Sunday, Mar 09th

Book Discussion with Mimi Rocah Sponsored by the Safe Coalition

knowmynameThe Scarsdale Safe Coalition: Children, Families, Community and its partners invite you to participate in a community book read about the important, but difficult topic of sexual assault in our society. Know My Name, a memoir by Chanel Miller is an honest and eye-opening chronicle of Miller’s experience being sexually assaulted at a Stamford University fraternity party in 2015 as well as the aftermath and subsequent court case.

A virtual community program to discuss the impacts of sexual violence and resources available to victims, featuring Westchester District Attorney Mimi Rocah, will be held on Wednesday April 21, 2021 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

To join the Zoom webinar please use this link

Sexual violence impacts every community and affects people of all genders, sexual orientations and ages. On average, there are more than 433,000 victims of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States, and individuals between the ages of 12 and 34 account for nearly 70% of victims. While men and boys can be victims of sexual assault, women, girls, and transgender teens are disproportionately affected. While the statistics on sexual violence are staggering, a sad reality is that an unknown number of assaults and rapes go unreported. It is not uncommon for victims to experience embarrassment or shame, blame themselves, or fear the humiliation of using the legal system to obtain justice.

Sexual violence has significant short and long term effects on an individual’s physical and mental health. While treatment and care for victims has improved, communities lack effective educational and prevention measures for young people, in particular for young men. The Safe Coalition however is working to change that. Scarsdale Safe Program Coordinator Lauren Pomerantz, LCSW will be providing suggestions for community members to embrace prevention efforts such as strategies to change social norms, create protective environments and support survivors. “Know my Name and the community program we are offering is being presented to empower victims of sexual violence and to give voice to all those victims we do not know and may never know” said Pomerantz.

DA Rocah has outlined a comprehensive and ambitious vision for the DA’s office based on her 16½ -year career as a federal prosecutor, where she prioritized victim-centered, trauma-informed policies. She will educate the community on the resources available through her office and how victims can come forward.

Miller’s own words from her victim impact statement may however best describe the efforts of Scarsdale’s Safe Coalition. “To girls everywhere, I am with you…I fought every day for you. So never stop fighting. I believe you.”

Know My Name is recommended for adults and teens ages 14 and older. It can be purchased online or at Bronx River Books. For more information, please contact Safe Coalition Coordinator, Lauren Pomerantz, LCSW at or 914-721-2468.

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