Sunday, Mar 09th

Sidewalk Sale Draws Residents to the Village for Fashion, Food and Fun

sidewalkclothesHundreds gathered in and around Scarsdale Village from Wednesday July 28 to Saturday July 31 to celebrate an effort to slowly return to normalcy, shop, and enjoy the beautiful weather.

The annual sidewalk sale kicked off on Wednesday, July 28th from 10 am to 6 pm as the 4 days of shopping began. Right as the sale ended for the day, Orangetheory Fitness hosted a free, 45-minute class led by a professional coach. The class included cardio and bodyweight exercises.

On Thursday, July 29th the Sidewalk Sale continued for the same 10 am-6 pm timeslot. In addition, a 45 minute Pilates class was held in Chase Park, hosted by Club Pilates.

chalking2Chalk the Dale

On Friday, July 30th, day 3 of the Sidewalk Sale rolled on as scheduled. At the end of the day, children and parents of all ages assembled in the village to participate in the popular “Chalk the Dale” activity from 6-8 pm, produced by Scarsdale Youth Business and Advocacy Group. The event is designed to be a fun way for kids of any age to get creative decorating the village in whichever way they’d like, while also raising funds for Feeding Westchester. Each family gave $10 to help the cause.

“We thought it would be really fun for the girls, and we loved the idea that the money was going to Feeding Westchester,” said Danielle Feldman. Everyone was able to chalk in their own areas. “It’s pretty safe and spread out, so I feel good,” said Stefan Feldman.

sidewalkkidsAnna Feldstein, head of Scarsdale Youth Business and Advocacy said, “Chalk the ‘Dale was such a success!! Over 100 people came, and I think families really enjoyed it! We raised $350 which will defray the cost of supplies for SYBA Feeding Westchester food drives!”

At the same time, the “guess the scent” event hosted by Scentfluence took place. Kids and their parents were invited to the Scentfluence Aroma Design Studio to guess scents for prizes, followed by a raffle drawing. Furthermore, everyone helped to make an “original scent of Scarsdale.”

The Westchester Burger food truck was available in the Dine the Dale tent from 5-8 pm, which gave families an easy way to grab a quick meal and then enjoy whichever activity suited them best.

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On Saturday, July 31st, festivities continued in the village, with live music played from 12-4 pm to accompany the final day of the Sidewalk Sale that would continue from its same time of 10 am-6 pm. From 12-1, the White Plains School of Rock took the stage to entertain the crowd, followed by Where is Phi from 1-2:30, and then the Sidewalk Sale All-Stars closed out the music portion of the day until 4 pm.

sidewalkbandsMusic in Chase Park“The live music was a nice touch to finish out the sale,” said Bonnie Loeser. “I really enjoyed it,” she added.

“Moving from [New York City], it’s cool to see events in Scarsdale to bring the community together,” said Robert Horn, who witnessed the Sidewalk Sale for the first time.

Scarsdale Business Alliance Board Member Amy Nadasdi said, "“This year’s sidewalk sale was a huge success. Instead of the typical 3-day event, we extended the sale to 4 days in order to accommodate all the special events that we were hosting. Fortunately, the mostly gorgeous weather allowed for us to hold all our outdoor events. The live music in Chase Park from three of our local bands attracted an especially large crowd on Saturday, adding to a great vibe and a huge sense of community. And on Friday evening, the village was hopping with our youngest residents participating in the popular Chalk the ‘Dale event. Each morning, special events under the tent and in the park highlighted Scarsdale merchants, including Orange Theory, Club Pilates and Scentfluence. With opportunities to gather and eat under the Dine the ‘Dale tent, participate in the various activities each day, and to take advantage of exciting sales, people had more reason than ever to come out and enjoy our village and support our merchants."

SidewalkSaleBandAmySidewalk Sale All Stars Playing on Saturday July 31 in Chase Park

With options for all interests, this was a very successful week of events. The weather cooperated and everyone was able to enjoy a great deal of shopping, live music, and good food.

(Photos by Jack Margolin and Anna Feldstein)

ChalktheDaleThe Scarsdale Youth Business and Advocacy Group with the Westchester County Executive and the Mayor. Pictured here: George Latimer, Jane Veron, Anna Feldstein, Campbell Alin, Julia Kent and Katie Han.