Sunday, Mar 09th

Resident Loses $17,500 in Grandma Scam, Irate Man Tears Down Hostage Flyers and Suggestive Dancing on East Parkway

HawkPhoto Credit: Jon MarkScam: On Oct. 31, a Horseguard Lane resident reported being scammed out of $17,500 when a person alleging to be the resident’s granddaughter called, stating she had been in a car accident and needed money for legal help. A person alleging to be the granddaughter’s lawyer came to the house and picked up the cash before the resident realized the incident was a scam.

A woman claimed she was “pick-pocketed,” resulting in a stolen wallet worth $900, while dining at a Chase Road restaurant Nov. 3.

On Oct. 31, a caller reported a white male dancing on East Parkway with his pants starting to fall down. He was describes as wearing yellow sweat pants and a ponytail. Patrol made contact with the man. He stated his vehicle broke down en route to an auto dealership to get a new vehicle. He said he was waiting for assistance. He was advised of the public's concerns.

On Nov. 1, a man was reported to be sleeping in a red hatchback parked on East Parkway. The man was on is phone when police arrived. He said his battery was dead. Patrol offered to help jump the battery, but the man refused help.

On Nov. 1, a barefooted man was allegedly acting erratic, pacing back and forth and screaming at customers inside an East Parkway establishment. When police went to the location, the man got up from a corner table and fled to the restroom. The man then fled the establishment, leaving his personal belongings behind. The manager of the establishment said he would place the belongings in the establishment’s “lost and found” area.

On Nov. 4, an East Parkway business owner reported an unknown man had been banging on the business door and window, accusing the owner of having called the police. The owner stated she had been closing the business, and the doors were locked. The owner stated the man left shortly before patrol's arrival. The owner stated that such incidents have become more frequent and requested extra police presence in the area.

On Nov. 2, a Nelson Road woman advised that she was walking her dog on Roosevelt Place when she observed a vehicle driving slowly along side her. She described the vehicle as an old, red, 4-door sedan being driven by a man who was allegedly holding a cell phone light in her direction as he drive by slowly. When she stopped walking, he stopped the vehicle and then reversed in her direction. She became fearful and ran home. She advised that her neighbor, who resides on Roosevelt Place, also saw the vehicle and found it suspicious. The woman requested ridebys of the area.

On Nov. 3, a Fox Meadow woman reported suspicious activity from a man the previous evening, Nov. 2. She alleged a man attempted to follow her home from the train station that night. She said she observed a white man wearing a dark blue hoodie holding a drink concealed by a paper bag in the vestibule above the train tracks. She believes the man followed her onto the 17:24 train to Grand Central. She did not observe the man again until she returned to Scarsdale. When she exited the 23:10 train at Scarsdale, she observed the man on the platform. She walked north up the stairs and entered a vehicle on East Parkway in front of the train station. The man reportedly walked to the sidewalk and stood there as her vehicle left the scene.

Police advised her to contact them if she sees or encounters the man again.

On Nov. 1, a Graham Road homeowner stated that, due to a house fire, she is required to use a generator to power her home while work is being performed. She stated her neighbor continuously complains about the noise and smell of the generator. The homeowner alleged that the neighbor has also called the Village, portrayed herself as the owner of the property and inquired on the use of the generator. The homeowner wished to have these incidents documented.

Kids were reportedly ringing doorbells and running away on Roosevelt Place Nov. 1.

A non-English speaking woman who lived with her family in the Village was provided a courtesy ride to the house after she was found to be walking and lost her way Nov. 2.

Cars and roadways
Police removed a fallen branch from Oxford Road Oct. 30.
The owner of a car with scofflaw status, found parked on East Parkway, returned to move the car before police could have it towed Oct. 30. The owner promised to go to Village Hall to pay the unpaid parking tickets and resolve the scofflaw status.
Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Park Road Oct. 30.
A worker relocated his truck on Barker Lane because it was blocking a fire hydrant Oct. 31.
Police helped a woman find her parked car on Christie Place Oct. 31.
On Nov. 2, police found an unlocked BMW with its lights on parked in a Crossway driveway.
An “aggressive” driver was reported in a parking lot belonging to a Greenacres Avenue church Nov. 2.
Police stood by for safety and traffic control while a driver changed a flat tire on Post Road Nov. 2.
On Nov. 2, a Cooper Road resident’s car alarm went off, and the resident went outside and found his trunk open. Nothing was reported missing.
Police helped a driver jumpstart his car on East Parkway Nov. 2.
On Nov. 4, police issued a 45-year-old Port Chester man a summons for driving with a suspended registration following a traffic stop on Mamaroneck Road.

Three car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

Village code
Police removed illegally posted signs on Post Road, Boulevard and Weaver Street Nov. 1, from Crossway Nov. 3, from Weaver Street and East Parkway Nov. 4, and from East Parkway Nov. 5.

On Nov. 2, an allegedly “irate” man was reported to be tearing down flyers of the Israeli hostages posted on poles on East Parkway. He told police he was removing signs because they were illegally posted. Police advised him to notify authorities and refrain from taking matters into his own hands, as it was causing conflict with other members of the public.

Police advised a Garth Road restaurant that neighbors were complaining of noise and said they could not sleep Nov. 3. Music was turned off.

Lost and found
An ID was left at police headquarters Nov. 1.

On Oct. 31, students at the Alternative School were performing an experiment heating candy in a test tube. The candy caught fire in the test tube and the hood vent shut down. The fire extinguished itself, and smoke resulting from the fire set off the fire alarm. The building was unoccupied at the time because students and staff had evacuated.
On Oct. 31, firefighters assisted Fairview fire department with a structure fire in its jurisdiction.
On Nov. 1, firefighters assisted at a car accident at Post Road and Boulevard. One driver was taken to the hospital with injuries. Both cars were towed from the scene.
Firefighters helped an Edgewood Road resident get back in the house after being accidentally locked out.
An overheated boiler started smoking in a Brewster Road house Nov. 1. Carbon monoxide was released. Firefighters shut off the boiler and ventilated until air quality was determined to be safe.
A contractor using a compressor to blow out the pipes of a lawn sprinkler system caused carbon monoxide to enter a Tompkins Road building Nov. 2. Firefighters ventilated the space.
On Nov. 2, firefighters assisted water department personnel with a water main break in a work trench on Sheldrake Road.
On Nov. 3, firefighters helped paramedics move a patient on Saxon Woods Road.
On Nov. 5, firefighters helped turn off water from a broken pipe on Graham Road. The broken pipe was reported by a neighbor who said the flowing water was flooding his property.
On Nov. 5, firefighters helped a Graham Road resident with leaking washing machine.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 30 – Nov. 5 has been compiled from official information.

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