesday, March 19.