Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Troop 4 and Cub Scout Pack 440 Recruit New Members

DerbyOver 150 students, parents and scouts attended the Scarsdale Troop 4 and Cub Scout Pack 440 Recruiting Event on Sunday, September 18th. Scouts, ranging from the 6th to the 11th grade, ran stations demonstrating how to cook quesadillas outdoors and cycling to power a blender to make delicious and healthy smoothies. The new girls-linked troop held an egg drop experiment to teach younger participants about gravity and engineering. Scouts also helped elementary aged students have a car race with wooden cars, a race known in the scouting world as the Pinewood Derby; scouts assisted students to build small sailboats that they then raced in a regatta. Scouts and adult volunteers also taught students how to light a fire, tie knots, and of course, how to make s’mores. Several elementary and middle school students signed-up on the spot to join Troop 4 and Cub Scout Pack 440; others are joining this week.

Troop 4 will be helping run a station about disabilities awareness at the upcoming Thunderbird Games on October 15th. This annual event is the largest Cub Scout gathering in the Northeast and features over 40 activity stations run by area Scout troops to teach younger Cub Scouts about fitness, outdoor skills and more. Perennial favorites have included the haunted house, climbing course and chariot races (Cubs are the passengers and Scouts pull the chariots and all appear to have a great deal of fun). Troop 4 Scarsdale will also spend multiple weekends outdoors this fall for tent and cabin camping as well as participate in multiple hikes of increasing distance in pursuit of the Hiking Merit Badge.JuliaDelfinaLaiaEggDrop

The scouts will start meeting on a weekly basis on Sundays starting October 2nd. At those meetings, they talk about civics, citizenship, leadership, and diversity, equity and inclusion; they work on Scout skills such as first aid, fitness and outdoor skills and they conclude with a weekly game designed by the scouts.

The next joint Troop 4 and Cub Scout Pack 440 recruiting event is the Pumpkin Carving on October 23rd at 4pm at the Weinberg Nature Center. Bring Your Own Pumpkin, carving tools and markers!


Any sixth to eleventh graders interested in joining Scarsdale’s Troop 4 may contact Scoutmaster Ted Mazza at For the girls-linked Troop, please contact Mayra Kirkendall-Rodríguez, Please visit Troop 4’s website and Facebook page. For Cub Scout Pack 440, please contact Cubmaster Brian Rosenthal,; you may visit Cub Scout Pack 44 at